

  • South Koreans Expelled from Border
    Yalu River
    The Yalu River forms the border
    between China and North Korea.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Hundreds of South Korean Christians, including church leaders, have been sent home within the past year by three northeastern provincial governments in a move that is seen to be an implementation of a new set of rules to control religious activities.

    It's estimated that there were over a thousand South Korean pastors and missionaries working in the northeast part of China, and their departure has led to numerous church closures and abandoned communities. In January of this year, 32 South Korean missionaries were expelled from the Yanji region in Jilin Province, which nears the border of North Korea. By early October, there were no remaining South Korean churches in Changchun, the capital of Jilin Province.

  • Family of Three Detained by Authorities

    The Great Wall in China

    On September 22nd, officials in Xianning, Hubei Province, arrested a pastor, her daughter and three-year-old grandson. After the three had engaged in a house church outreach, which took place in the central part of the country, police and religious affairs officials became upset by the event, resulting in the arrest of the three family members.

  • Christian Academy Banned for Alleged ''Brainwashing''

    Crescent Lake, Gansu Province, China

    Government officials in China's central Henan province closed down a Christian-run institution dedicated to teaching children good morals, with allegations that its religious component was "brainwashing" the students. On September 14th, Ms. Zhu reported that national security officers had confiscated the textbooks that were being used for the home-based academy which offered theology classes for children.

  • Imprisoned Church Worker Released!

    cn zhang xiuhong vomusa
    Zhang Xiuhong

    On August 3rd, Zhang Xiuhong, who served as a volunteer deacon and church accountant, was released after being imprisoned for two years. Zhang's arrest was part of the government's broad crackdown on the Living Stone "Huoshi" Church in Guiyang. Chinese authorities have repeatedly targeted the church in recent years by freezing its assets, expelling church members from the property, and arresting one of the church's founders.

  • Imprisoned Chinese Pastor is ''Barely Alive''

    Pastor Zhang Shaojie from China Aid
    Pastor Zhang Shaojie
    Photo: China Aid

    Pastor Zhang Shaojie of the Nanle Country Christian Church, in the Henan Province, is "barely alive" after suffering various forms of torture in prison, according to reports from his daughter. He is currently serving a 12-year prison sentence which officially began in 2014.

    His daughter Esther expresses concern that Pastor Zhang is suffering both mentally and physically as a result of meagre food rations and sleep deprivation. When his sister, Zhang Cuixia, visited on July 7th, she testified that her brother appeared fragile and was not allowed to discuss events outside of the prison. According to his sister, he looks "like a bag of bones," with dark discoloration encircling his eyes.    

  • Human Rights Lawyer Faces Life Sentence

    China map and flagChinese Christian lawyer Jiang Tianyong has not been seen since he disappeared last November. Now the members of his family are told he's been charged with trying to overthrow the regime and, therefore, faces a potential life sentence. Jiang's father received an official statement from the local Public Security Bureau in southern Hunan province informing him that Jiang was charged with "subversion of state power" on May 31st.

  • Human Rights Lawyer Released

    Li Heping (right) next to his brother, Li Chunfu, after his release.
    Li Heping (right) next to his brother,
    Li Chunfu, after his release.

    After nearly two years in prison, Christian human rights lawyer Li Heping returned home to his family this May. Li was arrested in July 2015, along with a group of other attorneys, for defending evangelical believers and others targeted by the government. Li was convicted of "subversion of state power" in a secret trial and was tortured repeatedly during his two-year imprisonment.

  • Government Surveillance Forced Upon Churches

    The gate of Changlin Church lies in ruin after authorities demolished it. (ChinaAid)
    The gate of Changlin
    Church lies in ruin after
    authorities demolished it.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    The government in China's coastal Zhejiang Province recently ordered that surveillance equipment must be installed in churches, permitting officials to easily monitor church activities. While there are claims this is to be done as a necessary "safety" and "anti-terrorism" precaution, officials have taken into account whether or not these churches have previously resisted the cross demolitions during a province-wide campaign, stating that more agents will be sent to opposing sites where necessary. Previous reports on the demolition of church crosses are available here.

