Syria: Evangelism in a War Zone

Syria: Evangelism in a War Zone

More than 200,000 Syrians have lost their lives, and another 11 million have been displaced by the four-plus years of armed conflict. About a quarter of those killed have been Christians, according to Paul, a ministry leader and VOM partner in Syria. Prior to this atrocious war and uprising, there were about three million Christians living within the country; now nearly half of them have left and, of those still remaining, most are wanting to leave so they can rebuild their lives elsewhere. However, not all is lost. As you will discover, there are dedicated believers like the ministry workers featured in this report who are compelled to help their fellow Syrians, even if it means risking their own lives. VOM Canada's Greg Musselman reports from Beirut, Lebanon.

Length 15:48
From The Voice of the Martyrs Canada