

  • Two Girls Kidnapped and Forced to Marry Abductors

    Two young Christian girls were kidnapped from their homes by Muslims in the city of Faisalabad in recent weeks, according to an August 22 report from Asia News.

    Zunaira (11) was taken from her home in Warispura by a Muslim named Muhammad Adnan on August 5. She was then forced to convert to Islam and marry her kidnapper. Her mother, Abida, was informed of her daughter’s situation by two local Muslims who acted as negotiators when the kidnappers demanded money in exchange for Zunaria's release. She offered them 12,000 Rupees (287 CAD) but they told her it was not enough. She then went to the police for help but was told that the kidnapping was "not a matter for the police."

    In the second case, Shumaila Tabussum (16) was kidnapped from her home by a Muslim man named Mazher and some other unknown people on August 16. The kidnappers told her that her father had been injured in an accident. When they offered to take her to see him in the hospital, she got into their car. While they were driving, Shumaila saw two of her uncles and shouted the news about her father's alleged accident to them. Her uncles then went to the hospital but discovered no one there. Shumaila's father immediately reported her abduction to the police. He fears she might also be forced to convert to Islam and marry a Muslim man since such cases are increasingly common for Christian girls in Pakistan.

    Pray that Zunaira and Shumaila will be returned home. Pray that they will remain strong in their faith. Ask God to give comfort to their families. Pray for safety for other young Christian girls in Pakistan.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Pakistan, go to thePakistan Country Report.

  • Christian Murdered by a Muslim

    Patras Masih was shot and killed in Lahore in the early morning of June 27. According to a July 23 report from Sharing Life Ministry Pakistan, Masih was working overtime at a factory when he received a cell phone call. When he went to the main gate to meet with a Muslim colleague, he was gunned down. According to Masih's father, the Muslim man had pressured Masih to convert one month prior to his death. Masih is survived by his parents and was an only child.

    Pray that those who knew and loved Patras will know comfort, peace and boldness as deep as their grief. Pray that Christians in Pakistan will be strengthened to follow in his example of faithfulness to Christ at all cost (1 Corinthians 4:9-14,16).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Pakistan, go to thePakistan Country Report.

  • Armed Muslims Attack Christians
    Christians injured in the attack
    Photo from
    Compass Direct
    On the evening of June 17, approximately forty Muslim men armed with guns, axes and wooden sticks attacked several believers while they were preparing for an evangelistic meeting at a Salvation Army church in the village of Bismillahlpur Kanthan, 20 miles from Faisalabad. According to a June 20 report from Compass Direct, seven Christians were injured and the church was desecrated. Local Christians said that the attack was sparked by their refusal to cancel the evangelistic meeting. The night before the attack, armed Muslims had stormed the home of Sawar Masih, one of the meeting's organizers, and assaulted his two young children and demanded he cancel the event.

    Christians injured in the June 17 attack were forced to leave the hospital after only a few hours of treatment and doctors under-reported their wounds due to pressure from the militants. Police initially refused to file a complaint against the attackers and did so only after lobbying efforts from local Christians. Several Christians have fled the area in fear of further attacks.

    Pray that the victims of this attack will display the love of Christ to their Muslim neighbours and trust God to avenge them as He sees fit (Romans 12:17-21). Pray that Christians in Pakistan will not give in to fear but rest in the fact that the Good Shepherd walks with them through their trials.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Pakistan,click here.

  • Younis Masih Sentenced to Death
    Photos from All Pakistan Minorities Alliance
    On May 30, Younis Masih, who has been held in Kot Lakhpat prison on allegations of blasphemy since September 2005 (click here for more details), was sentenced to death and fined the amount of 100,000 Rupees ($1750 CAD). According to a May 31 report from All Pakistan Minorities Alliance, a group of Muslims outside the courthouse shouted slogans against Masih after the sentence was announced. Although no one has yet been executed under Pakistan blasphemy law, several people who were sentenced under the law have been murdered by militants in jail.
  • Christian Nurses Accused of Blasphemy
    Letter of complaint filed against the nurses
    Photo from All Pakistan Minorities Alliance.
    Christian staff at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences hospital in Islamabad face accusations of blasphemy, according to a June 1 report from All Pakistan Minorities Alliance. On May 17, Muslim nurses found lines drawn through Quranic verses posted on a notice board and told the nursing school administration that the Christians were responsible. On June 1, Muslims demonstrated against the Christians and demanded that they be charged with blasphemy. In response, the school's administration has filed a complaint. The principal of the school, Ms. Stella, was suspended along with four student nurses. All five deny any involvement in the vandalism.

