

  • God's Work in the Midst of Suffering
    Sharing Christ in Afghanistan

    Tremendous challenges are taking place politically in the country of Afghanistan, leading to many daily difficulties for citizens. Compounding this, evangelism is illegal and can bring about serious consequences for Christians. These followers of Christ must contend with additional struggles that are unique to them, including the freedom of being able to worship openly. Despite these difficulties, God's work is continuing throughout the country.

  • Churches Reopen in Rebel-Controlled Area
    A church in Shan state's Pansang township. - Photo: Radio Free Asia www.rfa.org
    A church in Shan state.
    Photo: Radio Free Asia

    In September 2018, Wa rebels in the state of Shan began closing churches and arresting Christians (read more). In the process, the pro-Chinese rebels had closed more than 100 churches. In September 2019, the rebels began allowing some of these churches to reopen and, by mid-December, all but one of the 52 Baptist churches in the region had been allowed to resume ministry.

  • Christian Villagers Released
    my khumi girl wiki mridulsa
    Please continue to pray for the Khumi people.
    Photo: Wikipedia / M. Sangma

    Political and religious conflicts are widespread in Burma (also known as Myanmar). The difficulties facing the Muslim Rohingya people have resulted in cries around the world for help and protection. However, there are also lesser-known groups suffering from the atrocities, such as the Chin people who are predominantly Christian. (For more information on the difficulties encountered by Christians in Burma, go to this page.)

  • Over a Thousand Churches Approved
    Church in Egypt - Photo: Pixabay

    A committee tasked to approve church licensing in Egypt has announced 127 new licenses to a variety of Orthodox, Catholic and Evangelical churches. These licenses bring the total of the country's approved churches to 1,021.

  • New Attacks Signify Growth
    Believers rejoicing in prison
    Photo: VOM Australia

    According to Christian leaders in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, a significant increase in attacks on Christians is part of a planned campaign by Hindu nationalist leaders.

    According to the leader of a church planting network, an average of four or five churches are attacked every day, and the number of arrests of Christians is unprecedented. In addition, the offices of some Christian organizations have also been attacked.

  • Court Ruling in Favour of Church

    Church in Sudan
    Pray for churches in dispute with the Sudanese government.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    In a surprising ruling, a Sudanese court has ruled against the government in a long-standing dispute with the Sudanese Church of Christ (SCOC) involving ownership of church property. In his verdict on August 8th, the judge returned the administration of the properties to the church.

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