
Sri Lanka

  • Christians Injured in House Church Attack

    On the morning of July 1, a house recently purchased by the Harvest International Church in Hapugastenne, Sri Lanka was attacked by a mob intent on shutting down the work of the church. Belongings were smashed and looted and two young church workers were seriously injured. As the mob dispersed, they demanded that the church close down or they would kill the pastor and his family. The young men were admitted to the Ratnapura hospital where one had to undergo surgery because of his injuries.

    Ask God to grant full healing to those who were injured. Pray that the Lord will give them wisdom to know what direction to take in the ministry He has given them. Ask God to use the believers' trust in the Lord to draw many non-Christians to Himself.

    For more information on persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka,click here.

  • Anti-Conversion Law Threatens Safety and Freedom

    The National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka is asking that Christians around the world pray and lobby on their behalf concerning a Private Member's Bill proposed by Omalpe Sobitha Thero of the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) in 2004.  The proposed "Prohibition of Forcible Conversions Bill" passed its 2nd Reading in Parliament and is being considered by a Standing Committee of parliamentarians.

    On the 23rd of May 2006, a three member delegation from NCEASL made oral and written submissions to the Parliamentary Standing Committee which is considering this Bill, objecting to the entire Bill. The Bill will next be taken up for voting in Parliament, where it can be passed and made law with a simple majority (majority of one vote).

    The NCEASL has also learned that there are attempts to introduce other alternate legislation which will also regulate propagation and religious conversions. As it is, with no such law in place, there is widespread harassment and intimidation of Christians, forced closure of Churches and physical attacks on Christian citizens. Such a law will only serve to legitimize rampant harassment of minority Christians and violation of the right to religion and worship.

    In August 2004, NCEASL and 21 other petitioners including Christian, Hindu and civil rights groups challenged this Bill before the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court determined that two clauses of the Bill were unconstitutional. The Bill that is being considered by Parliament has been amended, deleting the two offending clauses. However, the vague definitions and the excessive punishments still remain.

    With the country preoccupied by the threat of a renewed civil war, pray that this legislation will not be allowed to slip in.  Pray for the work of the NCEASL as they seek to uphold the rights of Christians in Sri Lanka.  The Voice of the Martyrs urges Christians from around the world to write to their foreign affairs ministers, urging them to pressure the Sri Lankan government not to pass legislation that would restrict the rights of Sri Lankans to practice and change their religion.

    Click here for more information and links on the threats facing Sri Lankan Christians.  A 14-minute excerpt of VOMC’s extensive video report “Faith Under Fire: Sri Lanka” may be viewed on www.vomcanada.com.  You can also order the complete report online.

  • Intimidation Continues Against Churches

    On May 2, the United Christian Fellowship in Poddala, Sri Lanka began construction on a community hall on a piece of land that the church had purchased.  Four days later, a mob led by a Buddhist monk approached a construction worker and the pastor demanding the construction cease or it would be destroyed. Both were verbally abused and the construction worker was physically assaulted.  Construction has ceased for fear of further attacks and the incident has been reported to the police.

    A Methodist church in Piliyandala that was attacked on April 23 (for details, click here) continues to face difficulties.  According to a May 10 report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL), members of the congregation have been prevented from attending services because of threats against them, even though a magistrate has ruled that the church has the right to meet.

    Pray that the construction of the fellowship hall in Piliyandala will be allowed to continue. Pray also that those whose rights to worship have been legally recognized will be able to attend services without fear.

    For more information on Sri Lanka and the trials facing Christians there,click here.

  • Church Faced with Protest

    As approximately twenty believers gathered for worship at the Methodist Church in Piliyandala, Sri Lanka on April 23, Buddhist protesters drove along the streets with loud speakers, calling people to demonstrate against the "anti-Buddhist" Christians.  As many as one hundred area residents gathered on the street by the church shouting anti-Christian slogans.  Three police officers present prevented most of them from entering the church, but two monks and another man managed to get into the building and started demanding that the worship service end immediately.  Seeing that the situation threatened to spiral out of control, the police requested that the pastors conclude the service as soon as possible. Not wanting to aggravate the situation, the church leaders complied.

    While this was happening, the mob outside let deflated vehicle tires, toppled motorcycles and smashed the windshields of a car and van used by the ministry team.  Three of the church leaders were struck as they left the building.  One of the church leaders has been ordered to appear in court on April 26 regarding the incident.

    Pray that the peace of God will rule the hearts of the believers in Piliyandala. Pray that they will be enabled to rejoice in the face of their trials and maintain the gentleness of Christ (Philippians 4:4-7). Pray that they will continue to boldly proclaim the truth of the gospel (2 Tim. 4:16-18).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka,click here.  Excerpts from a video feature, "Faith Under Fire: Sri Lanka" is available for viewing on VOMC's multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com. The full video is available in VHS or DVD through our online catalog.

  • Pastor Faces Death Threats

    A pastor was forced to leave his home and take refuge with a nearby family in Elpitiya in the Galle district of Sri Lanka because of mob attacks. Now the home where Pastor Sarath Induruwa and his family have taken refuge is being attacked. Excreta and burned oil has been thrown at the home. A neighbour has been providing water for the pastor and his family but, according to a March 24 report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL), the children of that neighbour suddenly fell ill. It has been discovered that someone has poured burned oil into the well.

    Pray that the Lord will give the pastor wisdom as he seeks to establish a godly direction for the ministry in Elpitiya. Pray that he and his family will know the protection and peace of God in the midst of this persecution. Pray that the children will fully recover from their illness.

