Christian Teachers Formally Charged; Others Released

Students in a classroom

In August 2021, four house church leaders were arrested for allegedly carrying out "illegal business operations." The charges relate to their work at the Jordan River Learning Center, a house church school affiliated with the Mount Carmel Church in Wuhu, Anhui State. At the time, six other teachers at the school were arrested but then released on bail.

Of the four detained, Han Yanlei and Xie Zhifeng were released on bail in late February. The case involving the remaining two teachers, Wan Hongxia and Wang Minghai, who have since been formally charged, is presently pending trial. Wang Minghai, a renowned gastroenterologist, donated his time and money to assist the school. Wan Hongxia was a successful businessman before deciding to serve full time as the principal of the school. Considering their involvement with the school as ministry work, both detained Christians reject all the charges against them, denying that they ever broke the law. To review other published reports addressing the challenges facing China's Christians, see our country report.

Pray that God will keep both of these detained Christian educational leaders, Wan and Wang, safe in prison. Throughout their imprisonment, may they be encouraged to remain strong and steadfast in their faith. Please also uphold their families in prayer as they await with the hopeful anticipation of a favourable outcome judicially. In the meantime, praise God for the release of Han and Xie, as well as the six other educators. May these teachers be allowed to continue providing Christian education in China, so parents who want their children to be raised in the 'ways of the Lord' are able to adhere to the Bible's foundational precepts.

  • Current Ministry Projects

    The Voice of the Martyrs Canada continues to help distribute Bibles to Christians in the country, making it possible for them to have their own printed version of God's Word. Additionally, VOMC works with various mission partners to facilitate a Biblical understanding of persecution and discipleship, while presenting ways to effectively respond and minister within the context of hostility.

    Project Funds: Underground Church, Bible, Relief & Development

  • Country Information

    1,413,142,846 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Han Chinese (91.1), ethnic minorities (8.9 - includes Zhang, Hui, Manchu, Uighur, Miao, Yi, Tujia, Tibetan, Mongol, Dong, Buyei, Yao, Bai, Korean, Hani, Li, Kazakh, Dai, and other nationalities) (2021 est.)

    Religion (%)
    Folk religion (21.9), Buddhist (18.2), Christian (5.1), Muslim (1.8), Hindu (< 0.1), Jewish (< 0.1), other (0.7 - includes Daoist [Taoist]), unaffiliated (52.1) (2021 est.)

    President Xi Jinping (2013)

    Government type
    Communist party-led state

    Legal system
    Based on civil law system; influenced by Soviet and continental European civil law systems

    Sources: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for China

    Pray that the Gospel will be proclaimed throughout China without government interference so many more names can be added to the Lamb's "Book of Life." May there also be a spirit of unity demonstrated among the country's growing churches, further strengthening existing believers and spurring them on in their ministry service and evangelistic outreach within the country's numerous communities.

China News