Egypt: Convert, Formerly Known as Mohammed Hegazy, Sentenced to Five Years in Prison

Egypt: Convert, Formerly Known as Mohammed Hegazy, Sentenced to Five Years in Prison

A judge in Egypt sentenced Bishoy Armia Boulous (formerly Mohammed Hegazy), the first Egyptian to try legally changing his religious identity on his official ID, to five years in prison. The 31-year-old Christian received the prison term and a fine of 500 Egyptian pounds ($75 Canadian) for what the judge called "disturbing the peace by broadcasting false information" after documenting political unrest in Egypt brought on by numerous Muslim militant attacks on Christians, his attorney Wagdy Halfa announced. Halfa added that the real reason Boulous was charged and sentenced was because he abandoned Islam and became a Christian. In 2009, Greg Musselman of VOM Canada interviewed Bishoy (Mohammed) in Cairo when he was in hiding.

June 23, 2014
Length: 5:41
The Voice of the Martyrs Canada