Completion of Bible Translation Provokes Extremists

While Chechnya (Chechen Republic) presently consists of about 1.4 million people, less than two percent of the population reflects its former predominant Russian leadership and citizenship. Since President Ramzan Kadyrov came into power in 2007, Sunni Islam has become the main religion. This includes the practice of Sharia law, women wearing traditional Muslim clothing, polygamy and honour killings.

As Christianity is now considered the religion of the Russian people, Chechens who have become followers of Jesus are considered traitors, and thus experience tremendous persecution for their faith (even from their own family members). Many remain secret believers because of the threat it poses to their lives. (A more detailed historical overview and past reports are available at the Russia Country Report.)

Despite this, a remarkable and significant event took place in October of 2012. The first complete translation of the Bible into the Chechen language was presented to the participants of the Second Peacemaking Conference in Grozny (the result of 15 years' translation work). Unfortunately, these advances have also become a source of provocation for radicalized Islamic extremists.

Ask that God will reveal His sovereign deity to the people of Chechnya through this newly translated Bible, while also using it to further strengthen existing believers. May His peace reign, bringing much needed comfort and healing after years of conflict and war. Also pray that He will raise up a new generation of children and young people who will willingly work together to build a new foundation for all to live in peace and harmony.

Russia News

  • Heightened Persecution of Christians
    Video link
    Click here for the Closer to the Fire podcast.

    This Friday, February 24th, marks one year since the Russian offensive in Ukraine began, a war that has resulted in the death of thousands, the destruction of whole cities and the forced displacement of millions of people. The outbreak was triggered by a major escalation of tensions, which have been simmering since the Russian annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014, and the ongoing struggles with Russian-backed separatists in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine.

  • Rising "Tax on Faithfulness"
    ''Do You Believe?'' newspaper
    Do You Believe? newspaper.
    Photo: VOM Korea

    Evangelical believers in Russia were forced to pay what is being called a "tax on faithfulness" in 2022, and this year that price is expected to increase. Throughout the country, basic Christian activities have been investigated and punished as crimes. "Believers paid fines, appealed their decisions, and in most cases lost their appeals," reported Dr. Hyun Sook Foley from The Voice of the Martyrs Korea. "It is a trend that The Voice of the Martyrs Korea is monitoring closely as 2023 begins."

  • Theological Colleges Stripped of Licenses
    Bible and notebooks on a park bench
    Pray that believers in Russia will have wisdom as they pursue religious freedom.

    On April 6th, the Theological Institute run by the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Ingria was stripped of its higher education license. Another Lutheran college in Russia is in the process of fighting a similar action. The colleges of the Baptist Union and Pentecostal Union have likewise lost their licenses, and other colleges have been banned from accepting new students.

  • Strict Opposition to Missionary Activity
    Rubles, gavel

    In July 2016, Russia passed religion laws restricting "illegal missionary activity" by either citizens or foreigners. This activity could involve speaking to people about religion, or the distribution of either printed, audio or video materials. Between January and June of this year, there have been 42 known prosecutions, resulting in 36 convictions. All those who were convicted received fines.