

  • Crisis Continues for Persecuted Christians
    Pray for the protection and provision of
    refugees from the Middle East.
    Photo: Flickr / Bengin Ahmad (cc)

    A mass migration is still underway as Syrians stream into Europe via Turkey. The crisis is lessening Syria's prospects for reconstruction and devastating its church. While multitudes of Christian youths and families are understandably desperate to leave the Middle East, their pastors and priests are longing for them to stay -- something they will understandably not do without security.

    In any conflict, the wealthy are the first to flee. Then, as life becomes intolerable, the middle class flee across borders into camps where they wait, in hopes that the fighting will end and they will be able to return to their homes and businesses. When the fighting doesn't end, they seek alternatives, including the services of people smugglers. Lacking resources, the poor have little choice but to stay and watch their children grow up traumatized, brutalized, and without stable education.

    Several of the refugee camps are much too dangerous for religious minorities. Consequently, most Christians hope to obtain refuge in monasteries, churches, Christian schools and other suitable buildings. Thus the local church carries the burden, explains Elizabeth Kendall in her informative report for RLPB. The global church needs to share this load and send necessary aid to those caring for refugees, she further informs, but only through recognized Christian agencies.

    The crisis facing followers of Christianity in the Middle East is existential. Of course, Christian families should be rescued. Yet, ideally, a safe haven needs to be established in the historic Christian heartland where believers can preserve their heritage and culture, worship freely and educate their children with liberty and security. The Assyrian hope for this to eventually be fulfilled lives on... fuelled by faith and rooted in the promise of God as found in Isaiah 19:23-25. May the Lord intervene for the persecuted people of the Middle East while continuing to build His persevering church. Additional reports on the crisis in Syria can be found at our Syria Country Report.

    Pray specifically that the 'Lord of Hosts' will intervene mightily on behalf of each imperilled believer in Syria and all surrounding Middle Eastern countries. Request that He secure justice and liberty for His precious people, provide those requiring rescue the assistance and means to do so, while also making it possible for others who want to stay in their homeland the option of having a safe sanctuary within their own country. Ask Him to provide for each church, monastery and organization that's tirelessly sheltering and caring for the multitudes of Christian refugees, enabling them to raise the necessary funds and give a voice to the voiceless. May the Holy Spirit flood the hearts of all pastors, priests and Christian workers across the Middle East with His love, grace and comfort -- so their faith would remain strong and their hope will not fade.

    Do not miss the opportunity to pray on behalf of the persecuted church with fellow believers around the world on Sunday, November 8th. For more information on this year's International Day of Prayer and how you can participate, please go to this page. Be sure to share this information with others of your church and prayer group.

  • Extremists Burn Down Churches
    Damages from the fire.

    Extremists demanding church closures clashed violently with Christians in Indonesia's Aceh province recently. Those instigating the forceful closures had reportedly burned down four churches in the southern part of the province, which is under the governance of Sharia law (Islamic law). One man was killed and four others were wounded during violent clashes at a church located within the Aceh Singkil district on October 13th, as Christians tried to defend their church against hundreds of armed militants. It is reported that the man shot in the head was a Christian, although police have yet to confirm his identity.

    Tensions flared after a militant Islamic youth group demanded that the government demolish 21 churches in Aceh, claiming that they did not have appropriate permits. According to police, local officials had agreed to act but the aggressive hardliners "took matters into their own hands." In response to the incident, Indonesian President Joko Widodo appealed for calm and ordered officials to take firm action to "establish peace and religious harmony." To learn more about persecution in Indonesia, go to this page.

    Please pray for our suffering Christian family in Indonesia, especially those facing rising tensions in the province of Aceh. Commit to the Lord the grieving family and those who've sustained injuries, asking that they be imbued with His strength, healing and comforting presence. May wisdom and courage be imparted to all of His people in this part of the world so they will be spurred on in their faith and equipped to serve as both peacemakers and promoters of religious tolerance. Thank you for also upholding President Widodo and his government as they work hard to build harmony among all the citizens of this troubled Southeastern Asian nation.

  • Rescue of Hostages Captured by Boko Haram
    President Buhari
    Photo: Flickr /
    U.S. Department of State

    In September, Nigeria's army rescued at least a dozen kidnapped women and children who were being held captive by the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram. In a statement to the press, military spokesman Col. Sani Kukasheka Usman announced that the group was rescued as the army cleared Boko Haram camps in northeastern Borno state. While preparing today's alert, we also learned that on October 27th the troops conducted another successful operation, this time rescuing more than 300 additional captives. Although the identity of those who were rescued this week is unknown, it's possible that some of the Christian Chibok schoolgirls may be among them. For a report on the abduction of the schoolgirls, click here.

    Nigeria's home-grown Islamic extremist group has alarmingly used dozens of girls and women for recent suicide bombings within the country and neighbouring Chad, Cameroon and Niger, raising fears that the kidnapped victims were forced to comply in this manner with the terrorists' agenda. More about the bombings can be found at this page.

    Over a thousand people have been killed since President Muhammadu Buhari was elected in March with a pledge to deal with the militants, whose six-year uprising has killed approximately 20,000 people in total. At least two million citizens have been driven from their homes, some crossing borders in desperate search of safe refuge.

    Earlier this year, troops from Chad and Nigeria drove the extremists out of some 25 towns held for months in an area that Boko Haram had declared an Islamic caliphate, aligned with the Islamic State group in the Middle East. The insurgents have since periodically returned to carry out hit-and-run attacks and suicide bombings. Informative video clips, as well as previously posted prayer alert reports, are accessible at the Nigeria Country Report.

    Praise God for the successful rescues of numerous Nigerians formerly held hostage by Boko Haram. Ask Him to now minister miraculous physical, emotional and spiritual healing to each one of them. Also pray for President Buhari and all those who are attempting to gain victory over Boko Haram so that many others can be safely rescued from captivity. Additionally, ask the Lord to strengthen and minister to the remaining hostages and their distraught families. May His perfect peace and strength continue to supernaturally sustain them.