

  • Muslim mobs attack Coptic Christians

    Property set ablaze during mob violence
    Photo from video by Free Copts

    Christian Copts in the Upper Egyptian town of Farshoot and the surrounding villages have been targeted in recent days by Muslim mob attacks. The violence began after a young Christian man, Guirgis Baroumi, was accused on November 18 of sexually abusing a 12-year-old Muslim girl. Local sources believe that Muslims have used the accusation as a pretext to attack Christians. On November 21, nearly 3,000 Muslims gathered outside the police headquarters in Farshoot to attempt to kidnap Baroumi while he was being transported to court. Although security forces were deployed, they reportedly did not take any action to stop the violence. A Coptic priest, Benjamin Noshi, suffered a fractured skull in the attack. The mobs looted and destroyed many businesses owned by Christians while believers hid in their homes. Some families were driven out of their residences. Eyewitnesses also reported that Muslims burned wooden crosses in the street while shouting "Allah Akbar" (God is great). On November 23, Muslim mobs destroyed more Christian-owned businesses in the nearby villages of Abou Shousha and Al-Arky. (Source: Assyrian International News Agency, Coptic American Friendship Association)

    Pray for the believers who have lost property in these riots. Pray that Christ will equip Egyptian Christians to follow His example and remain faithful to Him (2 Corinthians 1:8-9). Pray that the truth of the allegations against Baroumi will be revealed.

    To find out more about how Christians suffer in Egypt, go to the Egypt Country Report.

  • Christian woman kidnapped, believers assaulted

    Myrna Hanna
    Photo from AINA

    A group of Coptic Christians in Alexandria were recently assaulted and arrested by Egyptian officials following an attempted rescue of a young Christian woman kidnapped by Muslims, according to an October 5 report from Assyrian International News Agency.

    Ten months ago, 19-year-old Myrna Hanna was kidnapped and forced to marry a Muslim man. On September 30, she phoned her father, Gama Labib Hanna, and pleaded with him to rescue her. Hanna, his brother-in-law and another believer, Rafat Girges Habib, then went to Myrna's apartment where they were ambushed and threatened by her father-in-law along with five other Muslims. Myrna was eventually able to leave with her father. Her father-in-law immediately filed a report with authorities and Myrna's uncles and father were promptly charged with abduction and detained. They were all reportedly physically assaulted by authorities. The Hanna family's home was broken into by police and Habib's shop was demolished. Myrna's uncles were released in order to bring her to the police station, where she was handed back to her father-in-law. Her father was released from custody on October 2. The next day, authorities arrested a number of Habib's relatives and assaulted their wives. Officials continued to make arrests until Habib turned himself over to police.

    Pray that Myrna will be released from her captors. Ask God to sustain her and give her an added measure of strength, as she is six months pregnant.

    To learn more about the opposition of Christians in Egypt, visit theEgypt Country Report.

  • Update: Convert to Christianity barred from leaving Egypt

    Maher El-Gohary and Dina
    Photo from Compass Direct

    An Egyptian Christian convert from Islam who has been fighting for legal recognition of his faith (learn more about his story) was detained and mistreated by officials at Cairo International Airport on September 17, according to a September 26 report from Assyrian International News Agency. Maher El-Gohary and his daughter, Dina, were at the airport setting out on a two-week holiday to China when officials stopped them. El-Gohary's passport was confiscated and he was told that orders from a "higher authority" barred him from leaving the country. His lawyer later joined him at the airport and filed an incident report at the airport police station. That same day, El-Gohary told a Christian media source that "the authorities are trying to pressure us [he and his daughter] to convert back to Islam, but this will never happen, even if we have to live on the streets. We love our Lord Jesus, and we have left Islam for good." On September 22, El-Gohary and Dina again attempted to leave for China but were stopped by officials.

    Click hereto learn more about the opposition of Christians in Egypt.

  • Christian murdered, others wounded

    Abdo Younan's daughter
    Photo from Copts-United

    A Coptic Christian man was murdered and three others suffered severe stab wounds when a Muslim man, Osama Araban (35), attacked three villages in northern Egypt on September 16, according to a September 21 report from Assyrian International News Agency. Abdo George Younan (63) was stabbed nine times and his head severed from his body in the village of Bagour. Araban then travelled to the nearby village of Behnay and attacked Adib Boulous, a Christian shoemaker. Boulous suffered a broken skull and lung hemorrhage. An eyewitness was able to stop Araban, who then went on motorcycle to the village of Mit Afif where he stabbed a third man, Sobhy Barsum. Barsum's brother, Hani Barsum, was also stabbed and sustained severe wounds to his neck. Araban was arrested the following day. Thousands of Copts joined in Younan's funeral procession, carrying banners calling for justice in this case and protection for Egypt's Christians.

    Pray for the families and friends mourning the loss of Abdo George Younan. Pray for healing for those injured. Pray that God will bring to repentance those who afflict His people (Psalm 83).

    For more information on God's suffering children in Egypt,click here.

  • Two Coptic girls kidnapped by suspected Muslims
    Amira Morgan

    Ingy Basta
    Photos from AINA
    Two Coptic Christian girls were abducted in the city of Alexandria, Egypt in recent weeks, according to a July 30 report from Assyrian International News Agency and Egypt4Christ.

