Recently, 11 female evangelists from the southern states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh travelled from Hyderabad (the capital of Telangana state) to Bhagwanpur (a town located within the northeastern state of Bihar) in order to spread the "Good News" of the Gospel in villages surrounding the area.
In one of the villages, the Christian women entered a school and, with permission from the principal, distributed books and New Testament Bibles to the children. However, as the believers left, they were stopped by some local Hindus who were opposed to the women's message and questioned their motives.
The Hindu villagers called the police, who then detained the evangelists, along with seven local Christians. After questioning the believers, the police concluded that the women had done nothing wrong and therefore were prepared to release them. However, a local member of the state legislature intervened and threatened to organize major protests if the women were released. The politician also contacted local media outlets and spread false reports about the Christians, which were published in newspapers and social media posts. After facing personal threats, the principal was forced to lodge a complaint against the women for unlawfully converting the school children.
False accusations of coercive conversions continue to take place throughout many areas of India, often spurred on by anti-conversion legislation in many states. Additional information on the persecution of Christians in India is available at our country report.
Pray that the truth will prevail in the case against these Christian witnesses, enabling them to be released from police custody and freely resume their ministry activities. May these faithful servants of Jesus not grow despondent as a result of the hostility they're facing, but rather may they depend more fervently on His strength and help during this time of trial. Ask the Lord to provide each of them ongoing peace, comfort and encouragement through the abiding presence of His Holy Spirit. In spite of the spiritual oppression, pray that churches throughout India will continue to spread the "Good News" of the Gospel to children and their families.