

  • Christian Girl Abducted, Raped and Tortured

    Pray for Pakistani women as their struggles increase.

    A 14-year-old Pakistani Christian girl by the name of Asiya Masih was innocently picking flowers outdoors when two Muslim men kidnapped her on the 11th of November. The two men, Mohammad Javed and Mohammad Mumtaz, whisked the girl away to a secret location where she was forced to sign a document stating that she had converted to Islam. They also raped and tortured her during the 11 days of captivity.

    When the girl's father, Francis Masih, discovered that these men had abducted his daughter, he issued a complaint at the local police station but, unfortunately, the officers did not cooperate with him. Afterwards, the abductors contacted Francis personally, threatening that if he was to contact the police, they would kill young Asiya. They also proposed that if he wanted his daughter back alive, then he would have to give them a written document promising that he will not take any police action.

    Although the young teen was eventually rescued by her father, with the help of an influential Christian businessman, local imams are stating that she is now "legally" a Muslim and, therefore, cannot live her life any longer as a Christian. In fact, one imam is now threatening to burn Christian homes if the young girl does not follow Islamic practices. Check the Pakistan Country Report for an historical overview of Pakistan and its stance on Christianity. While there, you will discover other information and video reports provided by VOM Canada.

    First of all, please pray that the Lord will provide complete physical, emotional and spiritual healing to distressed Asiya. May He also grant her and her family justice in this very heart-breaking situation. In addition, ask that His protection to be extended to all of the defenceless girls and women in Pakistan, and that the perpetrators behind these harmful acts will realize the seriousness of their actions against God's people and thus repent of their sins.

  • Dedicated Christian Worker Shot

    Birgitta Almeby

    It has just been confirmed by our VOM contacts that Birgitta Almeby, Area Director of Full Gospel Assemblies in Lahore, Pakistan, is in critical condition after two unidentified gunmen riding a motorcycle opened fire when she arrived home from the office on December 3rd. Although the doctors were able to remove the bullet from her chest, the shooting caused considerable damage to the 70-year-old woman's lungs and jugular vein. "We have kept her in the Intensive Care Unit, where her situation is precarious because of the excessive bleeding," announced Dr. Ali Usman of Jinnah Hospital.

    For 38 years, Birgitta has faithfully served in Pakistan, where her unwavering dedication and commitment are appreciated by the believers of the Lahore community. While police officers are presently investigating the source of attack from all angles, it's possible that the shooting was carried out by Islamist extremists who are increasingly targeting Christians in Pakistan. For more information on the challenges facing Christians in this country, please go to the Pakistan Country Report.

    May our Almighty God miraculously intervene, not only sparing Birgitta's life, but also ministering complete healing to the areas wounded by the attack. Please also pray that He will bring much needed peace and encouragement to her family and fellow Christian workers, as well as to all those in the community she so lovingly served. In fact, through this circumstance, may these believers increase in their effectiveness of reaching those who are spiritually lost (including the gunmen) by demonstrating His heart of concern for their present eternal destiny.

    Additional note: Many of our struggling fellow believers in Pakistan will be the recipients of VOM Canada's "Christmas Blessing" packages throughout the Christmas season. Thank you for participating with us by sharing the love of Jesus in this most practical and helpful way!

  • Update: Blasphemy charges against teenager dropped

    The Islamabad neighbourhood where Rimsha Masih
    and her familiy lived until the girl's arrest in August.
    Photo: Open Doors News

    The charges against Rimsha Masih, a teenager accused of blasphemy in Pakistan, were dropped on November 20th due to lack of witnesses. Rimsha, who was accused of burning sacred Islamic texts, spent three weeks in an adult prison before being released on bail in September (for more information, click here).

    While the charges have been dropped, concern remains for Rimsha's safety. She and her family have been living at an undisclosed location since her bail release.

    Thank the Lord for Rimsha's release! Pray that He will comfort and encourage her and her family. Pray for their safety and protection. Pray that other Pakistani believers will be emboldened to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with their neighbours, despite possible risk.

