Sisters' Stories


  • More Schoolgirls Kidnapped by Boko Haram
    Nigerian woman cooking - Wikipedia / Ujanm
    Wikimedia Commons (cc)

    Memories of the 2014 Chibok kidnapping flooded the minds of Nigerians as they heard the news of the most recent attack on a girls' school in Dapchi, Yobe State, on February 19th. When the Boko Haram militants left the scene, 110 schoolgirls -- between the ages of 11 and 19 -- disappeared with them.

    Authorities initially tried to deny that it was a kidnapping, suggesting the girls may have simply fled. However, it soon became clear that they had been taken by the attackers to an unknown location. Nigerian authorities are actively searching for the girls.

  • Teens Persevere Despite Persecution
    The Phong girls
    The released sisters recognize the importance of prayer.
    Photo: Open Doors USA

    In spite of the pain inflicted on them by the very ones they love the most, two teenage girls from a small village community in Laos are standing firm in their commitment to worship God. The persecution began during the fall of last year, when Nani, 17, and her sister Nha Phong, 16, received Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. They have since faced strong opposition from members of their own family -- especially their father, whose fierce anger over the girls' decision to forsake the village's animistic religion has resulted in their need for safety.