India: Update on Manini Digal

India: Update on Manini Digal

On August 28th, 2008, Manini Digal was 17 years old when her village in Orissa State (now referred to as Odisha State) was attacked by militant Hindus whose intent was to target Christians. As a result of the attack, in which several injuries were inflicted upon Manini and various members of her family, she suffered severe burns on her body. Members of VOM Canada’s ministry team visited Manini in 2009 and were impressed by this young woman’s unwavering faith, especially after enduring such a violent and almost life-ending assault. Greg Musselman has exciting news to announce regarding an upcoming event that will soon be taking place in Manini’s life!

Date: October 23, 2020
Length: 6:10
From: The Voice of the Martyrs Canada