    Pray that all charges will be dropped against these Christian women. Pray that they will stand firm in the face of these allegations. Pray that they will demonstrate Christ's love and compassion to those opposing them (Romans 12:17-21).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Pakistan,click here.

  • Pakistani Man Released on Bail

    Walter Fazal Khan, who was charged under Pakistan's blasphemy law and jailed for allegedly desecrating the Quran on May 9 (click here for more details), was granted bail on May 29. According to a May 29 report from the Centre for Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement, Khan was taken to a safe location.

  • Elderly Christian Charged Under Blasphemy Law

    An 84-year-old Christian, Walter Fazal Khan, was charged under the blasphemy law and jailed for allegedly desecrating the Quran in Samanabad, Lahore on May 9, according to a May 11 report from the Center for Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement. The case against Khan was registered by his driver, who claimed to have seen him burning pages of the Quran. Khan's family says that the charge is part of a "conspiracy" against him by some Muslim businessmen who were angered by his refusal to sell them his land for 8 million rupees ($215,377 CAD). Muslim militants have seized Khan's property.

    Pray that the charges against Walter will be dropped and that he will be released. Pray that God will give him opportunities in prison to share the gospel for which he suffers
    (Colossians 4:2-3).

    For more information on persecution in Pakistan,click here.

  • Pakistani Christians Face Threats

    Christians in the towns of Charsadda and Mardan in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province, have received letters demanding that they close their churches and convert to Islam within ten days or face dire consequences. Copies of the handwritten letter were delivered to two churches and several Christian families on May 7.

    The towns have been facing heavy opposition from Islamic militants, including bomb attacks against video and audio stores. Police have been stationed around churches and homes to provide protection to the estimated 600 Christians in the district.

    Pray that these threats against Christians will come to nothing. Pray that Pakistani Christians will not give in to fear but stand firm in the faith (2 Timothy 1:7).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Pakistan,click here.

  • Martha Bibi Released on Bail
    Martha Bibi with her family
    Photo from All Pakistan Minorities Alliance
    Martha Bibi, who was accused of defiling the name of Muhammad and charged under Pakistan's blasphemy law in late January (click here for more details), was released on bail on May 3, according to a report from the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA). Bibi is reportedly in poor physical heath due to the abuse and harsh living conditions she endured while incarcerated. There is concern that she and her family are in danger from local militants angered by her release.
  • Girl Raped by Muslims
    Shaheena Masih
    Photo from All Pakistan Minorities Alliance
    A 12-year-old Christian girl, Shaheena Masih, was kidnapped and raped by four Muslim men on Easter Day in the city of Lahore, Punjab province, Pakistan, according to an April 23 report from the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance.

    Shaheena stayed home from an Easter prayer service at a local church, Kings Revival Church, in order to take care of her ailing father. At approximately 10: 00 a.m., her father asked her to go out and get him some juice. On her way to a shop, she was kidnapped by four armed men who placed a handkerchief on her mouth until she was unconscious and flung her into a car. The men took her to a factory and locked her in a room, where she was repeatedly raped by the four men over the span of two days. During one of the attacks, one of the perpetuators reportedly said to the others, "Don't hesitate to rape a Christian girl. Even if she will die, no one will get us. Her poor parents cannot pursue us." They eventually left Shaheena at a brothel run by a Muslim lady, who later dropped her off on a street near her home.

    One of the attackers, Mohammed Safdar, was caught by police after they raided the factory. Under interrogation, he implicated the others. Only after pressure did the police register a case against the attackers. They are now being pressured to drop the charges and Shaheena's family has been threatened if the case proceeds.

    Ask God to give Shaheena healing from the emotional and physical scars of the assault. Pray that authorities will prosecute the offenders to the full extent of the law. Pray for Shaheena and her family as they will struggle with the ability to exhibit God's love to their persecutors.

    For more information on persecution in Pakistan,click here.