

  • Increasing Restrictions in Breakaway Regions
    Luhansk, Ukraine - Photo: Flickr / Ozolus www.flickr.com/photos/74687726@N00
    Luhansk, Ukraine
    Photo: Flickr / Ozolus (cc)

    Areas in eastern Ukraine, now controlled by Russian-backed rebels, have placed increasingly harsh restrictions on any non-Orthodox religious groups. Christians are facing demands to register, as well as orders to stop all religious activities.

  • Raided Churches Ordered to Stop
    Taraz, Ukraine - Photo: Flickr / Upyernoz www.flickr.com/photos/upyernoz/
    Taraz, Kazakhstan
    Photo: Flickr / Upyernoz (cc)

    Three Baptist churches in the city of Taraz have been subjected to raids from anti-terrorism officers in recent weeks. Despite claiming "our laws don't ban praying," officials defend their punishment of those who meet for worship without state permission.

  • Mob Disrupts Worship Service
    A church in Sri Lanka - Photo: VOM USA www.icommittopray.com/
    Photo: VOM USA

    As the pastor and congregation of the Christian Family Church in Galgamuwa prepared to begin their Sunday worship service on the morning of February 24th, a mob consisting of around 200 people, led by Buddhist monks, forced their way into the church premises.