

  • Appeal Hearing Scheduled
     Pastor Victor bet Tamraz and his wife, Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh - Photo: Farsi Christian News Network
    Pastor Victor bet Tamraz and his
    wife, Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh
    Photo: Farsi Christian News Network

    An appeal hearing has been scheduled for September 3rd to review the convictions of Christians sentenced because of their faith. Initial reports indicated a combined hearing for three related long-standing cases, each involving a member of the same family.

    The first case involves Pastor Victor bet Tamraz, along with two Christian converts, Amin Nader Afshari and Kevian Fallah Mohammadi. The three were arrested during a Christmas celebration in 2014 and each received sentences of ten years (read more).

  • Christian Woman Sentenced to Prison
    Mahrokh Kanbari - Photo: Middle East Concern www.meconcern.org
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Mahrokh Kanbari (or "Ghanbari"), 65, was summoned to the Karaj Islamic Revolutionary Court on July 27th to face charges of "propaganda against the system." She had also been ordered to go to a religious leader for "instruction," where she was directed to return to Islam.

  • Christian Prisoner Conditionally Released
    Sevada Aghasar - Photo: ''Free Sevada Aghasar'' Facebook page
    Photo: "Free Savada Aghasar"
    Facebook page

    Despite being a member of the Armenian Orthodox Church, which is permitted in Iran due to its long history, Sevada Aghasar has faced numerous challenges for his faith. After being initially arrested in August 2013, but never officially charged, he served six months in prison (see this report).

    Then, in April 2015, Sevada was sentenced to five years in prison for "acting against national security through house-church activities" (read more). He began serving this sentence two years ago after losing his appeal.

  • Historic Church Closed
    Presbyterian church in Tabriz
    Photo: Google

    The Assyrian Christian community in the city of Tabriz were shocked to discover that the Presbyterian church was being forced to close. Intelligence agents stormed the 100-year-old national heritage site on May 9th. Locks were changed, the cross on the tower was torn down, and the church warden was ordered to leave.

  • Cleric Warns Against Rapidly Growing Church
    Tehran - Photo: Pixabay / Frank Furness

    Islamic cleric, Hujjat al-Islam Naser Rafiei, delivered a speech in Qom, warning against the spread of Christianity throughout the country. He specifically named house churches and evangelical networks as an attraction for Iranian youth.

  • Ongoing Arrests of Christians
    Sina Moloudian and Ruhsari Kamberi - Photo: Middle East Concern
    Sina Moloudian and Ismaeil Maghrebinejad
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Iranian Christians are requesting prayer for a series of recent arrests. Shortly before Christmas, five Iranian women were taken into custody, including 65-year-old Ruhsari Kamberi. Following her arrest, Ruhsari faced ten days of intensive interrogation. Authorities had also searched the senior woman's home, where they confiscated her phone, Bibles and Christian materials. After eventually being released on bail, Ruhsari was brought before the prosecutor in mid-January to answer charges of "acting against national security." During the court hearing, she was ordered to meet with an Islamic religious leader to be "instructed" and offered the opportunity to return to Islam.

  • Christian Couple Arrested
    Amir Taleipour and Mahnaz Harati - Photo: Middle East Concern
    Amir Taleipour and Mahnaz Harati
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Amir Taleipour and his wife Mahnaz Harati were at their home in Mashhad with their seven-year-old daughter on December 6th when several intelligence agents entered. At last report, the couple were still being held in detention and not allowed to communicate with family members. They have also been denied legal assistance. In the meantime, their daughter is being cared for by extended family.

  • Christian Refused Permission to Visit Dying Mother
    Ebrahim Firouzi - Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Ebrahim Firouzi has been imprisoned since 2013 on charges, including "actions against national security" (see this report). He is presently being held at the Rajai Shahr Prison, considered one of the harshest in the country.

    Ebrahim's mother has been suffering with cancer and appealed several times to the courts, asking that he be granted permission to visit her, since she was too sick to travel to the prison. Officials refused and, sadly, she passed away without seeing him. The funeral was held on December 4th and Ebrahim was unable to get permission in time to attend the service.

  • Recent Sentencing Includes Pastor's Son
    Ramiel Bettamraz Photo: Middle East Concern www.meconcern.org
    Ramiel Bet Tamraz
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Ramiel Bet Tamraz was arrested along with four converts from Islam when security officials raided a picnic that took place northeast of Tehran on August 26th, 2016. Although the five Christians were interrogated and eventually released, Ramiel and his friend were charged with "acting against national security." Both were released on bail in October 2016.

  • Christian Convert Arrested in Iran

    Abdol-Ali Pourmand - Photo: Mohabat News
    Photo: Mohabat News

    On October 19th, a member of the Payam-e Aramesh (meaning "Message of Peace") house church in Dezful was arrested and transferred to another city known as Ahwaz. Shortly before arresting Abdol-Ali Pourmand (also referred to as Elyas), security authorities raided his home while he was away working on his farm. During Abdol's absence, officials searched the house thoroughly and confiscated a few Bibles and Christian CDs.