

  • COVID-19 Outbreak Leads to Opposition
    Revival Ekklesia Mission Church
    Revival Ekklesia Mission Church
    Photo: Facebook

    For more than 20 years, Phuong Van Tan and Vo Xuan Loan have served at the Revival Ekklesia Mission Church in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. However, in recent months, they became the targets of major opposition and a potential criminal investigation after a COVID-19 outbreak was blamed on the church.

  • Increasing Pressure from Hindu Nationalists
    Christian women in India - Photo: World Watch Monitor www.worldwatchmonitor.org
    Pray that believers in India will not succumb to the mounting pressure against them.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    For many years, the Hindu Nationalist organization RSS has been an influential factor in Indian politics, particularly within the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). One of the goals of the RSS is to change India from a secular democracy to a nation governed by Hindu polity. One way this is being achieved is through the passing of anti-conversion laws to prevent people from converting from Hinduism.

  • Churches Closed by Pandemic Remain Unopened


    One of the churches that were closed. - Photo: Middle East Concern www.meconcern.org
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    As the COVID-19 pandemic has swept the world, places of worship in many nations have been closed to prevent the spread of the virus. While all places of worship and entertainment were initially closed in Algeria since March, governing officials decided to gradually reopen various religious centres as of August, beginning with large mosques consisting of over a thousand worshippers.

  • Pastor Finally Released on Bail
    Pastor Keshab Raj Acharya and his wife Junu - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Pastor Keshav and his wife Junu after his release.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya was finally released on bail in late June after spending three months in prison. Sources state that the bail amount was exorbitant, considering the charges against him.

    Pastor Keshav was first arrested on March 23rd, after a video was uploaded to YouTube in which he allegedly stated that God could heal COVID-19 through prayer. Despite denying that he uploaded the video, Pastor Keshav was arrested after being asked to pray for a woman who had contracted the virus. He was then charged with spreading false information and misleading his followers.

  • Christians Arrested for Preparing Relief Aid
    Pastor Ramesh Kumar and his wife - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Pastor Ramesh Kumar and his wife.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    A pastor and seven others were assembling relief packages for the poor in their area when they were assaulted and arrested by police officers. The police falsely claimed the group had gathered for worship in numbers forbidden under COVID-19 restrictions.

  • Bethel Church Pastor Arrested


    House church in China - Photo: Radio Free Asia www.rfa.org
    House church in China
    Photo: Radio Free Asia

    The founder of the Bethel Church near Zhangjiajie, Hunan, was formally arrested on charges of "incitement to subvert state power" on April 2nd. Just weeks prior, state security officials had raided the home of Zhao Huaiguo in the early morning of March 14th, taking him into custody.

    Although there are few details on the specifics leading to the charges, Zhao's wife, Zhang Xinghong, says the arrest was likely due to him speaking to foreign news agencies about the COVID-19 pandemic. Another probable factor was his consistent refusal to merge his church with the official Three-Self Patriotic Movement, which resulted in harassment from authorities.