

  • Christians Detained and Questioned
    Ismail, Mohammad, Alireza, and Hojjat - Photo: Middle East Concern https://meconcern.org/
    Ismail, Mohammad, Alireza, and Hojjat
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Four Christian men were detained on April 19th in separate raids throughout Dezful in southwestern Iran. They have been identified as Ismail Narimanpour, Mohammad Ali Torabi, Alireza Vark Shah and Hojjat Lotfi Khalaf.

  • Detained Pastor Confirmed Alive and Released
    Pastor Sithong - Photo: Radio Free Asia www.rfa.org
    Pastor Sithong at a wedding in 2018.
    Photo: Radio Free Asia

    On March 15th, 2020, Pastor Sithong Theppavong was approached by authorities who demanded that he agree to no longer hold worship services at a small church in Savannakhet Province, Laos (see this report). When Pastor Sithong refused, he was arrested without charge. Earlier this spring, those familiar with his situation were concerned that he was no longer alive since there had been no news of his whereabouts. (To read this previously posted report, visit this page.)

  • Christian Man Tortured Into False Confession
    Salamat in a police van; his mother and attorney - Photo: Morning Star News - https://morningstarnews.org
    Salamat speaking with his mother and attorney.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    On February 13th, Haroon Ayub Masih and his friend Salamat Mansha Masih were accused of blasphemy after reading the Bible out loud at a public park in Lahore, Pakistan, and then offering a Christian book to a Muslim man. Haroon and his family escaped into hiding, but Salamat was arrested (read more).

  • Death Threats Against Released Christian Teen
    Nabeel Masih - Photo: Church in Chains www.churchinchains.ie
    Nabeel Masih
    Photo: Church in Chains

    On March 1st, Nabeel Masih's lawyer successfully argued that there was no evidence of blasphemy committed by the teenage Christian, resulting in his release from a prison in Pakistan on March 18th (read more). He was then swiftly taken into hiding for his protection from militant crowds demanding his death.