    For more information on Sri Lanka and the persecution facing Christians there,click here.  A video feature on the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka is available at www.vomcanada.com.

  • Church Members Prevented from Attending Church

    On January 22, the Assembly of God Church in the village of Bolatha (Bolaththa), Gampaha District, Sri Lanka was threatened by a Buddhist mob and told to stop holding services (click here for more information). Under duress, the pastor agreed on February 6 to hold services only for local Christians and not for those from surrounding villages.  The following Sunday, February 12, fifteen people gathered outside the church gates and questioned each person as to where they were from.  Anyone from a village other than Bolatha was chased away.  The pastor was summoned to the police station where he clarified that the previous agreement had been obtained under pressure.  He stated that, in Sri Lanka, any person has a right to worship at a church or temple of his choice. He could not, therefore, ask congregation members to stay away.

    Though they faced threats of violence, the church was determined to hold services on February 19.  The attendance was small, as about 20 members stayed away for fear of reprisals but some Christians from other villages attended the service.  There were no reports of trouble.

    Thank God for these believers' boldness in not being intimidated by the threats they received. Pray that they will continue to be bold in their witness for Christ and gentle in their approach toward those who made the threats. Pray for those who stayed away in fear. Pray that they will allow Christ to rule in their lives and not fear (1 Peter 3:13-17).

    For more information on the persecution facing Sri Lankan Christians,click here. Video reports from Sri Lanka are available on VOMC's multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com.

  • Sri Lankan Pastor Beaten in Ambush

    As the pastor of the Assembly of God Church in Yakkala, Sri Lanka was returning from the market on the evening of February 8, he was approached by three men he did not recognize.  According to a report received from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL), the men asked the pastor to identify himself. When he did, the men said they had been waiting for him and began beating him.  The pastor was admitted to the hospital with minor injuries and a police report has been filed.

    The pastor and his wife have faced many attacks in the past, including several attacks reported in the Persecution and Prayer Alert in 2004.

    Pray that the pastor and his wife will have the strength to remain steadfast in their commitment to carrying their cross for Christ. Pray that the people of the church will know the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Pray also that there will be justice as a result of this attack and that the perpetrators will come to know Christ.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka,click here. Videos on Sri Lanka are available for viewing at www.vomcanada.com.

  • Pastor Threatened with Death
    The Dutch Reformed Church in Galle (the Groote Kerk)
    was originally constructed in 1640 and is one of
    the oldest churches in the country.
    On the morning of February 6, a man came to the Dutch Reformed Church in Galle, Sri Lanka looking for the pastor.  The pastor was not there at the time, but the man spoke to the caretaker and the pastor's wife.  The man threatened to cut off the pastor's limbs and kill him if he ever visited the Hikkaduwa area again.  He then left after making derogatory statements against Jesus Christ and Christians.  Previous threatening letters against the pastor had also been received last month by Christians in the village of Werellana in Hikkaduwa.

    According to the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL), information has been received that anti-Christian groups in the Galle area have made a list of prominent Christian pastors and could suggest the beginning of an organized plot to unleash a wider circle of violence.

    Pray for every name on the list of potential targets. Ask the Lord to surround them with a wall of protection and to give them the strength to carry out the Great Commission without fear of what man might do. Pray especially that the Lord would protect the pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church and his wife.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka,click here. Video reports from Sri Lanka are available on www.vomcanada.com.

  • Threats and Violence Against Churches

    A January 23 report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka outlined three separate incidents of persecution against Sri Lanka's Christian community since the beginning of 2006.

    On January 1, the King's Revival Church in Alawwa was subjected to verbal threats and abusive language as the pastor and a small group of Christians gathered for Sunday worship.

    On the evening of January 21, a mob of approximately twenty men armed with sticks walked into the home of an Assembly of God pastor in Alpitiya.  Only the pastor's wife and her three small children were at home at the time.  The mob demanded that the pastor stop all Christian activity. They then overturned much of the furniture before leaving.  The worship service was held the next day as scheduled, but with police protection.

    Following the worship service on January 22, a mob of approximately 500 militant Buddhists surrounded the fifty worshippers of the Assembly of God Church in Bolaththa, Ganemulla and demanded that they stop holding services.  The militants threatened to return the next Sunday if services continued.  Early the next morning, the pastor's house was also stoned. Windows were damaged in the attack.

    Pray that these threats and attacks in Sri Lanka will not cast a shadow of fear over the country's believers. Pray that they will be able to continue to corporately enjoy the presence of their Saviour without fear of those who can only destroy the body (Matthew 10:28).

    For more information on the persecution facing Sri Lankan Christiansclick here.  Video reports on Sri Lanka can be viewed on www.vomcanada.com.

  • Christians Prevented from Attending Christmas Service

    Members of the King's Revival Church in Alawwa, Sri Lanka were making their way to church on Christmas Day when a mob stopped them and threatened them with violence if they did not turn back.  According to a December 29 report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL), many fled in fear while those who attempted to continue on to the church were beaten.  Four believers were injured, including a pregnant woman.  One man required treatment at a local hospital.  It is believed that a local political organizer is responsible for the attacks. The pastor of the church had been warned earlier to not have a Christmas Day service. 

    Pray that there will be true justice and that the rights of Sri Lankan Christians to worship freely will be respected. Pray for full healing for those involved in the attack. Pray also that the congregation will experience a renewed sense of determination to share Christ with their lost neighbors.

    For more information on Sri Lanka and the persecution of Christians there,click here. Video reports are also available on www.vomcanada.com.