

  • Christian man kidnapped by Muslims

    21-year-old Mina Basily was abducted from his home in Alexandria by four Muslim men on May 6, according to Middle East Christian Association. Muslims armed with swords, sticks and knives broke into the Basily family's home, assaulted Mina and forced him into a car parked outside. Neighbours who witnessed the kidnapping were too fearful to intervene. The police initially refused to file an official report of kidnapping, even though officers questioned witnesses and visited the Basily's home, which was still spattered with blood from the attack. The report was only issued after the family appealed to the Chief Prosecutor of the Montaza district.

    Local Muslims told police that Mina was involved in a relationship with a Muslim girl but such claims remain unsubstantiated, as the girl's family is hiding her from officials. At last report, Mina had been handed over to the police and was being pressured to convert to Islam.

    Pray that Mina will be released. Ask God to enable Mina to stand firm in his faith amid pressure to deny Christ. Pray that Egyptian officials will act with integrity towards all citizens.

    To learn more about Christians suffering for their faith in Egypt,click here.

  • Convert arrested for marrying a Christian

    Raheal Henen Mussa (22), an Egyptian convert to Christianity from Islam, was arrested on April 13 for violating Islamic law by marrying a non-Muslim, Sarwat George Ryia, according to an April 23 report from Compass Direct. Mussa was apprehended while on her way home from work and was detained in a station operated by the secret police until April 19, when her Muslim family came for her. Since Mussa was born into a Muslim home, she is considered a Muslim despite her conversion to Christianity three years ago. Consequently, she was unable to officially marry Ryia, a Coptic Christian. Mussa was able to escape from her family on April 21 and fled Cairo with her husband. At last report, the couple was in hiding.

    Ask God to protect and strengthen this couple. Pray that the Egyptian government will recognize the religious freedom of its citizens.

    To learn more about the persecution Christians face in Egypt,click here.

  • Update: Christian obtains conversion certificate

    El-Gohary and his daughter
    Photo from Compass Direct

    Maher Ahmad El-Mo'otahssem Bellah El-Gohary (56), an Egyptian convert to Christianity from Islam who is fighting for legal recognition of his faith (click here to learn more), has received a certificate of conversion from Egypt's Coptic Orthodox Church, according to an April 14 report from Compass Direct. On April 11, El-Gohary's lawyers submitted the certificate, which the court required as verification of his Christian faith. El-Gohary is the second Muslim-born convert to request that Christianity be reflected on his identification documents and the first to receive a conversion certificate from the Coptic Church. The final verdict in his case is expected on May 2. Please pray for El-Gohary and his daughter as they continue to receive death threats from Muslims angered by the case.

    For more information on the opposition facing Christians in Egypt,click here.

  • Convert to Christianity fighting for recognition of his faith

    Maher Ahmad El-Mo'otahssem Bellah El-Gohary
    and his daughter
    Photo from Compass Direct
    A convert to Christianity from Islam, Maher Ahmad El-Mo'otahssem Bellah El-Gohary (56), is currently involved in a legal battle to obtain identification papers that recognize his Christian faith, according to a February 26 report from Compass Direct. More than 20 Islamic lawyers attended a February 22 hearing where they advocated that El-Gohary be convicted of apostasy and sentenced to death. The lawyers submitted memos that allegedly asserted that cases like El-Gohary's were part of a U.S. Zionist attack on Islam in Egypt. The documents also claimed that Christianity is inferior to Islam and stated that Christians protect and defend converts from Islam at their own peril. Fearing an attack, El-Gohary did not attend the proceedings. He had attempted to obtain papers authorizing his attorney to act as his proxy representative in court but when he went to the registry office to sign the papers he was beaten by officials. El-Gohary has been attacked several times during his legal battle and he and his 14-year-old daughter have received death threats. At last report, he was in hiding.

    El-Gohary's fight for legal recognition of his Christian faith was sparked by his concern for his daughter, who will be issued her national identity card in approximately a year. Unless his documents are changed, she will be subject to Islamic law, which would include denying her the right to marry a Christian. At present, she has to attend Islamic classes at school despite her Christian faith.

    Pray for safety and protection for El-Gohary and his daughter. Pray that Egyptian Christians will be allowed to express their true religious identity in a spiritually hostile environment.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Egypt, go to theEgypt Country Report.

  • Christian brothers jailed following police raid

    Six Egyptian brothers were sentenced to three years in prison with hard labour on January 22 after police attacked them for opening their cafe during Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting. According to a January 29 report from Compass Direct, the Ghatas brothers' cafe in the city of Port Sa'id was attacked on September 8 by 13 police officers who overturned tables, broke chairs and dishes, and severely beat the brothers with sticks. When the Christians tried to protect their cafe, they were detained for allegedly resisting arrest and assaulting authorities. One of the brothers required 11 stitches in his head after the attack while another two suffered broken arms. At the January 22 trial, the defense showed a video that an onlooker recorded as evidence of police brutality but the judge was not swayed and ruled against the brothers. Local Christians believe religious discrimination is the true motive behind the conviction since it is not illegal for a cafe to be open during Ramadan even if many Muslims in the country observe the fast.

