

  • Update: Authorities step up campaign against Christians

    Pastor Yang Rongli
    Photo from ChinaAid

    The central government in China has reportedly intensified its campaign against Christian activity in the country, targeting both registered and unregistered churches. (Source: ChinaAid)

    On November 2, Judge Sun of the Linfen Intermediate Court instructed the families of the five remaining imprisoned leaders and pastors of the Linfen-Fushan Church in Shanxi province (click here for more information) to hire lawyers to defend them in an immediate trial. Even though the believers have been detained for over 50 days, their families had not received prior warning or notification of arrest. One of the imprisoned leaders, Pastor Yang Rongli, has been transferred to the Taiyuan City Detention Center, a high-security prison directly controlled by the central government. Local sources have expressed particular concern for her safety.

    On the evening of November 12, Public Security officials sealed the doors and locked down the Wanbang Missionary Church in Shanghai, which was earlier banned by authorities on November 2 (click here for more information). While officials were barring the church entrance, believers banded together to protect the associate pastor as he escaped into the crowd. Two days earlier, a formal notice of abolishment was issued to the senior pastor of the church. The seven pastors also received notices stating that they are "self-claimed illegal preachers" and ordering them to cease their "illegal religious activities." Many of the 2000 members of the church have been severely questioned and threatened in recent weeks by members of multiple agencies. The senior pastor's cell phone number has been terminated and the church's website forcibly shut down.

    Pray that the detained Christians from the Linfen-Fushan church will be found innocent and be released. Ask God to protect and encourage Pastor Yang Rongli. Pray for strength and endurance for the members of the Wanbang Missionary Church. Pray that religious freedom will be respected by Chinese authorities.

    To learn more about the persecution of Christians in China, visit the China Country Report.

  • House church banned by authorities in Shanghai

    According to a November 4 report from ChinaAid, more than 30 officials from four government agencies barged into the Wanbang Missionary Church in Shanghai, China on November 2 and accused the believers of holding an illegal gathering. Leaders from each of the agencies, including the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau (PSB) and the State Administration on Religious Affairs, then interrogated the senior pastor, Cui Quan. PSB officers also questioned other major church partners in the city affiliated with the Wanbang Missionary Church. After concluding that church members were meeting illegally, police officers banned the church and forbade the believers from meeting together in the future. The Wanbang Missionary Church has approximately 1,200 members and is considered one of the most influential urban house churches in the country.

    Pray that these believers will be encouraged to continue to meet together despite opposition (Hebrews 10:23-25). Pray for significant and lasting advances in religious freedom in China.

    Click here to find out more about suffering Chinese Christians.

  • Update: Expelled student invited back to school

    Chen Le with his mother
    Photo from ChinaAid

    According to an October 29 report from ChinaAid, a 17-year-old high school student who was expelled on October 20 after he signed a document confirming his Christian faith (click here for more information) was able to return to class on October 29. On October 28, the Party Secretary of the High School Division and several other party members and instructors from the Huashan Middle School visited Chen Le at his home and politely invited him to return to his studies. The Party Secretary was reportedly deeply concerned with the international pressure caused by the expulsion.

    Chen Le plans to continue with his education and take the College Entrance Exam at the end of the school year. To learn more about the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Student expelled from school for his Christian faith

    Chen Le
    Photo from ChinaAid
    Chen Le, a second-year high school student, was officially expelled from Huashan Middle School on October 20 after he signed a document confirming his Christian faith, according to an October 25 report from ChinaAid. The official notice of expulsion stated, "[Chen Le] was found by Bazhou Public Security Agency and other related agencies to have engaged in Christian gatherings. His school was notified that it should educate the student and persuade him to mend his ways. However…this student persists in his belief that he should not renounce his Christian belief. He can't promise that he will not believe in Christianity or attend Christian activities."

    Due to the expulsion, Chen Le is now barred from taking the mandatory college entrance exam, disallowing him to pursue further education. Chen Le has responded saying, "I would rather be forced out of school, than deny my faith."

    Thank God for the bold faith of Chen Le. Ask God to open a door for him so he may continue in his education.

    Learn more about how Christians are persecuted for their faith in China at theChina Country Report.

  • Update: Pastor Hua released

    Pastor Hua Huiqi
    Photo from ChinaAid

    Pastor Hua Huiqi, who was arrested by officials on September 17 (read the story), was released on October 10, according to an October 12 report from ChinaAid. He was not physically mistreated during his detention in a secret location. Upon his release, however, officials reportedly threatened to harm his 13-year-old daughter if he "caused any trouble." Pastor Hua, who is recovering at home, has urged the international community to continue praying for his ailing Christian mother, Shuang Shuying, who has also faced imprisonment. He has also requested prayer for his dying brother, Hua Huilin.

