Church Services Restricted to Pastor's Family

Church Services Restricted to Pastor's Family

A woman is raising her hands in worship.
Photo: VOMC 

In July, a complaint against the Jesus Jeewamanai Revival Church in Polgahawela was issued by some villagers and Buddhist leaders who opposed the worship services that were taking place at the pastor's home. In response, police requested that the church restrict the number of people attending the gatherings, particularly by limiting participants who were visiting from outside of the community, until guidance was received from the authorities on how to handle the situation. For more information about this incident, go to this report.

On August 16th, the local Divisional Secretary received a letter from the Department of Christian Religious Affairs. The correspondence stated that the department does not register clergy or churches, nor does it have the legal authority to deal with such situations. The letter further advised that any action relating to such concerns from the community would need to be addressed based on local laws pertaining to public nuisance.

One week later, on August 23rd, the church's pastor received a letter from the local Divisional Secretary. This letter stated that, according to the previously made agreement on July 15th, worshippers must be limited to include only the immediate members of the pastor's family. The pastor denies that any such agreement was reached, stating that he only consented to reduce the number of outside visitors. The Divisional Secretary's letter further twisted the statement received from the Department of Christian Religious Affairs by claiming that the pastor had not been granted permission to hold worship services. It concluded with a statement that any further action would be determined by the Department of Buddhist Affairs, and that in the interim the pastor is not permitted to gather for worship with anyone except those residing within his home.

While Christians in Sri Lanka are generally free to worship, local authorities frequently succumb to opposition from those opposed to Christianity, particularly when instigated by Buddhist religious leaders. For further details addressing the challenges experienced by followers of Jesus in this South Asian island nation, see our country report.

Please pray for wisdom on behalf of this pastor as he navigates how to best deal with the ongoing conflict caused by those who have rallied against his church. Also prayerfully uphold the other affected believers of this village who are now unable to meet together, asking God to minister greatly needed encouragement to each one of them and provide a way for their spiritual needs to be met. Continue to remember the many other Christians throughout the country – particularly those residing in rural areas – who are frequently subjected to hostility from local Buddhist leaders and other opposing community members.

  • Current Ministry Projects

    VOMC supports persecuted Christians in Sri Lanka as they witness for Christ in hostile environments through Biblical training, legal aid, and advocacy, as well as rehabilitation and emergency assistance.

    Project Funds: Equipping the Saints, Legal Defence, Relief & Development, Families of Martyrs

  • Country Information

    23,326,272 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Sinhalese (74.9), Sri Lankan Tamil (11.2), Sri Lankan Moors (9.2), Indian Tamil (4.2), other (0.5)

    Religion (%)
    Buddhism (70.2), Hinduism (12.6), Islam (9.7), Roman Catholic (6.1), Evangelical Christianity (2.0)

    President Anura Kumara Dissanayake (Sept 2024)

    Government type
    Presidential republic

    Legal system
    Mixed legal system of Roman-Dutch civil law, English common law, and Jaffna Tamil customary law

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Sri Lanka

    Let's unite our hearts in prayer for those in Sri Lanka who are being persecuted for their faith, thanking God for what He is accomplishing despite the opposition. Ask that His people will be encouraged, strengthened and equipped by the promises of the Bible – the Sword of the Spirit – knowing that He is watching over His Word to perform it (Ephesians 6:17; Jeremiah 1:12). May they not only overcome the strategies of the enemy, but also serve as effective witnesses to those in need of eternal salvation and deliverance from spiritual captivity.

Sri Lanka News