

  • Imprisoned Church Members Released; Others Remain in Custody
    A group of believers / Wang Runyun excitedly greeting his family
    Wang Runyun and Zhang Ligong with other believers / Wang Runyun greeting his family
    Photos: ChinaAid

    In January 2020, an outspoken critic of the Chinese Communist Party hosted a conference in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur. Five Chinese Christians who attended the event were charged in July 2021 and convicted on January 7th, 2022, of "illegally crossing the national border." These Christians were sentenced to prison terms ranging from six to eight months. For more details, see our previously posted report.

  • Christian Teachers Formally Charged; Others Released
    Students in a classroom

    In August 2021, four house church leaders were arrested for allegedly carrying out "illegal business operations." The charges relate to their work at the Jordan River Learning Center, a house church school affiliated with the Mount Carmel Church in Wuhu, Anhui State. At the time, six other teachers at the school were arrested but then released on bail.

  • Detained for Attempting to Share the Gospel with the President
    Zhou Jinxia smiling and holding her Gospel sign.
    Zhou Jinxia
    Photo: ChinaAid

    A Christian woman in China was detained on February 20th after repeated attempts to share the Good News with Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan. In her latest attempt, the Christian woman, Zhou Jinxia, waited at Beijing's Zhongnanhai Xinhua Gate for the couple to pass by so she could personally share the Gospel message with them. According to ChinaAid, she has visited the gate with evangelistic signs over 50 times in recent years and, as a result, was detained several times.

  • Pastor Hao Zhiwei Sentenced to Eight Years
    Pastor Hao Zhiwei and her late husband - Photo: ChinaAid
    Pastor Hao Zhiwei and her late husband.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    In July 2019, Pastor Hao Zhiwei was arrested for allegedly swindling money by collecting church offerings. Two other Christian women were also arrested at that time. The authorities alleged that the house church, located in China's Hubei province, was illegal. Therefore, any money collected to support it was considered to have been done unlawfully (read more).

  • Church Members Sentenced to Prison
    Family members of prisoners - Photo: ChinaAid
    Family members of those who were sentenced with prison terms.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    The Xuncheng Reformed Church in Taiyuan, China, has faced numerous raids over the past year. On December 30th, 2020, while Pastor An Yankui was hosting a Bible study in his home, security officers raided the house and forcefully restrained him (view this page). During his detainment, the pastor served a 15-day administrative detention.

  • Church Leaders Arrested
    Elder Wu Jiannan, Pastor Hao Mingchang, coworkers - Photo: ChinaAid
    Elder Wu Jiannan, Pastor Hao Mingchang, and their coworkers.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    The Early Rain Qingcaodi Church, a church plant previously established by the Early Rain Covenant Church (ERCC), is located in the city of Deyang, which is part of the Chinese province of Sichuan. Shortly after the police initially raided the ERCC in December 2018 (for more details on this incident, see this report), they also broke into the Qingcaodi church, expelling the Christians and posting a notice on the gate of the building in their efforts to ban the believers from meeting. In March 2021, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Civil Affairs published a list of illegal organizations, including both the ERCC and the Qingcaodi church.

  • Church in Exile Faces Repatriation
    Dr. Foley teaching the ''Mayflower Church.'' - Photo: Do the Word
    Dr. Foley teaches the "Mayflower Church"
    how to Biblically respond to persecution.
    Photo: Do the Word

    After enduring years of persecution in China, most members of the Shenzhen Holy Reformed Church, led by Pastor Pan Yongguang, fled the country in 2019 and sought refuge on JeJu Island in South Korea. These 60 Christians (consisting of 28 adults and 32 children) have been supporting themselves by doing menial labour during the asylum process. Human rights advocates have dubbed this group of believers as the "Mayflower Church" for their similarity to the pilgrims who fled England in 1620 due to persecution.

  • Ongoing Persecution of the Early Rain Covenant Church
    Dai Zhichao, his wife, and two boys - Photo: ChinaAid
    Dai Zhichao and his family
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Since the Early Rain Covenant Church (ERCC) was raided in December 2018, leading to dozens of arrests, the opposition of government agents has been relentless. (For previous reports revealing the ongoing difficulties experienced by the members of this prominent church in Chengdu, click here.) While the church as a whole is no longer able to meet together, ERCCmembers continue to gather in small groups.

  • Escalating Attacks on Christian Education
    Child learning chemistry. - Photo: Unsplash
    Pray for wisdom as parents seek to train their children in the ways of the Lord.

    For years, Christian parents in China have encountered challenges due to the indoctrination imposed on their families by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as well as difficulties when trying to provide Biblical training to their children. Churches frequently face punishment for allowing children to attend worship services, and several youth Bible camps have been raided by authorities.

  • Evangelist Released for the Sixth Time This Year
    Chen Wensheng
    Chen Wensheng
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Chen Wensheng has gained a reputation as a "Gospel Warrior" for his evangelistic work. After this former drug addict came to faith in Christ, he zealously desired to spread the wonderful news of the miraculous freedom he had experienced. Following examples of the disciples in the Bible, he travelled to many towns and cities preaching the Gospel and holding crosses with thought-provoking slogans such as "Glorious Saviour," "Repent," "Believe" and "Saved."