On August 4th, a student from the Evangelism Training College was leading a worship service at a home in the village of Mahiyanganaya. As the meeting concluded, a group of opposing villagers led by three Buddhist monks stood outside, demanding to speak with him. After questioning the worship leader about his religious activities, they began to physically assault him, demanding that he leave the village immediately. As a result, the young man suffered injuries to his head, stomach and spine.
To escape the attack, the injured theology student managed to ride his motorcycle 180 kilometres back to the college, where he was then taken to hospital for treatment. After his release two days later, a police report was filed.
Asiri Perera, head of the Methodist Church in Sri Lanka, shared the following message on social media: "I assure all Buddhists of Sri Lanka that we Christians will remain calm and peaceful in the midst of the persecution we face today in Sri Lanka. I humbly appeal to you to be kind towards the Christians who live with you...." For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Sri Lanka, go to our country report.
Pray for the complete recovery of the assaulted Christian student. May he persevere in his commitment to share the message of Jesus Christ among the people of Sri Lanka. Also prayerfully uphold the country's other Bible college students who are presently preparing for ministry, as they reflect on the cost that may be required of them when presenting the Gospel in areas of opposition. Intercede for those responsible for this recent attack, praying that they will come to understand the saving grace that God has made available to them through the atonement of His Son.