

  • Mass Violence After Blasphemy Accusations
    pk riots 2023 08 lg
    A video screenshot of the recent riots in Pakistan.
    View the video.

    On August 16th, thousands of people stormed a Christian colony in Jaranwala, a town located in the Faisalabad district of Punjab. Angered by allegations of blasphemy, and spurred on by urgent announcements that had been broadcasted over mosque loudspeakers, the incited mob either damaged or utterly destroyed up to 26 church buildings and as many as 400 homes. Thankfully, there were no reports of casualties following this recent attack. Please take the time to view the informative video alert that VOMC released the next day, which includes footage of the actual attacks.

  • Video Released Revealing Execution of Christians
    A group of people praying
    Nigerian believers praying together.
    Photo: VOMC

    On May 10th, a video was released by the Amaq News Agency, a news outlet linked to the self-proclaimed "Islamic State" terrorist group. The video shows the execution of 20 Nigerian men, all believed to be affiliated with Christianity, along with a threatening statement from the Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP) declaring that the slaying is intended as a warning to Christians around the world. The spokesperson in the video also states that the killing was in retaliation for the death of Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, the former leader of the Islamic State who died during a raid committed in Syria on February 3rd by American special forces.

  • Pastor Sentenced to Prison for Evangelism
    Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya - Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide
    Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya
    Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide

    Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya of the Abundant Harvest Church in Pokhara, Nepal, was initially arrested and detained in March 2020 after a video was released in which he allegedly claimed that the COVID-19 virus could be healed through prayer. The pastor denies ever uploading the video. He was initially released on bail but then re-arrested and charged with "outraging religious feelings" and "attempting to convert." Pastor Keshav was detained in a remote area of the country with restricted access to transportation.

  • Congregants Evicted After Nearly 20-Year Struggle
    Authorities forcibly entering New Life Church - Photo: YouTube/New Life Church (screenshot)
    Click to view video.
    Photo: YouTube/New Life Church (screenshot)

    In 2002, the New Life Church purchased a cowshed on the outskirts of Minsk, Belarus, for use as a church building. All government agencies approved the change of use, except for officials of the religious affairs department who repeatedly blocked the process. Harassment from this department has continued for several years.

  • Additional Prisoners Released; Five Others Arrested


    Prison tower

    Recently, we had reported that 31 Christian prisoners were unexpectedly freed from custody (read more). With thanksgiving, we are now pleased to announce the exciting news that more Christians have been conditionally released, bringing the total to 69! While many of these prisoners have spent years behind bars, none of them ever faced trial.

  • Updates on Christians in Exile
    Ebrahim Firouzi & Mohammad Reza Omidi with his family - Photos: Article 18 & Hovsepian Ministries
    Mohammad Reza Omidi & family, Ebrahim Firouzi
    Photos: Article18 (Mohammad),
    Hovsepian Ministries (Ebrahim)

    On October 31st of last year, Ebrahim Firouzi was gratefully released from prison. However, the court mandated that his prison term be followed by two years of internal exile, resulting in Ebrahim having to complete his sentence at a location a far distance away from his family.

  • Call to Expel All Christians
    Christian baptism - Photo: Mission Network News
    Photo: Mission Network News

    A video from a Muslim cleric has gone viral in Pakistan, promoting hatred towards Christians and demanding that all of them be thrown out of the country. Referring to the followers of Jesus as "the worst infidels of the universe," the cleric speaking in the video declares that "Christians have no right to live in this Islamic country."

  • Church Raided Again
    Xingguang Church member's property being destroyed - Photo: ChinaAid www.chinaaid.org
    Officials destroying Christians' property.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On May 3rd, security officers burst into a home where members of the Xingguang Church in Xiamen were meeting. Worshippers were dragged from the building (see the full report of this initial raid). In a second series of attacks, several homes where church members gathered for meetings were raided on June 11th. More than 100 officials from various governmental departments were involved in these attacks.

  • Hundreds Slain in Campaign of Violence
    Rev. Yunusa Nmadu

    Attempts to stay current with the reporting of attacks and destruction in Nigeria can seem devastatingly futile. The description expressed by VOMC's CEO Floyd Brobbel, as it being "an epic battle," is apropos. One witness defines the situation as an "atmosphere of anarchy and despair." A report from the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law states that at least 620 Christians have been killed in the first five months of 2020 alone.

  • Christians Blocked from Refugee Camps
    Refugee Camp
    Refugee camp
    Photo: Voice of America

    Christians who have fled war-ravaged areas of Syria are facing continued persecution while trying to seek refuge in camps set up in Jordan, Lebanon and elsewhere. A substantial number of them are being blocked by United Nations officials when attempting to enter the camps because the majority of UN officials working in these countries are Muslims. Subsequently, many of the rejected refugees are being forced to live in hiding elsewhere, risking the danger of deportation and/or possible death if found.

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