Imprisoned Christian Ends Hunger Strike
Photo: Middle East ConcernSlimane Bouhafs, who has been imprisoned since September 2016 for alleged blasphemy, ended his hunger strike in mid-October at the urging of his family. The Christian prisoner's hunger strike began following the court's rejection (on October 2nd) of an application that was presented for his conditional release. The application was made on the basis of his deteriorating health and consistent record of good conduct. The court provided no reason for the rejection of his application.
Imprisoned Christian Receives Partial Pardon
Slimane Bouhafs
Photo: World Watch MonitorAlgerian Christians are grateful that Slimane Bouhafs, who has been imprisoned since September 2016 for blasphemy, recently received a partial pardon. Slimane's three-year sentence was reduced by 16 months on July 5th (the national day of Algeria), following a decree by President Abdelaziz Bouteflika that provided clemency to several prisoners on account of good behaviour in prison. As a result of the partial pardon, Slimane only has nine months remaining to his prison sentence.
Distribution of Digital Bibles
An Algerian woman reads the New Testament.A group of Christians are currently travelling across Algeria, distributing digital Bibles in the local languages. Sometimes they are unable to give the Bibles to specific individuals, so they are using a different approach. "In areas where we can't distribute openly, we found a solution by leaving the materials on a table in coffee shops and on the buses," reports a VOM worker.
Most of the distributed materials are for unbelievers, but the Christians are also providing materials for believers who cannot openly keep Bibles in their homes because of persecution from family members, a common problem among women who convert to Christianity. Church leaders are very grateful that persecuted believers can receive the digital materials for spiritual encouragement.
A few weeks ago, someone called into a Christian TV station saying that he had found one of the digital Bibles on a bus and wanted to know more about Jesus. Thank you for joining us in prayer for this person's salvation, and for the distributed digital Bibles to be used to bring numerous others to a saving faith in Christ.
Imprisoned Christian Facing Threats
Slimane Bouhafs
Photo: World Watch MonitorSlimane Bouhafs, a Muslim-background Christian, is reportedly facing threats of violence in an Algerian prison. Members of his family are worried about his health, which has faltered due to lack of medical care, and have expressed concern over the threats he has recently received from fellow prisoners.
The 49-year-old believer was arrested on July 31st for posting a message on Facebook allegedly characterizing Islam as a lie. (An earlier report on Slimane's arrest may be reviewed here.) Militant Muslims within the prison have threatened to beat Slimane because he objected to the views of an imam who publicly insulted Christians and Christianity.
"Slimane was defending Christianity, calling for more religious freedom and freedom of speech, which provoked the attempted attack," reports an analyst for Middle East Concern. Aware of the planned attack, an inmate warned the prison guards who subsequently separated Slimane from his would-be assailants. For more information on persecution in Algeria, visit our country report at our Algeria Country Report.
Please pray that Slimane's health will be fully restored. Ask the Lord to keep him safe from danger and put a stop to any further threats -- in the meanwhile, strengthening his resolve to continue standing firm and defending the faith he holds so dear. May the Holy Spirit work mightily in the hearts and lives of the prisoners (and prison workers as well), revealing to them the reality of our Risen Lord Jesus who is longing to be their Saviour too.
Court Reduces Length of Prison Term
Slimane Bouhafs
Photo: World Watch MonitorWe have received some encouraging news regarding our Algerian brother, Slimane Bouhafs, whose case was featured in a previous Persecution & Prayer Alert report. Slimane's original five-year jail sentence was recently reduced to three years in a verdict announced on September 6th. However, as the appeal court has still upheld his conviction for "blasphemy," he would very much appreciate our continued prayers.
Slimane was arrested after posting a Facebook comment about Jesus overcoming "the darkness of Islam." (More details on his case may be found here.) His legal team are now planning to appeal to the supreme court. Pray that Slimane and his family, as well as his church, will experience God's peace and compassion in new ways during the appeal process.
Behind Bars for a Facebook Post
Slimane Bouhafs
Photo: World Watch MonitorA Christian in Algeria has been sentenced to five years in prison -- the maximum term -- and given a heavy fine for blasphemy against Islam and its prophet in a social media post. Slimane Bouhafs, 49, appeared before a judge on August 7th in the eastern town of Setif within the Kabylie region, home to most of Algeria's tiny but fast-growing Christian minority.
Slimane was arrested on July 31st for posting a message on social media about the light of Jesus overcoming the "lie" of Islam and its prophet. He also published photos showing the execution of a civilian by an Islamist terrorist. Such material is judged by the authorities as an insult to Islam, the state religion in Algeria according to its Constitution. The penal code allows for a penalty of three to five years in prison, along with a heavy fine, against anyone convicted of insulting Islam and its prophet Muhammad.
