The charred shell of the parish priest's car UCAN Photo
Approximately 200 suspected Buddhists armed with weapons stormed the Our Lady Rosa Mystica Church building in Croos Watta, Sri Lanka on December 6. The assailants destroyed construction materials and the interior of the building. They also attempted to attack the priest. He was able to escape the scene unharmed, but his vehicle was torched in the violence. As word spread of the attack, approximately 500 local believers blocked the nearby main road in protest, demanding that police arrest the culprits. At last report, one arrest had been made. Local Christians believe the attack was due to the growing number of believers in the area and the recent resumption of a construction project to expand the church. Last year, the Supreme Court overturned a police decision to ban the construction. The church has been attacked twice in recent years by suspected Buddhist militants -- once in 2006 and again in 2007. (Source: Union of Catholic Asian News)
Thank the Lord that no one was injured in the attack. Pray that these church members will exemplify the love of God through consistent love and prayer for those who persecute them (Matthew 5:43-48).
For more information about the suffering of God's children in Sri Lanka, go to the Sri Lanka Country Report.
VOMC supports persecuted Christians in Sri Lanka as they witness for Christ in hostile environments through Biblical training, legal aid, and advocacy, as well as rehabilitation and emergency assistance.
Ethnicity (%) Sinhalese (74.9), Sri Lankan Tamil (11.2), Sri Lankan Moors (9.2), Indian Tamil (4.2), other (0.5)
Religion (%) Buddhism (70.2), Hinduism (12.6), Islam (9.7), Roman Catholic (6.1), Evangelical Christianity (2.0)
Leader President Anura Kumara Dissanayake (Sept 2024)
Government type Presidential republic
Legal system Mixed legal system of Roman-Dutch civil law, English common law, and Jaffna Tamil customary law
Source: CIA World Factbook
Pray for Sri Lanka
Let's unite our hearts in prayer for those in Sri Lanka who are being persecuted for their faith, thanking God for what He is accomplishing despite the opposition. Ask that His people will be encouraged, strengthened and equipped by the promises of the Bible – the Sword of the Spirit – knowing that He is watching over His Word to perform it (Ephesians 6:17; Jeremiah 1:12). May they not only overcome the strategies of the enemy, but also serve as effective witnesses to those in need of eternal salvation and deliverance from spiritual captivity.
In July, a complaint against the Jesus Jeewamanai Revival Church in Polgahawela was issued by some villagers and Buddhist leaders who opposed the worship services that were taking place at the pastor's home. In response, police requested that the church restrict the number of people attending the gatherings, particularly by limiting participants who were visiting from outside of the community, until guidance was received from the authorities on how to handle the situation. For more information about this incident, go to this report.
A group of Christians praying together. Photo: VOMC
The Jesus Jeewamanai Revival Church in the town of Polgahawela has been the target of attacks perpetrated by disgruntled members of the community who oppose their place of worship. On July 7th and 11th, stones were thrown at the church building. Then, on July 14th, before the Christians' Sunday services were scheduled to begin, villagers blocked the road leading to the building in order to prevent the congregants and their pastor from accessing the facility.
On June 13th, the pastor of God's Kingdom Gospel Church in Kandapola, Sri Lanka, was constructing a house church building, together with the support of other pastors and church leaders, when he was approached by a junior manager. The pastor was questioned by the manager as to whether or not the Christians had permission to build a church.
Pastors from the Foursquare Church recently gathered at their denominational campground in the Puttalam District of Sri Lanka for an annual convention. At around 1 a.m. on January 25th, a group of unidentified individuals entered the camp and began vandalizing the property.