
Ebrahim Firouzi

  • Ebrahim Firouzi Dies of Heart Attack
    Ebrahim Firouzi
    Ebrahim Firouzi
    Photo: Article18

    Ebrahim Firouzi, an Iranian convert who was arrested several times for his Christian activities, unexpectedly passed away on February 20th from a heart attack. The Christian man's body was found in his home by his brother, who went to check on the believer after not hearing from him for a few days. Ebrahim was only 37 years old.

  • Ebrahim Firouzi Facing Additional Charges
    Ebrahim Firouzi - Photo: Middle East Concern - www.meconcern.org
    Ebrahim Firouzi
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Iranian convert Ebrahim Firouzi has spent years in prison for his faith. After being released from prison in October 2020, he began serving his two-year exile in another part of the country. For further information on Ebrahim's case, go to this report. A more recently produced video interview, in which Dr. Hormoz Shariat references Ebrahim, can be viewed here.

    In early February, Ebrahim released a series of six videos detailing the persecution he was facing while in exile. Even his brother, who is not a Christian, was experiencing harassment because of Ebrahim's faith. As a result of these videos, Ebrahim was charged on February 8th with "propaganda against the Islamic Republic in favour of hostile groups" and moved to Chabahar Prison.

  • Updates on Christians in Exile
    Ebrahim Firouzi & Mohammad Reza Omidi with his family - Photos: Article 18 & Hovsepian Ministries
    Mohammad Reza Omidi & family, Ebrahim Firouzi
    Photos: Article18 (Mohammad),
    Hovsepian Ministries (Ebrahim)

    On October 31st of last year, Ebrahim Firouzi was gratefully released from prison. However, the court mandated that his prison term be followed by two years of internal exile, resulting in Ebrahim having to complete his sentence at a location a far distance away from his family.

  • Exile Extended
    Interview with Ebrahim Firouzi - Hovsepian Ministries
    Joseph Hovsepian interviewing Ebrahim Firouzi.
    Photo: Hovsepian Ministries

    On October 31st, Ebrahim Firouzi was released from prison but then faced two years of exile in Sarbaz, near the Pakistani border. Although he began his exile on November 12th, in December, he requested leave to sort out some family matters. After waiting for several days and receiving no response, he went ahead with his trip.

  • Recent Prisoner Updates
    Ismaeil Maghrebinejad
    Ismaeil Maghrebinejad
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Christians in Iran face constant danger when living out their faith. This is particularly true for those who convert from Islam. For many, faith in Christ leads to torture and imprisonment. More information, including various reports, can be reviewed at our country report.

    Ismaeil Maghrebinejad, 65, was taken into custody on January 25th of this year on charges of propaganda against the state (note previous report). In a hearing on October 22nd, charges of apostasy were added by the judge, even though Ismaeil had been a Christian for nearly 40 years. The next court hearing is expected in two months' time.

  • Released from Prison
    Ebrahim Firouzi

    Ebrahim Firouzi has been imprisoned since 2013 on charges including "actions against national security." He was originally sentenced to one year in prison, followed by two years of exile. However, after serving the first year, he was re-tried and sentenced to an additional five years.

    We are pleased to announce that Ebrahim was released from Rajaei Shahr prison on October 26th. While he still must serve two years of exile in the Sarbaz region of southeastern Iran, this Christian young man has been allowed temporary release to sort out his personal affairs.

  • Christian Refused Permission to Visit Dying Mother
    Ebrahim Firouzi - Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Ebrahim Firouzi has been imprisoned since 2013 on charges, including "actions against national security" (see this report). He is presently being held at the Rajai Shahr Prison, considered one of the harshest in the country.

    Ebrahim's mother has been suffering with cancer and appealed several times to the courts, asking that he be granted permission to visit her, since she was too sick to travel to the prison. Officials refused and, sadly, she passed away without seeing him. The funeral was held on December 4th and Ebrahim was unable to get permission in time to attend the service.