India: Defending Christians Against False Charges of Forcible Conversions

India: Defending Christians Against False Charges of Forcible Conversions

An increasing number of states in India have implemented anti-conversion laws, supposedly in an effort to stop Hindus from being forcibly converted to other religions. In reality, however, these laws are often used as an excuse to harass, arrest, imprison, and intimidate Christians who distribute aid among their communities or hold private church meetings. Additionally, these laws do not seem to protect Christian converts from being coerced to return to Hinduism.

Often, persecuted followers of Jesus in India do not have the financial means to hire lawyers who can help defend them against false charges. As a result, Ramchand Saranu – a trusted ministry partner of VOMC and long-time Christian leader in central India – founded the Sui Juris Law Firm in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, with the help of Sushil George. In this episode of the Closer to the Fire podcast, Ramchand and Sushil join host Greg Musselman to discuss how they are advocating for believers being targeted for their faith under the country’s oppressive anti-conversion legislation. While sharing about past and current cases of persecution, they also explain how these laws are impacting the church in India.

Date: April 13, 2023
Length:52 minutes

Episode Notes

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