

  • House Church Demolished by Government Agents

    Pastor Esmir standing on the ruins of his house

    Photo: Religión en Revolución

    Government agents, including state security and Cuban Communist Party officials, destroyed the home of a pastor in the eastern city of Santiago de Cuba on July 2nd. The pastor's residence also housed their church. The unannounced demolition began at 6 a.m. while Pastor Esmir Torreblanca and his wife and small children, ages two and seven, were asleep. The family is now homeless.

  • Asylum of Pastor Omar Gude Perez and Family Finally Granted!

    Pastor Omar Gude Perez
    Photo from CSW

    We are pleased to announce the wonderful news that Pastor Omar Gude Perez, his wife Kenia and their two teenage children arrived safely in the United States recently. After an 18-month wait, they finally received permission from Cuban emigration authorities to leave the island. To review a previous report about this former imprisoned believer, check this story.

  • Government Harasses Christian Leaders and Their Families

    Threats have been made by government officials to destroy a church property due to its affiliation with the Apostolic Movement, a fast-growing unregistered network of protestant churches. Pastor Bernardo de Quesada, a national leader of the church group, has publicly denounced an order from the Provincial Ministry of Housing that he and his wife demolish an outdoor covered patio, used by the church for meetings. The order directly contradicts written permission for construction of the patio issued by another government agency, which added that "permission for this type of construction is not necessary."

    There have also been complaints that the Cuban government is targeting the family members of its leaders. In one particular case, the electricity has been cut off from the home of retired military officer Lieutenant Colonel Orlando Porfirio and his ill wife, in what they believe is an attempt to put pressure on their adult son who is a worship leader. The elderly couple have not had electricity supplied to their home since October 9, 2012, and have received no response to repeated written complaints to government officials.

    Other affiliated churches have been subjected to repeated fines and had property confiscated or destroyed. A number of its leaders, including Pastor Omar Gude Perez, have been imprisoned for various lengths of time. (For more on Pastor Omar's situation, click here.)

    Santa Clara
    Church leaders in the Cuban city of Santa Clara have condemned the Cuban government's refusal to allow Trinidad First Baptist Church access to its bank accounts. The accounts for the historic local church, with funds amounting to approximately $27,000, were frozen by government officials in 2010. The majority of these funds were donated by churches abroad for essential repairs to the 105-year-old church, yet still remain inaccessible more than two years later.

    Additional penalties applied to the church before the retirement of its former pastor included a prohibition on any foreigner travelling with a religious visa visiting the church, non-authorization of the purchase of a church van, and refusal to issue permission for the pastor to leave the country in order to attend religious conferences abroad.

    Overall Increase of Persecution
    There have been a total of 120 reported cases of religious freedom violations in 2012, up from a total of 30 in 2011, some of which involved entire churches and denominations and hundreds of people. One of the most severe cases involved the violent beating of Pentecostal pastor, Reutilio Columbie, early in the year. Pastor Reutilio suffered permanent brain damage as a result of the beating which he believes was orchestrated by local Communist Party officials. To date, there has been no governmental investigation into the beating carried out. (For other previous reports on events affecting Christians in Cuba, please check the Cuba Country Report.)

    May our all-powerful God mediate on behalf of Cuban believers by moving the hearts of political leader Raul Castro and his government officials in favour of granting them religious freedom. Pray that the church will arise from oppression becoming a tremendous influence on the entire nation and that great exploits would take place in their midst, including the divine healing of Pastor Reutilio.

  • Update: Formerly imprisoned pastor forced to remain in Cuba

    Confined to a country where the government has made it well known his presence is unwanted, a Cuban pastor and his family have been refused permission to leave despite the U.S. government's offer of asylum.

    Pastor Omar Gude Perez served almost three years of a six-and-a-half year prison sentence on charges human rights watchers say were unjust. While he was in prison, his wife Kenia and their two children received an eviction notice from government officials in an attempt to remove the family from their home (for more information, click here). The family was granted asylum in the United States last July but have been informed by a government official that they will not be issued exit visas, which are required to leave the country.

    Pastor Omar, who is a national leader in a fast-growing network of independent churches called the Apostolic Movement, was released from prison earlier this year but is prohibited from preaching or from travelling outside the city of Camaguey. He was charged with illicit economic activity and falsification of documents, and many say the unfounded charges are a direct result of his Christian activities. Other Apostolic Movement pastors have also been harassed and threatened with imprisonment and the closure of their churches.