    Pray for strength and endurance as these brothers face imprisonment. Ask God to support and encourage their families. Pray that suffering Christians in Egypt will exemplify the love of God through consistent love and prayer for those who persecute them (Matthew 5:43-48).

    Click here to learn more about the plight of Christians in Egypt.

  • Christian woman released on bail

    A Christian woman who was arrested along with her family at the Cairo International Airport in December was granted bail on January 24, according to a January 27 report from Compass Direct. When Zainab Said Abel-Aziz (24) -- who goes by the Christian name of Martha Samuel Makkar -- converted to Christianity from Islam in 2003, she and her husband endured serious threats and harassment from both Egyptian police and family members. Longing to flee these assaults, Martha obtained a passport issued in her Christian name and made plans to escape the country along with her family. However, authorities apprehended them as they were preparing to board a flight to Russia on December 13. Martha was charged with possessing forged documents and was taken to the El-Nozha police station along with her two children, ages two and four. Her husband, Fadl Thabet (32), was taken to the National Security Office in Alexandria, Somoha District for questioning and was later released on January 19. Officials handed the children over to the care of family friends before moving Martha to Al-Qanata prison where she was reportedly sexually assaulted by officials and mistreated by other inmates. After being granted bail, she was allowed to return home to her husband and children pending trial.

    Pray that the charges brought against Martha will be dropped. Pray that this family will no longer be harassed for their faith in Jesus. Pray that Christians in Egypt will put their hope in the Lord as the One who upholds their cause (Psalm 146).

    For more information on how Christians suffer in Egypt, go to the Egypt Country Report.

  • Christian brothers falsely accused of murder

    Refaat and Ibrahim Fawzy Abdo, Egyptian Christian brothers falsely accused of murdering a Muslim, were sent to the El Wadi El Gadid Detention Camp on November 22 in an attempt to coerce them into confessing to the crime, according to a December 1 report from Compass Direct. Approximately 60 armed Muslims stormed the Abu Fana monastery in Mallawi, Upper Egypt on May 31 where the brothers worked as building contractors. A Muslim was killed, four Christians injured, and three monks briefly kidnapped in the attack. The brothers were subsequently charged with the murder even though they were not on the premises when the violence broke out. In the initial days of their detention, they were tortured with electric shocks eight hours a day for three days in an attempt to make them testify that the monks at the monastery were armed. Sources believe that authorities are using the brothers as leverage against the Coptic Church to make Christians confess that the attack on the monastery was not religiously motivated.

    Pray that Refaat and Ibrahim will be released and that the false charges against them will be dropped. Ask God to strengthen and provide for their families.

    Find out more about Egypt's suffering Christians atEgypt's Country Report.

  • Church building attacked in Cairo

    Thousands of Muslims attacked the Coptic Church of St. Mary and Anba Abraam building in Ain Shams, Cairo on November 23, angry that an extension had been recently added to the building. The mob gathered at the premises at approximately 5:00 p.m., following a consecration service that was held by the believers earlier that day. The mob, shouting anti-Christian slogans, threw stones at the building and set a portion of the structure on fire with the believers trapped inside. A nearby shop and two cars belonging to Christians were also burned in the violence.

    Pray that attacks on Christians and church buildings in Egypt will cease (Psalm 33:14-22). Ask God to grant boldness to these believers as they face opposition from their Muslim neighbours. Pray that the Egyptian government will protect Christians from such acts of violence.

    To learn more about the difficulties of being a Christian in Egypt,click here. To watch video clips of this attack, go to our blog.

  • Update: Court grants custody of Christian boys to Muslim father

    Mario and Andrew
    Photo from
    Compass Direct
    On September 24, the Appeal Court of Alexandria granted custody of 13-year-old Christian twins, Mario and Andrew, to their Muslim father, who changed their religion to Islam on their birth certificates when he converted to Islam (click here for more details). According to an October 2 report from Compass Direct, the court ruled in favour of their father in spite of Article 20 in Egyptian law, which grants custody of children to their mothers until the age of 15, and a religious ruling from a respected Islamic leader giving her custody. At last report, the boys still lived with their mother but could be taken from her at any moment.
  • Muslims Attack Christian Homes and Businesses

    Al Nazla, EgyptA mob of local Muslims attacked shops and homes belonging to Coptic Christians in the village of Al Nazla, Fayoum province, on June 19. When a convert from Christianity to Islam left that day on a three-day trip to Cairo, local Muslims concluded that she had gone missing. Rumours circulated that she had been abducted by her Christian family members. A mob of Muslims then went on a rampage in the village, beating and injuring Christians and destroying property.

    Ask God to strengthen those affected by the mob violence to remain steadfast as they suffer (Revelation 2:10). Pray that the perpetrators of this attack will come to repentance and salvation.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Egypt, go to theEgypt Country Report.