

  • Militants Target Christians in Vicious Attack on University

    Islamic militants targeted Christians in an attack that took place at Garissa University College on the morning of April 2nd, killing at least 147 people. According to the survivors of the attack, the assailants specifically killed Christians while leaving Muslims unharmed. Members of the Somalia-based Al Shabaab terrorist group, known allies of Al Qaeda, have claimed responsibility for the attack.

    Over the past two years, Al Shabaab militants have carried out several attacks on Kenyan soil in retaliation for Kenya's military involvement in the Somali government's fight against the insurgents.

    In a recent press release, a representative from The World Evangelical Alliance stated: "We condemn the cowardly, senseless, inhuman, targeted killing of innocent Christian students at Kenya's Garissa University College by masked gunmen from the Al Shabaab terror group.... We, as Christians, believe in the power of prayer, and we must be on our knees for the victims and survivors and the governments and the international organizations that are committed to sincerely help eradicate terrorism."

    Please bring the many distraught families affected by this terrible atrocity before our Lord in prayer, asking that they be greatly comforted through the powerful ministry of the Holy Spirit. May the survivors and those mourning the loss of dear loved ones be granted the grace to forgive their persecutors. In keeping with God's desire to reach the unsaved through His wonderful plan of salvation (John 3:16), let us pray that many members of Al Shabaab will repent and come to faith in Jesus.

  • Christian Man Imprisoned Since 2011
    Mussie Eyob

    After facing arrest several years ago, Mussie Eyob remains imprisoned because of his faith and desire to share the Good News with others. The Eritrean man became a Christian in 2008. Three years later, while living in Saudi Arabia, Mussie visited a local mosque where he spoke with attendants about Christianity. On February 12, 2011, he was arrested for preaching to Muslims and subsequently imprisoned.

    Proselytizing is a capital offence in Saudi Arabia. Yet, following appeals from various human rights groups and individuals, the Saudi authorities decided to deport him instead of carrying out the death sentence. Therefore, he was deported back to Eritrea in November of 2011. However, about three weeks after Mussie arrived in his home country, the Christian man simply disappeared into the vast prison system where many pastors and evangelists have been detained incommunicado. For a long time, no one knew exactly where Mussie was being held and had any means of communicating with him.

    Just recently, trusted sources have received news that Mussie is in fact a prisoner at Me'etr prison. Located in northwest Eritrea, this prison camp was opened in 2007 specifically to house Christians who had been arrested because of their faith. (Currently, there are believed to be approximately 89 prisoners at Me'etr.) At least two detained Eritrean believers -- Mogos Hagos Kiflom, 37, and Mehari Gebreneguse Asgedom, 42 -- had died in Me'etr during 2009. Thankfully, Mussie appears to be in reasonably good health and does his best to work hard at the prison labour camp on behalf of prisoners who are sick, elderly or physically weak.

    As Mussie continues to suffer because of his great love for Jesus, pray that He will sense the Lord's abiding presence in his daily prison life. Ask that he and the other believers currently being detained at Me'etr be granted release so they can become joyfully reunited with their families. Until that time, may God grant Mussie continued health and strength so this faithful brother in Christ will be used mightily to both encourage the other prisoners and serve as an effective witness to the prison guards.

    You may reach out to Mussie and his family members by writing them an encouraging note. However, we ask that you do not make mention of VOMC in your note, advance your political opinions, or state anything that could be considered insulting to the authorities. Please contact us, and our staff will then forward your letters to Eritrea. For more guidelines on writing prisoners, visit our website.

  • Two Believers Arrested After Carrying Bibles

    bible2Two Christians from Tiaret, who were detained on March 16th for transporting Bibles, now face potential legal charges. A 33-year-old pastor and a member of his church were stopped by police and arrested for carrying nearly 25 copies of the Gospel, as well as other Christian books. The two were interrogated for several hours before a police report was filed and sent to the general prosecutor for further processing.

    While official charges haven't yet been filed, it's possible that the pastor and his assistant will be accused of proselytizing and transporting Christian materials without permission. According to a 2006 decree, jail sentences and large fines are to be applied to anyone who distributes Christian literature and/or audio-visual materials to Muslims. In the interim, the two were later released and their books returned.

    Please remember these two Christians in your petitions before our Most Supreme Judge, asking Him to grant them His perfect peace as they await word regarding any possible charges. Please also lift up in prayer other believers of this predominantly Muslim country who are facing opposition because of their faith. Considering the risks, may they prayerfully seek God's divine appointments, leading, wisdom and protection while witnessing to others of His Son Jesus.

    To learn more about the persecuted church in Algeria, please visit our website.