
Asia Bibi

  • Asia Bibi Has One Final Appeal

    Asia BibiAsia Bibi was arrested in 2009 after a disagreement with Muslim co-workers. She was convicted of blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad and sentenced to death. She has appealed to the Supreme Court of Pakistan and is currently waiting for the court to hear her case.

    Asia has been in jail for more than seven years, separated by walls and bars from her husband and daughters. She has been threatened in jail, and must often cook her own food as a precaution against the possibility of poisoning. Yet she has tenaciously held onto her faith in Christ. VOM Canada's previously posted reports on Asia's case are available here.

    Asia is one of many Christians who are imprisoned around the world because they follow Jesus rather than the edicts of their government or captors. They call out to God each day, and we can join in calling out to God on their behalf. Other reports relating to persecution of believers in Pakistan may be accessed by going to our online country report.

    Pray that Asia and her family will remain strong in their faith. As they await the upcoming appeal hearing, may they be sustained with the loving-kindness, protection, peace and presence of God. Ask Him to use Asia's testimony in wonderful ways -- serving as a witness for Christ to guards, officials, prisoners, members of the community, and many others in Pakistan and around the world. Also uphold the legal team and judicial authorities as the appeal is prepared for presentation in court, praying that they receive divine wisdom and protection against the threats of those opposing Asia and her Christian values.

  • Asia Bibi Case Adjourned After Judge Steps Down

    Asia Bibi's agonizing wait has been prolonged as Pakistan's Supreme Court adjourned her appeal hearing. A leading Supreme Court judge, who was due to hear Asia's appeal last week stepped back from the case on the grounds that he had been a judge in the trial of Mumtaz Qadri. (Mumtaz was previously convicted and condemned to death for murdering Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer, who had opposed the country's blasphemy laws.)

    Tensions are running high over Asia's case. Approximately 150 Muslim clerics issued a "fatwa" (a religious edict), warning the government not to release Asia and threatening to kill anyone who helps a person accused of blasphemy. More information on Asia's case can be found here.

    Please pray that God's strength and peace will sustain Asia, her family and those representing her (Philippians 4:7), while also keeping them safe from any assault or threat against their lives. Ask Him to grant wisdom, courage and protection to the members of the Pakistani government, as well as the Supreme Court judges who will be hearing Asia's appeal. May they not be intimidated by the militants but rather encouraged to act justly and extend mercy. Through it all, may Asia's case be used to highlight the injustice of Pakistan's blasphemy laws and to testify of her steadfast Christian faith to many around the world.

  • Asia Bibi Approaches Final Appeal

    pk asia bibi4aAsia Bibi has been on death row since 2010 for telling her co-workers about Jesus. After testifying of Him, she was accused and convicted under Pakistan's widely misused blasphemy laws. Her final appeal to the country's Supreme Court is due next week. (Previous reports on Asia's situation are available here.)

    This imprisoned wife and mother is not alone in having suffered under these laws. Minorities such as Christians are often the target of accusations, sometimes made just to settle personal scores. If Asia's death sentence is upheld by the court, then her only chance from a human perspective would be a presidential pardon.

    Please join us in praying that "God will make a way where there seems to be no way" (lyrics by Don Moen), providing Asia miraculous deliverance from the impending death penalty she has so bravely faced over the years. Additionally, uphold her family and those mediating judicially and politically on her behalf, interceding for their divine protection as well. May the Almighty God silence the chants of the masses who want to end her life, transforming their 'hearts of stone' into hearts that are receptive to His love and mercy and the work of His Holy Spirit -- not only for the purpose of saving Asia's life but also for the salvation of their own eternal souls.

    On behalf of our Christian sister, Asia, and other members of our suffering family, we wish to include the song,
    God Will Make a Way, which can be played here.

  • Asia Bibi's October Appeal

    Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy against Islam, will fight for her freedom in court this October. Asia was convicted of blasphemy in 2010 after Muslim women told a cleric in a village of the eastern Punjab province that she had made "derogatory remarks" about the prophet.

    Since her arrest in 2009, the international community has pressured Pakistan's strict government, calling for Asia's release and reforms to be made to the blasphemy laws. Although her appeal was scheduled for March 26th of this year, rising tensions and protests against it from Pakistan's Muslim community delayed the hearing until October.

