
New Life Pentecostal Church

  • Banking Access Blocked for Church
    Panoramic view of Talgar
    Talgar, Kazakhstan
    Photo: Wikipedia / Makvlad (cc)

    For the past five years, the New Life Pentecostal Church has encountered repeated problems while trying to gain access to banking services – to the point of the recurring situation being described as "incomprehensible." With no access, the church administration has had difficulties paying necessary taxes, along with numerous other challenges.

  • Three Pastors Sentenced
    New Life Church property in Almaty - Photo: Ivan Kryukov
    New Life Church property in Almaty
    Photo: Ivan Kryukov (cc)

    Three self-exiled pastors have been sentenced to terms up to five years for leading the New Life Pentecostal Church in the city of Almaty. The sentences were announced on November 1st, when the court rejected their latest appeal. The founding pastor, Maxim Maximov, faces five years in prison, while his wife Larisa Maximova, and ministry colleague Sergei Zaikin, each face four years. All three pastors intend to appeal the conviction at the Supreme Court.

  • Registration Delays
    Oskemen, Kazakhstan - Photo: Wikipedia / Maonya
    Oskemen, Kazakhstan
    Photo: Wikipedia / Maonya (cc)

    Despite its claimed allegiance to United Nations policies governing freedom of religion, the country of Kazakhstan places significant restrictions on any religious practice. Members of religious groups can only gather if registered, and they can only register if their group consists of at least 50 founding members. Even then, registration is often delayed.