

  • Christian Workers Released

    Libyan authorities have released an Egyptian national and three other foreigners who were arrested on February 10th in Benghazi for allegedly illegally importing Christian materials. The Egyptian national is now recuperating at home with his wife and two children. To read a previous report regarding the situation, please click here.

    "Although he and the others suffered for the sake of the Master's name, they received it with great joy and with an attitude of willingness to suffer for Christ," a VOM contact wrote. "As we update you about this, we would like to thank you so much for your prayers and support...during this last period until all those who were involved in the crisis were released. We pray now for post traumatic relief for the workers who came back and seek direction for the next phase in their lives."

    We can be thankful for this encouraging answer to prayer, praising God for the release of these four believers and for sustaining them throughout this difficult trial. Pray that they will continue to rejoice over the opportunities they've received to further develop in the character of our Lord Jesus (James 1:2-4) and serve as a strong witness of His sustaining grace. May He use their testimony to encourage the faith of other believers and to reach all who are earnestly seeking salvation.

  • Recently Arrested Prisoner Succumbs to Injuries

    Ezzat Hakim
    Atalla Abdel-Malek
    Photo: AsiaNews

    We have been notified by Middle East Concern that Ezzat Hakim Atalla Abdel-Malek, one of the arrested friends of businessman/bookstore manager Sherif Ramses, passed away on March 10th. Just days prior to his passing, he was taken to hospital where he received treatment for chest pain. The extensive bruising on his body revealed the physical abuse he experienced during detainment. Unfortunately, Ezzat did not survive the injuries and, sadly, now leaves behind a grieving wife and two teenage children. Please pray that his family will experience the comforting presence of the "Prince of Peace" in their lives, and also the assurance that Ezzat is a true "hero of the faith." May the reality of his present joy and eternal reward in heaven greatly encourage and sustain them. (To review the original report on the arrest of these Christian businessmen, please click here.)

  • Egyptian Businessman and Associates Imprisoned

    Egyptian Christian businessman Sherif Ramses manages a bookstore in Benghazi, the capital of the Cyrenaica province (in eastern Libya). On February 10th, he was arrested because the inventory of his store included Christian books which he made readily available to Arabic-speaking immigrants who either lived or worked in the city or the surrounding metropolitan area. While he has not yet been charged before a court, it has been reported that Sherif has experienced repeated physical mistreatment while in detainment.

    Other believers in Benghazi who had in some way associated with Sherif, whether through business connections or socially, have also been recently arrested. All of these associates were working in the area as language teachers or businessmen. Though formal charges have not been made against any of them to date, they are all accused of proselytizing Christianity.

    Pray that God will protect and preserve Sherif and his Christian friends during this difficult time while facing opposition and incarceration. May the amazing peace and presence of Jesus overshadow each of these suffering believers in a marvellous way, extending to their concerned family members who need His comfort as well. As admonished in the Scriptures, let us also remember to pray for those in authority, including the officials responsible for making these arrests. May God pour out His Holy Spirit on the entire nation of Libya so many will be brought to repentance and faith in Him!

  • Islamic law implemented

    On October 24, National Transitional Council leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil declared Libya to be "liberated." Operating free of any democratic constraints, Jalil also declared that the law against polygamy will be repealed, Islamic banking will be adopted, and Shariah (Islamic) Law will form the basis for all Libyan law.

    As has happened in Iraq and Afghanistan, any concession to religious freedom will be rendered void by the supremacy of Shariah. Shariah law prohibits fitna (anything that could shake the faith of a Muslim), especially evangelism (Christian witness), blasphemy (criticizing Islam), and apostasy (leaving Islam).

    Please pray for all Christians in Libya. Ask the Lord to protect them and make them courageous followers of Christ -- for He did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7). Pray for Mustafa Abdel Jalil and all those currently holding positions of authority. Pray that the Lord, in his good timing, will bring genuine religious freedom to this nation.

    For more information on persecution in Libya, please visit the Libya Country Report.

  • Christian released from jail

    Vice President
    John Dramani Mahama

    Daniel Baidoo, a Ghanaian Christian who was convicted of attempting to convert Libyans to Christianity and sentenced to 25 years in prison in 2001, was released from Libya's Jedidah Prison on April 29. Baidoo was arrested at a post office where he had gone to collect a parcel of Arabic Christian literature mailed to him from a ministry in the United States. Evangelizing to Muslims is prohibited in Libya and the government monitors religious literature coming into the country. Baidoo's release was secured by Ghana's Vice President, John Dramani Mahama, who was in Libya on an official visit. Baidoo departed for Ghana on April 30.

    Thank God for Baidoo's release. Pray that the Libyan government will respect religious freedom. Ask God to give wisdom and guidance to Baidoo as he serves Him.

    Learn more about the persecution Christians face in Libya.

  • Libya Elected Head of United Nations Human Rights Commission

    In a move strongly opposed by many nations and human rights organizations, Najat Al-Hajjaji, Libya's ambassador to the UN, was elected on January 20 to the influential position of chairman of the United Nations Human Rights Commission. The position is normally chosen without a vote, but the USA insisted on a vote because of its opposition. Of the 53 nation members of the commission, only three voted against Libya as chair: USA, Canada, and Guatemala. Several European nations were opposed, but for fear of offending the African nations who supported and nominated Libya for the position, seventeen nations abstained.

    Libya has a terrible human rights record, including torturing its own citizens. They have been facing US sanctions because of involvement in terrorism such as the 1988 Lockerbie bombing that killed 270 people. Libya is very closed to any religion other than Islam. In August 2002, the Persecution & Prayer Alert reported on fourteen students who had been arrested for converting to faith in Christ. At last report, they had been sentenced to death, but we have received no reports since November 20.

    On hearing of the election results, Glenn Penner, Communications Director for The Voice of the Martyrs said, "I can hardly think of something more inappropriate than putting such a violator of human rights in this position. This really is a case of the fox guarding the henhouse."

    Pray for Christians in Libya and for these fourteen students facing death for Christ. Pray that, in spite of this leadership choice, the UN will be effective in aiding the cause of human rights in general and specifically freedom of religion in our world.

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