    Go to the Pakistan Country Report to learn more about Pakistan's persecuted Church.

  • Update: Pakistanis accused of blasphemy fight for freedom

    Shahbaz Bhatti, who was assassinated, speaks at a
    press conference with Younis Masih’s wife, Meena.
    Photo: All Pakistan Minorities Alliance

    While Pakistani believer Younis Masih awaits word on his appeal against the death sentence he received for blasphemy, Pakistani teenager Rimsha Masih is scheduled to return to court to face blasphemy charges.

    Younis, a husband and father of four, has been imprisoned for the past seven years on a false charge of blasphemy (for more, click here). His family has been forced to flee their home, and Younis has been attacked by other inmates while in prison. His lawyer survived an apparent attempt on his life and has also been threatened.

    Rimsha, who has also been unjustly accused of blasphemy, will soon be returning to court in Islamabad (for more, click here), and her lawyers are pushing to have the case dismissed.

    Please pray that Younis and Rimsha will both be freed and returned safely to their families. Please pray that their lawyers will be protected and will persevere despite personal danger. Praise God for these faithful believers and pray that He will use them to draw others into relationship with His Son.

    For more on the persecution of Pakistani Christians, go to the Pakistan Country Report.

  • Christian woman abducted, forcibly converted

    Please pray for the safety of Christian women in Pakistan.

    Shumaila Bibi, 24, is just one among hundreds of Christian women and girls in Pakistan to be kidnapped and tortured into converting to Islam over the past several years. On September 24, Shumaila was on her way home from work when her kidnapper, Muhammad Javaid Iqbal, 26, forced her to go with him. Shumaila had previously shunned Muhammad's advances and his marriage proposal.

    The next day, Muhammad and his relatives took Shumaila at gunpoint to a lawyer where she was told to sign statements declaring she had converted to Islam and had married Muhammad. When she refused, she was drugged. While she was unconscious, the lawyer used Shumaila's thumb prints on the documents.

    For days afterwards, Shumaila was sexually abused, harassed, and forced to study the Qur'an and the precepts of Islam. She was eventually able to escape on October 5 and return to her parents' home. Muhammad then told police that Shumaila had been kidnapped by her parents, and officials upheld his complaint because of the marriage and conversion documents. Shumaila's father, Mansha Masih, 68, now risks imprisonment for his daughter's "abduction." The National Commission for Justice and Peace has taken up his defence.

    Ask God to bring about justice for Shumaila and her father. Pray for the safety and protection of all Christian women and girls in Pakistan who risk being kidnapped and tortured for their beliefs. Pray that God will encourage, strengthen, and deliver those being held against their will. Pray that Muhammad and his family members will come to know Jesus Christ.

    For more on the plight of Pakistani Christians, go to the Pakistan Country Report.

  • Update: Blasphemy allegations continue

    Muslims protest after hearing that Asia Bibi,
    another Christian woman accused of blasphemy,
    might be granted clemency. She was not.

    The High Court in Islamabad has delayed the trial of Rimsha Masih, a mentally challenged Christian girl charged with blasphemy, while another young follower of Christ has been accused of the same offense.

    The Court will take until November 14 to decide if the case against Rimsha will be dismissed. Three witnesses who had earlier testified that the mosque leader, Khalid Jadoon Chishti, had planted fabricated evidence on Rimsha have since recanted (for more, click here). The Muslim leader is now free on bail, and prosecutors have reportedly said they will not try him on blasphemy charges.

    In Karachi, a16-year-old Christian boy and his family are in hiding following accusations the young man sent text messages denigrating the Prophet Muhammad. Protesters broke into the family's house and burned all their furniture and appliances. Ryan Stanten has been charged under the blasphemy law, although it has been reported the boy's friends are responsible for sending the messages.

    Please pray that the case against Rimsha will be dropped. Pray this case will discourage others from making false accusations. Please pray for the safety and strength of Ryan and his family. Please pray for a mighty flood of justice in Pakistan (Amos 5:24).

    For more on Pakistan's suffering Church, please visit the Pakistan Country Report.