    Asia has been sitting in prison for almost seven years, and reports have indicated that the health of the 51-year-old mother has been deteriorating. As the blasphemy law in Pakistan is often abused by Muslims to settle personal scores with Christians and other religious minorities, international religious freedom advocates have asserted that the charge against Asia is trumped up and have called for the Pakistani government to immediately release her. For previous reports on Asia's ongoing case, click here.

    Ask that the Lord will grant favour to Asia and her legal representatives as they mediate for justice and mercy on her behalf. May the court be impartial and not be swayed by prejudicial arguments or protests, nor respond in fear to opposing militants. Continue to pray for Asia's health and protection, as well as the safety of her family and all who are trying to assist her. Intercede for the Pakistanis who are wishing her harm by wrongfully taking "justice" into their own hands. Pray that they would be under the conviction of the one true God who longs for His love and salvation to be experienced by all of humanity (John 3:16).

  • The Case of Blasphemy Victim Asia Bibi

    This past Friday, June 19th, marked the tragic six-year anniversary of the arrest of Asia Bibi (also known as Asia Noreen), a Christian mother and the only woman presently on death row for blasphemy.

    It all began when Asia was working alongside a Muslim extremist who refused to touch the "unclean" water source from which the Christian mother drank. This led to a verbal quarrel between the two women and subsequent allegations that blasphemous remarks were made by Asia against the Muslim prophet. Though the international community is highly sympathetic to the Christian woman's plight, the Pakistani government is not. Past reports on Asia's situation are available at March 20, 2014 and December 4, 2014.

    Recent reports have alerted VOMC of the need to urgently pray for a turnaround of Asia's current health situation. She is reportedly suffering from severe physical problems, including intestinal bleeding and -- according to family members after a recent visit -- Asia was "so weak she can hardly walk." Lawyers are working on behalf of the incarcerated believer, requesting that Asia obtains the urgent medical treatment she desperately needs.

    May the renewing of God's Spirit, Word and strength come upon Asia, providing her greatly needed healing both physically and spiritually. In the meantime, continue to pray for Asia's immediate and safe release, asking the Lord to grant her justice in an unjust world (Psalm 140). Also remember to uphold Asia's concerned husband, children and other loved ones in prayer as they journey through this storm with God's abiding presence, clinging to the hope and promises of His unfailing grace in their time of need.

  • Asia Bibi's Death Sentence Upheld
    Asia Bibi

    On October 16th, Asia Bibi lost her appeal against a death sentence for blasphemy. Her attorneys now have 30 days to file an appeal with the Supreme Court in Islamabad -- a process that will likely take more years of waiting and agonizing endurance. During Asia's hearing at the Lahore High Court, nearly 2,000 Muslim teachers gathered outside while approximately 25 were present inside the courtroom, presumably to put pressure on the judges. When learning about the disappointing outcome of the trial, she pleaded with VOM contacts: "Please do something. It's been so long, and I want to be with my children."

  • Asia Bibi's Appeal Again Postponed
    Asia Bibi

    The hearing for Asia Bibi, a Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy, was postponed for the sixth time on September 9th -- this time at the request of her husband, Ashiq Masih. Asia was arrested in June 2009 after being accused of insulting the Muslim prophet Mohammed. (For more information on Asia's longstanding case, visit this page.)

  • Asia Bibi's Appeal Hearing Further Delayed

    After several delays in her trial, the appeal hearing for Asia Bibi has been scheduled for May 27th. Asia, a wife and mother, was arrested in 2009 on charges of insulting Mohammed. She now faces the death sentence for this "crime." Please continue to pray for Asia, her family and her legal team as they await this next court date. (For more information on her case, please visit this page.)

  • Asia Bibi's Appeal Hearing Postponed

    Remember in prayer Asia’s
    husband and children.

    The appeal hearing for Asia Bibi, a Christian woman imprisoned for blasphemy, has been postponed "to a later date." Asia was arrested in 2009 on charges of insulting Mohammed and later sentenced to death. Since then, she has been waiting for her appeal to be heard while being held in isolation at the women's prison in Sheikhupura (Punjab). (For more on Asia's case, click here.)

  • Update on Asia Bibi

    Pakistan- Recent reports confirm that Asia Bibi, who is awaiting her appeal against a death sentence for "blasphemy," has now been transferred to the Central Jail Multan. The prison administration has not given any reasons for the move, which has caused Asia's family concern for her safety and for her emotional and physical health. Asia’s husband said that she is upset and frightened. Please continue praying for the release of this imprisoned Christian wife and mother. (For more details on her case, click here.)

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