Photo: Article18
Anooshavan Avedian is an Iranian‑Armenian Christian leader who was arrested for promoting "propaganda contrary to and disturbing to the holy religion of Islam" through the house church he operated in his home. He was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment, along with an additional ten years of "deprivation of social rights." While two Christian converts, Abbas Soori and Maryam Mohammadi, were also sentenced with the same ten‑year deprivation term, they were spared the prison time. See this report for more details.
During an appeal session that took place in May, there were no changes made to Anooshavan's punishment. However, the deprivation term was removed from the sentences of Abbas and Maryam and replaced with a fine of six million tomans each (the equivalent of about $180 CAD). Following the appeal hearings, the three Christians petitioned Iran's Supreme Court for a retrial. However, on August 2nd, the court rejected their requests without comment.
Pray for each of these charged Christians as they face the disappointment of being denied a retrial, in addition to the injustice of their sentences. Ask God to sustain Anooshavan as he serves time in prison, mediating on his behalf, along with the numerous other Christians who are currently being detained in prisons across the country on false charges. May the Iranian government make systemic changes both politically and judicially to ensure freedom of religion is granted to all citizens. Continue to prayerfully uphold the many believers throughout Iran who are faithfully reaching out with the love of Christ to their non-Christian neighbours and friends.