Canada: God and Government

Canada: God and Government

An Alberta pastor was recently arrested for conducting church services at full capacity and not adhering to the provincial health code. Many supporters of Pastor James Coates of GraceLife Church near Edmonton believe this was a violation of his of rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Some have even said he was being persecuted for his Christian faith.

Christian lawyer Don Hutchinson joins host Greg Musselman to discuss an issue that has brought confusion and even division in the church in Canada and asks the question is this persecution?

Don is a long-time member of Canada’s Christian Legal Fellowship. He is member of the Law Society of Ontario. Don served for several years as Chief Legal counsel for The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. He is the author of Under Siege: Religious Freedom and the Church in Canada at 150 (1867-2017), and his most recent book Church in Society: First-Century Citizenship Lessons for Twenty-First-Century Christians. Don has appeared on many television and radio programs, in addition to writing opinion editorials for a variety of publications, both Christian and secular.

Date: March 19, 2021
Length: 39:00
Source: The Voice of the Martyrs