Sixteen Christians belonging to the Kogui indigenous people group in Colombia are being held captive on their reserve in an attempt to force them to renounce Christianity. The group of believers, which includes men, women and three babies, was captured during a meeting called by the Kogui governor. Community leaders shouted abuses at the believers through the night. They were later taken to a remote area of the reserve and told they would not be freed until they renounced their faith in Christ. At last report, two of the kidnapped infants were seriously ill. The governor and his allies also humiliated non-Christian leaders who had supported the Christians in the community and protected them from being expelled. The governor reportedly intends to capture remaining Christians and force them to renounce their faith. (Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide)
Pray for the release of these believers. Pray that their captors will see the love of Christ, repent and come to trust in Jesus. Pray for other Christian members of the Kogui community under fire in Colombia.
To learn more about Colombian believers suffering for Christ, visit the Colombia Country Report.