    At the beginning of March, authorities in Zhejiang demanded that the province's Three-Self Churches install surveillance cameras, dispatching officials to forcibly set up the devices if the order meets with refusal. From March 21st to 24th, hundreds of police officers converged on Changlin Church in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, in order to carry out this task, beating any Christians who resisted their efforts.

    A local Christian said the church members questioned why they needed additional surveillance since the Three-Self Churches are already heavily monitored and policed by the government. Some Christian women stationed themselves outside the church, fearing a possible church demolition, and were seized for their resistance until the cameras were set up. Officials also destroyed the church's reception desk and other parts of the building, including the church's gate.

    On March 23rd, Shengai Church in Pingyang County, Wenzhou, issued a statement accusing the government of violating their privacy, disrupting the internal affairs of religious organizations, and breaking laws by installing the cameras. The church claimed the government had no legal basis for these actions, further stating that officials need to obtain permission of the church or they would otherwise be exercising an abuse of power and violating religious freedom.

    Pray that the members of these churches will continue to make the most of every opportunity by faithfully attending church services, encouraging one another in the Christian faith, and corporately worshipping the Lord together so they can experience increased unity and strength. And rather than the surveillance cameras being used as a potential snare, may they effectively benefit all who are watching -- touching the hearts of the government officials and blessing them with the hope and truth of God's infallible Word. Additionally, as the pastors and church leaders deal with the governing authorities, may their speech be seasoned with wisdom and grace...that they may know how to appropriately respond to each one.

  • Baptismal Services Reflect Church Growth

    A church in Beijing
    A church in Beijing
    Photo: Flickr / Brian Kelley

    On March 26th, 2017, a total of 45 new believers were baptized at the Beijing Chaoyang Church. These new Christians are now attending a weekly follow-up course that will last for a duration of three months. Each of these baptismal participants are required to take the three-month course so they can learn the essentials of the Christian faith and discuss these foundational Biblical principles with the pastoral staff.

    Beijing Chaoyang Church was established on September 12th, 2005, and a dedication ceremony was held in December of that same year. At the time of this report, the number of people who attend the church's Sunday services has dramatically increased from more than 600 since its inception to well over 4,000 congregants. As a result of the tremendous growth, two other baptismal services are scheduled to take place at the end of July and November of this year. Praise God for this phenomenal influx of new believers in Beijing!

  • Pastor Sentenced to Prison

    Pastor Yang Hua
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On January 5, 2017, Pastor Yang Hua of Living Stone Church in Guizhou was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison. The day of his trial, police blocked the road in front of the court, and members of the public were barred from entering. Also, Yang's wife, Wang Hongwu, was "forcibly escorted" back to her apartment by officials who patrolled outside her home for the rest of the day.

    Pastor Yang, also known as Li Guozhi, was formally arrested more than a year ago on suspicion of "divulging state secrets." (Charges relating to "state secrets," often levelled at activists and dissidents, can entail certain restrictions, such as family members not being allowed to attend the trial.) Wang says her husband plans to appeal the recent sentence.

    The imprisoned pastor had previously been placed in administrative detention in December 2015 for "obstructing justice" and "gathering a crowd to disturb social order" before being put into criminal detention for "illegally holding state secrets." Church members perceive this as part of an attempt by the authorities to pressure the church into registering with the state or face closure. Currently, the circumstances in which legal stipulations are carried out eradicate all churches not controlled by the government, as was the case for the Living Stone Church.

    Additionally, authorities imposed a fine that accrued to 110,296 Yuan ($20,956 CAD) between November 22nd and December 8th, 2016. They alleged that the church's members deviated from the approved use of their building, even though the Christians consistently reported all activities. For past reports on Pastor Yang's situation, visit this page.

    Please uphold Pastor Yang and his family, praying that they will not be discouraged. Rather, may they rest in God's great love and mercy, knowing that His higher purposes will be fulfilled. Ask the Lord to also be with the church members as they move forward, seeking direction regarding a place to worship and how they can support one another. May they receive divine wisdom, direction and the empowerment to faithfully continue serving Him. Pray that the flames of God's Spirit will move all across China -- transforming the hearts of many!