
Detainment / Arrest

  • Christian Refuses to Turn Over Christian School
    Rockets launched by the Sham Legion - Photo: Wikipedia / Qasioun News Agenc
    The Sham Legion is a group of 19
    Islamist rebel groups in Syria.
    Photo: Wikipedia / Qasioun News Agency (cc)

    Radwan Muhammad is a Kurdish teacher and headmaster for a Christian school in the city of Afrin in northern Syria. He was ordered by the Sham Legion (Faylaq al-Sham) -- a coalition of Sunni Muslim groups -- to turn over the school building for an Islamic school. According to local sources, Radwan told them, "I will hand you the building in one case only: if Jesus Christ comes to earth again."

  • Iranian Couple Flees After Appeal is Denied
    Pastor Victor Bet Tamraz and his wife, Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh - Photo: Farsi Christian News Network www.fcnn.com
    Pastor Victor Bet-Tamraz and his wife,
    Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh
    Photo: FCNN

    In July 2017, Pastor Victor Bet-Tamraz was sentenced to ten years in prison. Arrested in 2014 during a Christmas celebration, he was convicted of evangelism, illegal house-church activities and "acting against national security" (read more). In June 2017, his wife Shamiram was also arrested and received a sentence of five years.

  • Man Charged with Blasphemy
    Sohail Masih
    Photo: Facebook / Sohail Masih

    A Christian man was beaten and charged with blasphemy on August 5th, following comments made on his Facebook account about the Islamic celebration of Lailat al Miraj. The celebration involves eating sacrificial meat. In response, Sohail Masih allegedly posted: "It is not possible that the blood of goats and bulls can wash away sins. The incident of Miraj is based on a lie." The post came to the attention of a mosque leader, who claimed that "Muslims were extremely hurt" by the comment.

  • Pastor Finally Released on Bail
    Pastor Keshab Raj Acharya and his wife Junu - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Pastor Keshav and his wife Junu after his release.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya was finally released on bail in late June after spending three months in prison. Sources state that the bail amount was exorbitant, considering the charges against him.

    Pastor Keshav was first arrested on March 23rd, after a video was uploaded to YouTube in which he allegedly stated that God could heal COVID-19 through prayer. Despite denying that he uploaded the video, Pastor Keshav was arrested after being asked to pray for a woman who had contracted the virus. He was then charged with spreading false information and misleading his followers.