Mauritania: Rejected, Falsely Accused and Threatened with Death – Adam’s Story of Perseverance

Mauritania: Rejected, Falsely Accused and Threatened with Death – Adam’s Story of Perseverance

 “Adam,” whose real name can’t be published for security reasons, grew up in the North African country of Mauritania, where over 99 percent of the population is considered to be Muslim. Even though it is illegal to leave the Islamic faith – and dangerous to even consider another religion – Adam became disillusioned with the god of Islam. With a desire to know more about Christianity, he began to seek Christ. However, because of his Muslim background, many churches refused to let him attend their services. Despite these challenges, Adam remained undeterred in his attempts to learn more about Jesus.

After a decade of searching for answers, Adam met a missionary who led him to faith in Christ. The new believer soon became close friends with another missionary named Chris Leggett, who helped Adam’s faith blossom. In 2009, tragedy rocked Adam’s world when Chris, a married father of four, was murdered by militant Islamists for his ministry among Muslims in Mauritania. Following the loss of his dear friend, Adam became even more focussed on building God’s Kingdom in his North African nation. Through this podcast, you will discover how the evangelistic work of this faithful follower of Jesus involved a great cost.

Length: 6:30

Episode Notes

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