    Please pray that Pastor Omar and his family will continue to faithfully serve Christ wherever He leads them. Pray that, if it is the Lord's will, they will be able to leave Cuba for the United States. Please pray that governing authorities in Cuba will cease in their harassment of Christian leaders and that followers of Christ will remain steadfast in their faith.

    To learn more about persecution in Cuba, visit the Cuba Country Report.

  • Update: Formerly imprisoned pastor settles in United States

    Pastor Carlos, his wife and his
    daughter in an old family photo.

    A formerly imprisoned Cuban pastor recently arrived in the United States as a political refugee along with his wife and daughters. In February 2006, Cuban authorities raided the home of Pastor Carlos Lamelas and arrested him on charges of aiding emigrants who sought to leave the country illegally. Pastor Carlos was later accused of being involved in human trafficking. Those acquainted with Pastor Carlos denied that he was ever involved in such activities and believed he was being targeted for opposing the Cuban regime on religious rights issues. Carlos suffered in prison without charges until he was suddenly given a conditional release in June 2006. He was later fined, however, on charges of "falsifying documents" (click here for more).

    Unable to find employment and fearing another arrest, Carlos applied unsuccessfully for political asylum in 2010. In 2011, however, his case was reviewed and he and his family were granted status as political refugees. "For our part, we have been open to the will of God, and we know he will take us where we can best serve him," Pastor Carlos shared.

    During Pastor Carlos's imprisonment, hundreds of Christians wrote him letters of encouragement, many through The Voice of the Martyrs' letter writing site, www.PrisonerAlert.com. "We know that many brothers and sisters have collaborated for our benefit; we're sorry not to know specifically who they are. Nevertheless, we want them to know that our love and gratitude is sealed in our hearts for the rest of our lives," said Pastor Carlos. To get involved in writing letters to prisoners of faith, visit www.PrisonerAlert.com. You can also download a free guide with pointers and prisoner addresses at our letter writing page.

    Thank the Lord for the enduring faith of Pastor Carlos. Pray for provision for him and his family as they serve the Lord. Pray that Christians in Cuba will continue to confidently entrust themselves to Christ so that they can preach the gospel without hesitation (2 Timothy 1:7-12).

    To learn more about persecution in Cuba, please visit the Cuba Country Report.

  • Christians facing intense pressure

    Christians continue to face opposition in Cuba. The government has reportedly shifted away from higher profile forms of oppression, such as threatening to destroy churches, to pressuring pastors and other Christian leaders. Church leaders -- both in and outside of the Cuban Council of Churches (CCC) that represents the Protestant Church -- report receiving frequent visits from state security agents and Cuban Communist Party officials. These visits and meetings seem to have the intent of intimidating church leaders by making them aware they are under close surveillance.

    In October 2010, Pastor Homero Carbonell resigned as leader of La Trinidad First Baptist Church in Santa Clara after prolonged government pressure and threats. While he hoped giving up his leadership position would alleviate the demands on the congregation, there has reportedly been no change in the government's treatment. Pastor Carbonell, a respected high-level denominational leader, has denounced the government's spurious accusations against him in an open letter. He also wrote of the Religious Affairs Office's unjust treatment of the church over the past three years. It is suspected the intensity of the government pressure on the pastor and his congregation is related to the church's refusal to expel family members of political prisoners and members of human rights or pro-democracy groups.

    Pray for boldness and endurance of faith for Christians in Cuba. Ask God to give them wisdom as they minister in an environment of pressure and opposition against Christ's followers. Pray religious freedom will be truly respected in Cuba.

    You can learn more about opposition facing Christians in Cuba at theCuba Country Report.

  • Update: Family of imprisoned pastor given eviction order

    Photo from Christian Solidarity Worldwide

    The family of a pastor who was given a six year and seven month prison sentence in July 2009 (click here for more information) has been ordered to vacate their home in Cuba. Authorities delivered documents to Pastor Omar Gude Perez's wife, Kenia, notifying her that their home is to be confiscated and that the family will be relocated to a significantly smaller apartment in poor condition outside the city of Camaguey. Kenia has told officials that she and her children will not leave their home voluntarily. Although the official reason for the confiscation and relocation is "illicit gain," Kenia has been informed by authorities that she is being punished for informing international human rights groups and foreign governments about the human rights violations her family has suffered. (Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

    Pray for enduring faith for Pastor Omar, Kenia and their children as they face many trials. Pray that authorities will stop harassing the Perez family. Pray that their steadfast faith will encourage many believers in Cuba to stand strong in their commitment to Christ.

