Husband Captured While Fleeing for Canada

A Christian pharmacist, Boulos Farid Rezek-Allah Awad, was apprehended for the second time on November 25 while trying to flee Egypt for Canada. He is trying to join his wife, a convert from Islam, who has recently managed to leave Egypt. The Egyptian border police detained him at the Libyan border for 12 hours then released him, but he was told that he has been blacklisted and will never be allowed to leave the country. According to a December 5 report by Compass Direct, one policeman vowed, "I'll bring her [your wife] back and cut her into pieces in front of you." There has even been a threat to have him charged with her murder to force her back to the country as evidence of his innocence.

He was previously stopped from leaving Egypt in September but was stopped at the airport as he prepared to leave for Canada (click here for details). Having faced torture, intense interrogations, false drug charges and ongoing pressure to reveal the whereabouts of his wife, he is struggling with depression and has lost 20 kg over the last nine months. His Canadian immigration visa expires in early April 2004.

Pray that he will be allowed to leave Egypt and join his wife. Pray that he will be able to overcome the depression and regain his health. Pray for both Rezek-Allah and his wife, Enas, as they face months apart and uncertainty about their future

We also urge you to write, telephone, or email to your federal government officials and to Egyptian embassies on behalf of Boulos Farid Rezek-Allah Awad (links may be found at In Canada, you can write to:

Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt
H.E. Dr. Sallama Mahmoud Shaker, Ambassador
454 Laurier Ave. E.
Ottawa, ON K1N 6R3
Phone: 613-234-4931/234-4935
FAX: 613-234-9347/234-4398
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Country Information

    109,546,720 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Egyptian (99.7), other (0.3)

    Religion (%)
    Islam (90), Christianity (10)

    President Abdelfattah Said El-Sisi (2014)

    Government type
    Presidential republic

    Legal system
    Mixed legal system based on Napoleonic civil and penal law, Islamic religious law, and vestiges of colonial-era laws

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Egypt

    Pray on behalf of those who are facing economic and social challenges because of their Christian faith. Ask the Lord to provide for their spiritual and practical needs – further strengthening and emboldening them so they can effectively share the message of the Gospel with others in their communities. May the hearts of those who hear it be open and receptive to the wonderful truths contained in God’s Word.

Egypt News

  • Temporary Church Building Burned
    Two images of a room full of chairs. In the first, the chairs are neatly arranged. In the second, the chairs and interior of the building are burned.
    The temporary church building before and after the arson attack.
    Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide

    Local Christians in the village of Misha'at Zaafaranah, located within Egypt's Minya Province, are working to get approval to build a place of worship. The required documents have been submitted to the authorities and, for the meantime, the group of believers were meeting in a temporary structure on the land belonging to the church.

  • Attack on Church Building Site
    Multiple crosses sit atop of a church roof.
    A Coptic church in Egypt.
    Photo: Flickr / Mark Fischer (cc)

    Since 2016, the government of Egypt has been slowly approving the registration of more than 3,700 church buildings that were operating without the required licencing. These buildings were established before 2016, during a time when permits were virtually impossible to get. Although the licencing process now being administered has been long and tedious, thankfully progress is eventually taking place.

  • An Additional 216 Church Buildings Legalized
    Saint Mark Church in Helipolis
    A church in Egypt.
    Photo: Flickr / Andrew A. Shenouda (cc)

    Seven years ago, the Egyptian government formed a committee to work through applications to legalize unlicensed church buildings. When the committee was first formed, there were 3,730 outstanding applications. Though the process has been exceedingly slow, thankfully that number has been gradually decreasing. To review previously posted reports on this situation, go to our country report.