Missionary badly beaten

Six men attacked and brutally beat a Gospel for Asia-supported missionary in Nepal on October 17. The men accused Indra Rai Waglan of blasphemy against their traditional gods. They also accused him of forcing all the members of two families to convert to Christianity.

Indra and an elderly believer were travelling to a neighbouring village to conduct a prayer meeting when the attack happened. After the attack, the men left Indra unconscious beside the road. He was later able to get medical treatment. He has a broken rib and bruises all over his body. The police have identified and charged six men with the attack. Their case is now before the court.

Please pray Indra will be completely healed and fully restored. Pray he will be given the strength to stand firm in Christ. Pray also for the perpetrators and the police involved in the case that the Holy Spirit will lead them to repentance and belief in the one true God.

Find out more about the persecution of Christians in Nepal by visiting the Nepal Country Report.

  • Current Ministry Project

    Through training on awareness, advocacy, and the theology of persecution, VOMC is helping to equip church leaders in Nepal to better respond to and withstand persecution.

    Project Fund: Equipping the Saints

  • Country Information

    30,899,443 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Chhettri (16.5), Brahman-Hill (11.3), Magar (6.9), Tharu (6.2), Tamang (5.6), Bishwokarma (5), Musalman (4.9), Newar (4.6), Yadav (4.2), Rai (2.2), Pariyar (1.9), Gurung (1.9), Thakuri (1.7), Mijar (1.6), Teli (1.5), Yakthung/Lumbu (1.4), Chamar/Harijan/Ram (1.4), Koiri/Kushwaha (1.2), other (20)

    Religion (%)
    Hindu (81.2), Buddhist (8.2), Muslim (5.1), Kirat (3.2), Christian (1.8), Other (0.5), Unspecifed (0.2)

    President Ram Chandra Poudel (2023)

    Government type
    Federal parliamentary republic

    Legal system
    English common law and Hindu legal concepts

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Nepal

    Pray that Christians will practice their faith with courage.

    Pray that despite the lack of freedom to share the hope of faith in Christ, the Lord will give Christians opportunities to evangelize.

Nepal News

  • Appeal Denied for Pastor
    Keshav Raj Acharya is smiling.
    Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya
    Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide

    In November 2021, Keshav Raj Acharya, the pastor of the Abundant Harvest Church in Pokhara, Nepal, was convicted of proselytising and, as a result, sentenced to two years in prison. Even though his sentence was reduced to one year upon appeal, Pastor Keshav subsequently appealed to the Supreme Court of Nepal. For more details, read these reports.

  • Church Attacked as Part of Growing Trend
    A congregation in Nepal.
    A church service in Nepal.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Two churches in the same town of Nepal's Lumbini Province were attacked during the first four days of September. Reports describing the incident indicate that damage was done to the facilities of both churches, as well as to a motorbike. In one photograph, two men identified as pastors are shown being assaulted on the street. A sticky black substance was smeared on their faces in an act considered a cultural sign of disrespect and hatred.

  • Pastor Keshav Released on Bail
    Keshav Raj Acharya and his wife.
    Photo: Voice of America

    Since March 2020, Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya of the Abundant Harvest Church in Pokhara, Nepal, has faced numerous allegations and charges. Initially charged with spreading false information about COVID-19, the pastor was eventually cleared of all accusations. However, he was later arrested for two cases of "outraging religious feelings." In July 2022, he was convicted and sentenced to one year in prison. (For more information, click here.)

  • Pastor Receives One-Year Sentence
    Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya
    Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya
    Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide

    Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya of the Abundant Harvest Church in Pokhara, Nepal, has faced ongoing pressure from Nepalese authorities over the past two years. Initially detained in March 2020, he was accused of spreading false information about COVID-19 after uttering a recorded statement that "God is able to heal." Eventually those charges were dropped, but the pastor was arrested twice more for allegedly trying to convert Hindus to Christianity and "outraging religious feelings." In November 2021, he was convicted but granted bail a month later while appealing the ruling (see this page).