    To learn more about the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Update: Ten more Christians from Fushan Church arrested

    Arrested believers Yang Xuan
    and wife, Yang Caizhen
    Photos from ChinaAid
    Church members of the Fushan Church in Linfen City, China continue to face detention and intimidation from Public Security Bureau officials, according to an October 18 report from ChinaAid. On October 10, officials offered to release ten church leaders who were arrested in late September following an attack on their church site (click here for more information), on the condition that one of the female leaders be held until further notice. The leaders refused to leave behind Pastor Yang Rongli, stating, "We are one team in the one body of Christ! We won't leave her behind alone. We will not leave prison without her." The officials then arrested Pastor Yang's youngest sister, Yang Linli, and ransacked another pastor's home. On October 11, ten more church members were arrested. Officials blamed Pastor Yang for the raids and arrests, and threatened the leaders with further violence if they did not comply with their orders.

    Yang Linli was finally released on October 16 and ordered to not petition on behalf of her sister or the other detained Christians and cease further "illegal activities." Pastor Yang and another church leader, Hua Mei, were then formally accused of "illegal building and disturbing the social order by organizing masses." The next day, five other church leaders were sentenced to criminal detention. Three have since been released on parole. At last report, nine Christians remain in detention and the whereabouts of the ten Christians detained on October 11 remain unknown.

    To learn more about the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Update: Pastor Zhang released; Pastor Hua still detained

    Pastor Zhang and Pastor Hua
    Photos from ChinaAid

    The Voice of the Martyrs received new information on October 8 from ChinaAid regarding Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan and Pastor Hua Huiqi, two prominent Chinese pastors who have been under fire from authorities in recent months.

    Pastor Zhang and his wife, who were forcibly escorted from their home on September 23 by officials (read the story), were released and returned to their Beijing home on October 4. The couple, who were detained to "preserve stability" during China's National Day celebrations, were unharmed during their internment. They expressed their thanks to those who upheld them in prayer.

    More details have been learned about the condition and whereabouts of Pastor Hua Huiqi, who was arrested by officials on September 17 (click here for more information). On September 22, officials escorted Pastor Hua to a hospital in Beijing to visit briefly with his ailing brother. Five days later, his wife, Ju Mei, was able to visit him in prison. She reported that her husband was in good condition and had begun a time of praying and fasting.

    To learn more about the persecution of believers in China, visit theChina Country Report.

  • Update: Fushan church leaders detained by officials

    Fushan Church after the destruction
    Photo from ChinaAid

    Nine church leaders of the Fushan Church in Linfen City, China were seized by Shanxi Public Security Bureau officials on September 25, according to a September 29 report from ChinaAid. The leaders were travelling to Beijing to seek justice from the central government for the September 13 attack on their church site (click here for more information) when they were apprehended without warrant. Following the arrest, officials confiscated church-owned property such as computers and televisions, terming them "illegal materials," and placed the church's other leaders and members under house arrest and constant surveillance. The next day, state military police were stationed inside the church building to prevent believers from entering or holding services. More than 30 daughter churches nearby have also been prohibited from gathering together for worship. At last report, the whereabouts and condition of the detained Christians were unknown.

    Find out more about the plight of Chinese Christians at theChina Country Report.

  • Pastor and wife forced to vacate home

    Pastor Zhang
    Photo from ChinaAid

    Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan and his wife were forcibly escorted from their home on the morning of September 23 by Beijing Public Security Bureau and Religious Affairs officials, according to a September 25 report from ChinaAid. The two are being detained at an undisclosed location in Henan to "preserve stability in the province" for China's National Day celebrations on October 1. Pastor Zhang, the leader of the Chinese House Church Alliance, has been frequently attacked and detained by officials (click here for more details). He has been warned against speaking or communicating with outside sources about his detention, especially the foreign media. The couple will reportedly be held for the duration of the National Day celebrations.

    Ask God to sustain and protect Pastor Zhang and his wife while in detention. Pray for significant and lasting advances in religious freedom in China.

    Find out more about the plight of Chinese Christians at theChina Country Report.

  • Prominent pastor detained by officials

    Pastor Hua Huiqi
    Photo from ChinaAid

    Pastor Hua Huiqi was seized by Chinese officials in Fengtai District in Beijing on September 17, according to a September 17 report from ChinaAid. At approximately 5:30 p.m., Pastor Hua called his wife, Ju Mei, on his cell phone and told her that he had been forced into a Public Security Bureau vehicle while on his way to a dinner meeting. Less than half-an-hour later, Hua phoned his wife again and told her that officials had taken him to an unknown location. The phone line then went dead. When VOMC partners inquired about Hua, officials told them he was in their custody but refused to disclose his condition or location. A week before Pastor Hua's arrest, a vocational training ministry that he is involved in was raided by officials. To learn more about this attack, read the story from ChinaAid.

    Pray that Pastor Hua will be released. Ask God to give comfort and strength to his family in this time.

    To find out more about China's suffering Christians, go to theChina Country Report.