Sri Lankan church attacked

Sri Lankan church attacked

On November 5th a mob of about 200 persons surrounded the Jesus Never Fails Good News Centre in Koswatta, Sri Lanka at approximately 12:45 in the afternoon and hurled stones at the building, damaging the building exterior, windows and air conditioning units and the gate. They shouted threats to kill the pastor, accusing him of unethical conversions and demanding he stops conducting healing services. A large protest march led by members of the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) including some of their party M.P. monks preceded the violent attack. The protest and the attack were a reaction to the death of two women who were brought to an open air healing service conducted by the pastor of the church on the 31st of October 2009, at the Vihara Mahadevi Park in Colombo. A spokesman for the church said the women came of their own free will, seeking divine healing and they died on admission to hospital and not at the healing service. Police were called in to stop the attack but were unable to prevent damage to the building. No arrests have been made so far.

December 22, 2009
Length: 4:58