

  • Young Christian Woman Kidnapped
    A large group of Christian protestors with signs, the most prominent one reading, ''Save the innocent minor girls of religious minorities from vultures... (remainder unreadable).''
    Christians protest the frequently occurring
    abductions and forced conversions in Pakistan.
    Photo: Wikipedia / Banksboomer (cc)

    Two years ago, Abida Mukhtar's husband died of a heart attack. Finding herself in need of assistance with necessary adjustments regarding his government pension, the grieving Christian widow turned to a Muslim neighbour, Nisar Jogi, who claimed that he could help expedite the process.

  • Leah Still in Captivity After Four Years
    Leah Sharibu
    Leah Sharibu

    February 19th marked the fourth anniversary of the abduction of Leah Sharibu, a Nigerian schoolgirl who was kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists when she was only 14 years old. Originally, 110 students were captured during the raid. Five died following the attack and, after negotiations, all remaining students were released except for Leah. According to reports from other students, the young teen continued to be held captive because she refused to renounce her Christian faith and convert to Islam (see this report).

  • Invasion of Christian Residence Results in Abduction and Fatality
    Fr. Joseph Shekari - Photo: St. Monica Church
    Rev. Joseph Danjuma Shekari
    Photo: St. Monica's Catholic Church

    On the night of February 6th, armed assailants entered the parish residence of St. Monica's Catholic Church in the Ikulu Pari Parish of Kaduna State. During the invasion, a kitchen chef named Sati Musa was killed; and the parish priest, Joseph Danjuma Shekari, was abducted – the latter incident presumably motivated by the perpetrators for the purpose of demanding ransom.

  • Fifth Anniversary of Pastor Raymond Koh's Disappearance
    Pastor Raymond Koh, Jonathan (son), Susanna (wife), and Esther (daughter)
    Pastor Raymond Koh, Jonathan (son),
    Susanna (wife), and Esther (daughter)
    Photo (family): Free Malaysia Today

    On February 13th, 2017, surveillance cameras captured Pastor Raymond Koh being forced to bring his vehicle to a sudden stop before masked men abducted him in an operation that appeared to be executed with military precision. The abducted pastor has not been seen nor heard from since the incident. Under suspicion of state police for attempting to convert ethnic Malays to Christianity, Pastor Raymond and his wife Susanna received death threats prior to the incident.

  • Teenager Safely Returns Home
    Arzoo (second from left)
    Arzoo (second from the left) and her abductor, Syed Ali Azhar (far right), with police in Karachi, Pakistan.
    Photo: Sindh government

    In October 2020, Arzoo Raja was abducted from her family home in Pakistan, forced to convert to Islam, and then married against her will to the perpetrator of the crime – all this occurring when she was only at the age of 13. Her concerned Christian parents took legal action against her abductor and, ultimately, the courts nullified the young teen's marriage because of her age. However, due to the coercion and pressure she continued to receive from her kidnapper and others, Arzoo initially did not want to return home. So, instead, she was placed in a shelter. While any access to the attacker was forbidden, visits with her family and others were permitted only when requested by Arzoo. Previously posted information on this case is available here.

  • All Emmanuel Baptist Hostages Released!
    Clasped hands in a man's lap - Photo: Pixabay
    Join with Nigerian believers as they wait on the Lord for His guidance and deliverance.

    Christians in Kaduna State, Nigeria, were devastated after an attack took place in the village of Kakau Daji on October 31st in which at least one worshipper was killed and 66 kidnapped. (Read an earlier posted report about this incident.)Sadly, five of the hostages were shot by their captors on November 6th, leaving two dead and three others hospitalized.

  • Two Kidnapped Worshippers Slain
    A congregation leaving a church building. - Photo: World Watch Monitor
    Ask God to provide peace, protection and comfort to Nigerian believers.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Although the details are limited at this time, it has been reported that armed bandits have killed two of the worshippers who were abducted from the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Kakau Daji village on October 31st. (More details on the recent abduction have been made available here.) Rev. Joseph Hayab from the Christian Association of Nigeria announced in an official statement that the gunmen opened fire on five of the kidnapped Christians, killing two and injuring the other three.

  • Murderous Raid on Church Service
    A congregation in Nigeria leaving a church building - Photo: World Watch Monitor
    Believers gather for worship despite the constant dangers they face.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    At least one worshipper was killed and 60 kidnapped after gunmen raided the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Kakau Daji village, Kaduna, on October 31st. The church members had gathered for worship when the attackers suddenly entered the building and opened fire. An uncertain number of Christians were also injured in the attack. Upon fleeing the building, dozens were taken captive by the assailants.

  • 28 Students Released from Captivity!
    Father praying at breach in the wall - Photo: Morning Star News
    Thank God for answered prayer!
    Photo: Morning Star News

    In the early morning of July 5th, suspected Fulani militants raided the Bethel Baptist High School in Kaduna State, abducting more than 120 students (read this report). Since the kidnapping, a few students at a time have managed to escape in various ways.

  • High School Students Kidnapped
    Parent praying - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    A father prays for students at a breach in the school’s wall.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Shooting wildly, armed assailants breached the walls of Bethel Baptist High School in the early morning of July 5th. More than 100, and possibly as many as 164, students at this boarding school in Maraban Rido (located on the outskirts of Kaduna State's capital), are still missing after being kidnapped by militants as part of a coordinated attack. The suspected Fulani militants overcame security guards, initially abducting almost all of the school's 180 students at gunpoint. A few of the students fortunately managed to escape.