

  • Pastor Threatened Amidst New Legislation

    Pastor Sagar Baizu
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Pastor Sagar Baizu had stopped at a café for coffee on July 19th when he was suddenly assaulted by a group of men. After beating him on the head, the assailants fled with a warning: "We will blast your church and all the churches with bombs and shoot you and all your leaders." Cafeteria staff assisted the pastor and police were called to the scene. Thankfully, there appears to be no lasting long-term injuries.

  • Armed Raids and Fines in Luhansk

    In the self-declared Luhansk People's Republic, armed police are frequently raiding worship services, seizing literature and fining those in attendance. Along with the raids, the Luhansk State Security Ministry has announced a complete ban on the All-Ukrainian Union of Evangelical Christian/Baptist Churches, claiming that the organization has refused to submit to compulsory local registration.

  • Court Ruling in Favour of Church

    Church in Sudan
    Pray for churches in dispute with the Sudanese government.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    In a surprising ruling, a Sudanese court has ruled against the government in a long-standing dispute with the Sudanese Church of Christ (SCOC) involving ownership of church property. In his verdict on August 8th, the judge returned the administration of the properties to the church.