

  • Dozens Murdered in Brutal Attack on Christian Villages
    Some of the parents of Chibok's kidnapped girls.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    At least 50 believers were killed and five churches burned to the ground on June 29th when militants launched ruthless assaults on Christian villages near Chibok, Borno State.

    The violence began as believers were gathering for Sunday worship. "The attackers fired at worshippers, and those who tried to escape were chased and gunned down. They killed anything they (had) seen. Even animals were not left alive. Many people fled to the bush. They also set fire (to) houses and other properties before leaving the village," a survivor of the carnage explained.

  • Christian Communities Ravaged by Militants

    Pray for the many victimized Christians of

    Nigeria, including their children.

    Photo: Flickr / Seattle Globalist

    On June 1st, over 100 Muslim militants stormed the predominantly Christian village of Attagara in Borno State's Gwoza Local Government Area. Chanting "Allah Akbar," the assailants opened fire, killing over 25 and injuring more than 50 others. Although believers sought help from military personnel at a checkpoint just a few kilometres away, the military refused to intervene. In an attempt to protect the community, and especially the children, many Christian youths decided to try ousting the militants with weapons of their own. Despite church leaders urging them not to pursue violence, the youths nonetheless killed several of the militants.

  • VOM Volunteer Murdered by Militants

    A man from Nigeria holds up copies
    of the VOM-Nigeria newsletter.

    Militants from the Islamic group Boko Haram murdered a VOM volunteer in Gwoza, Borno state, in late April. "His death shocked almost all the Christian community," reported another VOM worker in the country.

  • Hundreds of Girls Kidnapped by Boko Haram

    Pray for the safety of Nigeria's innocent
    and most vulnerable citizens.

    The predominantly Christian enclave of Chibok in Borno State has been thrown into chaos over the abduction of girls from a secondary school. While many of the schoolgirls (who range in age from 16 to 20) belong to different churches in the area, there were also some innocent Muslim students in attendance at the school during the incident.

  • More than 100 Killed in Brutal Attacks

    Damages from the attack
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    More than 150 people were killed recently in separate attacks on predominantly Christian villages. Late at night on March 14th, suspected Fulani militants armed with guns and machetes raided three villages -- Ugwar Sankwai, Ungwan Gata and Chenshyi -- in Kaduna state, killing at least 114 people. Many of the victims were burned alive. The casualties included a pastor's wife and her three children.

  • Over 100 Fatalities in Weekend Killing Spree

    Scars on Adamu Musa, shot by Boko Harm
    in a 2013 attack on I Gava West village.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    In the dark of the night on February 15th, Boko Haram militants chanting "Allahu Akbar" ("God is great") attacked the predominantly Christian village of Izghe in the Gwoza Local Government Area of Borno State. After ordering the villagers to gather together, the assailants then opened fire, chasing down anyone who attempted to escape. At least 100 were murdered. The gunmen, who were wearing military fatigues, also set fire to houses, looted food supplies and stole several vehicles.

  • Christians Targeted by Militants in Ruthless Attacks

    Militants burned down several houses & villages such as these.
    Photo: Barnabas Aid

    Boko Haram militants recently targeted Christians two times in less than a week in Madagali Local Government Area, Adamawa State. Adamawa is one of three northeastern states in which the Nigerian government declared a military state of emergency in May of last year.

  • More than 30 Killed in Attack on Christian Village

    Bata Badugu, 75, and granddaughter Lydia,
    both injured in Shonong attack
    Photo: Morning Star News

    More than 30 believers were killed on January 6th when hundreds of Fulani Muslim herdsmen, armed with guns and machetes, stormed Shonong village in Riyom Local Government Area, Plateau State. According to local Christians, the soldiers stationed at the village to protect the believers joined the herdsmen in the assault.

  • Christian Villages Attacked; Believers Pressured to Recant

    Approximately 40 people were tragically murdered in the early hours of November 26th when assailants launched attacks on four Christian-majority villages in Plateau State. Those murdered included pregnant women and young children. The attackers are believed to be members of the Fulani tribe, which is predominately Muslim. Some Christian leaders believe Islamic militants are inciting the Fulani people to attack believers in order to acquire their land.

  • Innocent Civilians Killed in Recent Extremist Raids

    Two pastors have been killed and three churches destroyed, as militants attack yet more civilian targets in northeast Nigeria. In Borno state, a pastor was killed on September 26th when militants raided and set fire to the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria (EYN) which is located in Barawa village. Another EYN church was burned down in nearby Chikide village.