  • Update: Setback in teen's blasphemy case

    The court case for Rimsha Masih, a Pakistani Christian teen accused of blasphemy, has been postponed until October 17 (for more information on the accusations, click here).

    Meanwhile, the case has taken an unexpected turn as three witnesses whose testimony could absolve Rimsha have changed their statements. The three had earlier testified that the mosque leader, Khalid Jadoon Chishti, had planted fabricated evidence on Rimsha. However, they have since claimed they made the accusations under police pressure.

    Please pray that Rimsha and her family will rest in the Lord who works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed (Psalm 103:6). Ask the Lord to grant wisdom to those defending her. Pray this case will result in positive changes to the legal system in Pakistan. Pray that Christians in Pakistan will not give into fear, but will look to the Lord for their strength.

    For more on Pakistan's suffering Church, please visit the Pakistan Country Report.

  • Militants burn church building

    The burned exterior of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
    Photo: VOM USA

    On September 21, a mob of several thousand militant Muslims attacked St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Mardan City, Pakistan. The attackers, armed with rifles and kerosene, overwhelmed security guards and broke into the church. They destroyed Bibles and prayer books, desecrated the altar, and set fire to the church building and several surrounding homes and buildings. The mob was returning from a protest against the YouTube film, "Innocence of Muslims."

    The attack on the 82-year-old church building lasted for five hours. The church staff was able to flee, but those who lived on the campus lost all of their possessions. The attackers spray-painted the words "God is great," "Oh God help us," and "Love our prophet" on the church steeple.

    The day after the attack, church members and other local Christians gathered in front of the burned buildings to express their disappointment at the local government for failing to protect their church. On Sunday, September 23, more than 1,000 people -- many more than the church's usual congregation of 300 -- attended a prayer meeting at the church site.

    Pray for the protection of Christian communities in Pakistan and in other nations where protests are continuing. Praise the Lord for the faithfulness of the many believers who gathered together to worship Him. Pray that their conduct will act as a witness for Him.

    For more information on Pakistan's persecuted Church, please visit the Pakistan Country Report.

  • Update: Teenager's case goes to juvenile court

    Rimsha, accused of desecrating the Qur’an,
    faces her next court hearing soon.
    Photo: Al Jazeera Commons

    Rimsha Masih, 14, a Pakistani teenager who was accused of desecrating the Qur'an, faces her next hearing at a juvenile court on October 1.

    Rimsha has a mental age younger than 14 years old, and some reports indicate that she has Down Syndrome. Accused of desecrating the Qur'an in August, Rimsha was released on bail earlier this month. Her accuser has since been arrested himself for blasphemy after a witness claimed he planted burned pages of the Qur'an to implicate Rimsha (for more on Rimsha's case, click here).

    Please pray that God will grant wisdom to Rimsha and all those involved in her case. Pray that she will be acquitted of the charges. Pray that this ordeal will draw Rimsha and her family members closer into relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray that God will comfort Rimsha and others like her in Pakistan who have been falsely accused of blasphemy.

    For more information about persecution in Pakistan, please visit the Pakistan Country Report.

  • Update: Continue to pray for persecuted family

    Walter and Gladys' wedding photo

    A Christian man in Pakistan who faced charges of blasphemy has requested prayer as he and his family members continue to face threats and opposition.

    In May 2007, Walter Fazal Khan, who is in his 80s, was arrested after one of his servants accused him of burning pages of the Qur'an (for more, click here). An angry mob also attacked his home and Walter's wife, Gladys, was threatened with death unless she converted to Islam. She passed away the following month.

    Although Walter was released on bail shortly after his arrest, his family continues to face persecution and threats. They have lost their home and are forced to conceal their whereabouts.

    Please continue to pray for Walter and his family. Pray that they will remain steadfast in the Lord and that He will give them the strength they require (Philippians 4:13). Pray that God will blind the eyes of those who wish to harm them. Pray for other Christians in Pakistan who are facing opposition and false charges because of their faith.

    For more on the opposition the Church faces in Pakistan, please visit the Pakistan Country Report.