The news of Slimane's sentence was a shock for his family who denounced what they called a "sham" trial. His daughter, Afaf, describes her father as a man who has always defended the interests of his country from a young age. She says he is known for his commitment to democracy and religious freedom through all of his writings published on Facebook.
Slimane's family members are deeply concerned, as he suffers from a chronic illness and his health may deteriorate in prison. According to his daughter, he suffers from inflammatory rheumatism, a disease that typically worsens under stress. The president of the Protestant Church of Algeria says its lawyer will be appealing the verdict.
Ask God to minister to Slimane and his family, while mediating on his behalf throughout the appeal process. May the Lord's peace and protection be experienced by each one, including the representing lawyer, as they seek His wisdom and ultimately place their trust in Him regarding the outcome. Also intercede on behalf of Slimane's health concern, asking the Great Physician to grant him needed physical strength and healing.
Second Church Ordered to Close
A church in Algeria
Photo: Flickr / PhR610 (cc)A church in Algeria has been ordered to close because district authorities claim its leaders are in breach of a 2006 law that regulates non-Muslim worship. It is the second time within the past two months that a church has been ordered to close.
Leaders of the church received a letter on April 24th citing that the use of a non-Muslim place of worship is subject to prior authorization by the National Commission for Non-Muslim Religious Groups. The letter also claims the church lease is not valid because the building, rented on behalf of the Protestant Church of Algeria, is registered as residential premises.
One month before receiving the letter, church leaders had informed local authorities that they intended to use this rented building as a place of worship. These leaders state that the order for the church's forceful closure limits their 'freedom of worship' which is guaranteed in the Algerian constitution.
In addition, they are concerned that the 2006 decree restricts the religious freedom of non-Muslims and contradicts Algeria's new constitution, as well as its commitments to religious freedom under international law. More information about this country is available here.
May the order to close the church be revoked so these believers will be able to meet together and freely worship the Lord. Pray that the church leaders involved in this case will sense the peace and guidance of the Holy Spirit as they work through the process of regaining the use of their building -- seizing every divinely appointed opportunity to share their faith. Thankfully, the Lord is equipping His church for growth, even in difficult areas of the world such as Algeria. Intercede for the salvation of the Algerian people, that they may openly seek God and realize the importance of accepting His Son Jesus as their personal Saviour.
Church Threatened with Closure
A church in Algeria.
Photo: Flickr / Maya-Anais YatagheneA church in the Kabylie area of northern Algeria is being threatened with closure. Officials have given a warning that they will start legal action against its pastor if he continues to hold services. The church, which is linked to the state-approved Protestant Church of Algeria, was issued a letter recently demanding that all religious activities cease because it was in breach of a 2006 decree regulating the use of buildings as places of worship.
Congregations in Algeria are required to seek a permit to use a building for non-Muslim worship but the authorities rarely respond to applications. In 2011, a church in Bejaia, also located within the area of Kabylie, faced the same threat after the local mayor ordered its closure. However, the mayor withdrew the order following protests by Christians and religious rights campaigners. Other reports, as well as an historical overview of the situation in Algeria, can be found at VOMC's country report.
Please pray that our Almighty God will ensure justice is meted out on behalf of His people in Kabylie, resulting in the withdrawal of the order for this church's closure. In fact, may the authorities and community members no longer listen to the false allegations of the enemy but rather recognize the benefits and goodwill that Christianity offers to their society as a whole. Ask God to abundantly bless this church and its pastor, bringing His peace into the situation and into people's lives.
Two Believers Arrested After Carrying Bibles
Two Christians from Tiaret, who were detained on March 16th for transporting Bibles, now face potential legal charges. A 33-year-old pastor and a member of his church were stopped by police and arrested for carrying nearly 25 copies of the Gospel, as well as other Christian books. The two were interrogated for several hours before a police report was filed and sent to the general prosecutor for further processing.
While official charges haven't yet been filed, it's possible that the pastor and his assistant will be accused of proselytizing and transporting Christian materials without permission. According to a 2006 decree, jail sentences and large fines are to be applied to anyone who distributes Christian literature and/or audio-visual materials to Muslims. In the interim, the two were later released and their books returned.
Please remember these two Christians in your petitions before our Most Supreme Judge, asking Him to grant them His perfect peace as they await word regarding any possible charges. Please also lift up in prayer other believers of this predominantly Muslim country who are facing opposition because of their faith. Considering the risks, may they prayerfully seek God's divine appointments, leading, wisdom and protection while witnessing to others of His Son Jesus.
To learn more about the persecuted church in Algeria, please visit our website.
Church Attacked for Third Time
On the night of November 12th, a group of assailants attempted to set a church ablaze in southern Algeria. The group dispersed after police arrived, but no suspects were apprehended.