Imprisoned Lawyer Subjected to Forced Labour

Shi Minglei, Cheng Yuan
Shi Minglei and husband Cheng Yuan
Photo: ChinaAid

Cheng Yuan was arrested in 2019 for his work as a lawyer, and for his involvement in an organization known as Changsha Funeng (read more). The purpose of the organization is to protect the rights and interests of vulnerable members of society. The arrested Christian lawyer was eventually sentenced to five years in prison. Two other members of the organization, who were convicted along with Cheng, have received sentences of two or three years.

Cheng's wife, Shi Minglei, continues to advocate for her husband's freedom. Having fled the country for safety in 2021, Shi and her daughter are presently living in the United States. On July 5th, the family received three letters from Cheng – one was addressed to Shi, one to his older sister, and the other to his father. In the letters, the imprisoned lawyer reveals that he was suddenly transferred to the Hunan Chishan Prison on January 18th and placed in solitary confinement until April 18th. During this time, he was prohibited from making any contact with his family and subjected to forced labour.

In his letter to Shi, he also disclosed that he worked all day, specifically making mention of operating a sewing machine, and was then forced to submit to the indoctrination of Communist propaganda each evening. He has also been prohibited from having any contact with his lawyer.

It has been reported that conditions in the Hunan Chishan Prison are torturous. According to Lee Ming-che, who had served a term of five years in this same prison, the cells have no windows and can barely accommodate a small bed. Prison officials conduct roll calls every hour and ensure that a blinding light is left on 24 hours a day. They further mistreat the prisoners by not allowing them to cover their eyes from the blinding light with their blankets. Shi believes that the reason for the added punishment is because Cheng refuses to plead guilty of "inciting subversion of state power."

Please uphold Cheng in your prayers, asking the Lord to give him strength to endure the harsh conditions of the Hunan Chishan Prison while awaiting deliverance. Also pray for Shi and the couple's daughter as they too try to cope during this difficult time of separation with such limited contact. May this Christian family experience a greater awareness of God's Spirit with them – and the resulting peace, comfort and hope He alone provides – so they will be encouraged to keep trusting in His sovereignty and timing. May their situation serve as a reminder of our need to remember the many other believers who are similarly suffering in China's prisons because of their faith.

  • Current Ministry Projects

    The Voice of the Martyrs Canada continues to help distribute Bibles to Christians in the country, making it possible for them to have their own printed version of God's Word. Additionally, VOMC works with various mission partners to facilitate a Biblical understanding of persecution and discipleship, while presenting ways to effectively respond and minister within the context of hostility.

    Project Funds: Underground Church, Bible, Relief & Development

  • Country Information

    1,413,142,846 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Han Chinese (91.1), ethnic minorities (8.9 - includes Zhang, Hui, Manchu, Uighur, Miao, Yi, Tujia, Tibetan, Mongol, Dong, Buyei, Yao, Bai, Korean, Hani, Li, Kazakh, Dai, and other nationalities) (2021 est.)

    Religion (%)
    Folk religion (21.9), Buddhist (18.2), Christian (5.1), Muslim (1.8), Hindu (< 0.1), Jewish (< 0.1), other (0.7 - includes Daoist [Taoist]), unaffiliated (52.1) (2021 est.)

    President Xi Jinping (2013)

    Government type
    Communist party-led state

    Legal system
    Based on civil law system; influenced by Soviet and continental European civil law systems

    Sources: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for China

    Pray that the Gospel will be proclaimed throughout China without government interference so many more names can be added to the Lamb's "Book of Life." May there also be a spirit of unity demonstrated among the country's growing churches, further strengthening existing believers and spurring them on in their ministry service and evangelistic outreach within the country's numerous communities.

China News