Photo: World Watch Monitor
Two churches in the same town of Nepal's Lumbini Province were attacked during the first four days of September. Reports describing the incident indicate that damage was done to the facilities of both churches, as well as to a motorbike. In one photograph, two men identified as pastors are shown being assaulted on the street. A sticky black substance was smeared on their faces in an act considered a cultural sign of disrespect and hatred.
These attacks are only the latest in a series of at least seven incidents of violence against churches in Nepal over a two-week period. While addressing the recent wave of attacks, a Nepalese human rights leader stated that the lack of response from authorities has encouraged perpetrators to increase their persecution of the Christian community. "It's spreading like wildfire," he said.
Nepal has strict anti-conversion laws, which have been an impetus for opposition against the country's Christian population. Anyone convicted of participating in proselytization of any kind faces a sentence of up to six years in prison. For more information on the persecution facing followers of Jesus in Nepal, go to our country report.
On behalf of the Christians in Nepal who are experiencing increased persecution, please pray for their needed protection, guidance and encouragement as they faithfully seek to fulfill Christ's mandate to share the Gospel message. May the Lord provide the members of these recently attacked churches with the resources required to repair the damages inflicted by hostile community members. Additionally, pray that the authorities would take action to prevent further violence against our Nepalese brothers and sisters in Christ, bringing to justice those who are responsible for these attacks.