    17-year-old Amira Morgan was abducted by Muslims while on her way to work at a plastics factory near her home in Alexandria on July 18. At approximately 10:00 a.m., Amira's mother, Samira Markos received a call from someone who introduced himself as Sheikh Mohammed--a very common name in the area. The caller told Samira that her daughter was fine and that she was converting to Islam. When she began to cry and beg for Amira's return, the caller said that she would see Amira again once the girl had converted to Islam and then ended the call. A few hours later Samira went to the local mosque to enquire about the man who called her. There she was told that if she reported her daughter's abduction to the police, her nine-year-old son would be slaughtered in front of her. She was also told that Amira was going to convert to Islam the following Friday. Fearing for her and her son's safety, Samira and her son then fled the area.

    In another incident, 18-year-old Ingy Basta, who is engaged to a Coptic Christian man, went missing while on her way to repair her cell phone at the Nozha Airport on July 22. Her father reported the case the next day but she has not yet been found.

    Pray that Amira and Ingy will remain steadfast in faith and be freed by their captors. Pray that their loved ones will draw near the Lord for encouragement and strength.

    To learn more about Christians suffering for their faith in Egypt,click here.

  • Two Christians arrested following church attack

    Ezbet Basillious
    Images from U.S. Copts Association
    Police have arrested a Coptic Christian man and woman for allegedly burning down their own house church in the village of Ezbet Basillious, Egypt on July 11, according to a July 17 report from Compass Direct. Christians in the village believe that the arson attack and subsequent arrests of the believers indicate local police corruption and collusion.

    When the Church of St. Abaskharion Kellini was set ablaze, the guards stationed at the church had left their posts. The perpetrators reportedly entered the church building through a connecting door from the adjoining residence -- the home of Fulla Assad (30). It took approximately two hours for police to arrive at the church. Assad, her mother-in-law and Reda Gamal (35) were later taken to the police station for questioning. Assad and Gamal have since been arrested and remained in custody at last report. The Egyptian State Security Investigations officers have since followed up on eyewitness testimonies ignored by local police and have arrested three Muslim suspects who were seen entering the church with cans of kerosene and leaving shortly afterwards shouting "Allahu Akbar [God is great]."

    Pray that those who are truly guilty will be brought to justice. Pray that Gamal and Assad will be bold witnesses for Christ while in detention. Ask God to encourage and strengthen the Christians in Ezbet Basillious.

    To learn more about Egypt's persecuted Christians,click here.

  • Christians attacked by Muslims

    Christians in the village of Ezbet Boshra-East, Egypt are fearful to leave their homes after a mob of Muslims attacked believers and damaged property on June 21. At approximately 11:00 a.m., a group of 25 Christians from Cairo arrived in the village to visit Father Isaac Castor, who lives in a building owned by the Coptic Church. When Muslims noticed six of the believers entering the building, they approached the remaining Christians waiting outside and began to taunt them. A Muslim woman approached one of the Christians and slapped her. Hundreds of Muslims then started to throw stones at the building and the believers. Some Christian homes in the village were plundered, farmers' crops were uprooted and Father Castor's car was vandalized. Over a dozen Christians and several Muslims were injured in the violence. Nineteen Christians were arrested and released the following day. Their homes were reportedly ransacked by police and they were mistreated while in detention.

    Pray for healing for those injured. Pray that Christians in Egypt will put their hope in the Lord as the One who upholds their cause (Psalm 146). Ask God to move in the lives of those who persecute believers in Egypt.

    To find out more about Egypt's suffering Christians, go to theEgypt Country Report.

  • Update: Christian mother retains custody of twin boys

    Photo from Compass Direct

    On June 15, the Egyptian Court of Cessation ruled that Mario and Andrew, 13-year-old twin boys whose religion was changed to Islam on their birth certificates when their father became a Muslim (click here for the details), will remain with their Christian mother. According to Assyrian International News Agency, the boys will continue to be considered Muslims until they are 15, even though they profess that they are Christians. The boys' mother is reportedly planning to file a case with the Supreme Administrative Court to ensure that her sons are able to choose their religion when they turn 15.

    To learn more about the opposition of Christians in Egypt, visit theEgypt Country Report.

  • Update: Court rejects case of convert from Islam

    El-Gohary and his daughter
    Photo from Compass Direct

    On June 13, a court in Cairo rejected Maher El-Gohary's attempt to change his religious status on his identification card from Muslim to Christian, according to a June 16 report from Compass Direct. He has been attacked on the street, subjected to death threats and driven into hiding as a result of opening his case 10 months ago (for more, click here). In April, the Coptic Church granted El-Gohary a conversion certificate, making him the first Egyptian convert from Islam to be publically accepted by the church in this way.

    The July edition of VOMC's monthly newsletter highlights the plight of suffering converts from Islam in Egypt. Sign up today.

    Visit theEgypt Country Report to learn more about the difficulties facing Christians in Egypt.

  • Update: Christian brothers re-arrested

    Refaat and Ibrahim Fawzy Abdo, Christian brothers who were falsely accused of murdering a Muslim in Mallawi, Upper Egypt in May 2008 (read the details), were re-arrested on May 20 for "security reasons" by the Minya State Security Services, according to a May 29 report from Compass Direct. The brothers had earlier been released on bail on May 3. According to their lawyer, their re-arrest is part of an intimidation campaign against Egyptian Christians. The believers have reportedly been unable to see their wives and children and have suffered mistreatment, including time in solitary confinement and severe beatings in which their teeth were broken.

    To learn more about the ongoing opposition of Christians in Egypt, visit the Egypt Country Report.