    For more information on the suffering of Christians in Cuba,click here.

  • Update: Pastors under fire

    Pastor Omar Gude Perez
    Photo from CSW
    Pastor Omar Gude Perez, a Cuban pastor who was sentenced to six years in prison on false accusations of illicit economic activity, falsification of documents and human trafficking in 2009 (click here for details), has been denied the right to appeal by the Supreme Tribunal in Havana. Pastor Omar's wife stated that the court's decision confirmed her belief that his arrest and imprisonment was orchestrated at the highest levels of government.

    Pastor Mario Alvarez, another Cuban pastor who has been under intense pressure from authorities in recent years (click here for details), has appealed to the Supreme Tribunal to prevent what he believes is the illegal confiscation of his home. At least 30 other church leaders from the same network as Pastor Mario and Pastor Omar were arrested and detained in various parts of the country during 2009 and authorities have reportedly threatened to confiscate several of their homes. (Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

    Ask God to give enduring strength and peace to Pastor Omar in prison. Pray for guidance for Pastor Mario as he boldly stands up for recognition of his religious rights. Pray that the Church in Cuba will continue to reach out with the news of God's grace, despite the opposition from the government.

    To find out more about suffering Christians in Cuba,click here.

  • Authorities target Christians

    Christians in Cuba have been facing harassment and fines in recent weeks, according to reports from Christian Solidarity Worldwide.

    On August 17, Gilianys Meneses Rodriguez was fined by Cuba's Placetas Tribunal for "disturbing the public order" in December 2008 when a neighbour attacked her on the street. Rodriguez suffered a miscarriage following the attack. She was fined 600 Pesos (approximately $25 CAD), which is twice the average monthly salary in the country. Several other members of the Rodriguez family have also been targeted by authorities due to the family's involvement in a decision by the Interdenominational Fellowship of Evangelical Pastors and Ministers in Cuba to leave the Cuban Council of Churches. Rodriguez's father-in-law, Pastor Roberto, has been summoned to appear in court four times on charges of "threatening behaviour." Her husband, Pastor Eric Gabriel, has been sentenced to one year probation for the same charges. The family has been forced to move away from their home in Placetas due to concerns for their safety.

    Alexi Perez, a leader in the Apostolic Evangelical Church in San Jose de las Lajas, Havana province, is facing accusations of alleged criminal activity. Perez, who at last report has been detained for over a month in a Havana jail, was originally imprisoned on charges of "illicit economic activity." Although these charges have since been dropped, he is currently facing new charges of "illegally receiving construction materials." Perez serves as the driver for the pastor of his church, Mario Alvarez, who has been under intense pressure from the authorities since 2007. Authorities have reportedly attempted to pressure Perez into implicating Pastor Alvarez. At the time of Perez's imprisonment, Pastor Alvarez received official notice that the government was beginning eviction proceedings against him. Perez's case follows several recent incidents of crackdowns against members of the Apostolic Church by Cuban authorities. In May and June, at least 60 pastors were temporarily detained and threatened on charges of "social dangerousness."

    Ask God to provide for and sustain the Rodriguez family. Pray for endurance of faith for Alexi Perez and other Christian leaders facing trials. Pray that the Church in Cuba will continue to reach out with the news of God's grace.

    To learn more about the opposition facing Christians in Cuba, go to theCuba Country Report.

  • Update: Pastor sentenced to prison

    Photo from Christian Solidarity Worldwide

    A Cuban pastor who has faced false accusations of illicit economic activity, falsification of documents, and human trafficking (click here for more details) has been sentenced to six years in prison, according to a July 10 report from Christian Solidarity Worldwide. Pastor Omar Gude Perez's home will also be confiscated as part of the sentence. Local Christians believe the sentencing is due to Pastor Perez's leadership in the Apostolic Reformation, a fast growing Christian denomination that is not recognized by the government. More than 20 other church leaders in Cuba have been arrested and threatened in recent months.

    To learn more about the opposition facing Christians in Cuba, visit theCuba Country Report.