Hassan Podo was a 28-year-old imam from the village of Kerekerene in eastern Uganda. However, after having missed prayers at the mosque for three consecutive weeks, and seen entering a church building on March 16th, he was subjected to interrogation by his family.
When entering the family home that evening of the 16th, his brothers surrounded him, carrying sticks. They wouldn't allow him to finish answering their questions, but began shouting and beating him, calling him an "infidel" and an enemy of Islam. Fortunately, Hassan's wife and two children were able to escape to a nearby Christian's home.
Upon hearing the noise during the altercation, neighbours responded by helping Hassan to escape. He ran more than a kilometre before collapsing in an unconscious state. After receiving treatment in hospital, Hassan was taken to an undisclosed location, together with his wife and children. His father has since organized an appeal to fellow Muslims throughout the area, asking them to assist him in hunting down Hassan for blasphemy.
Hassan put his faith in Christ on February 24th, and his wife was saved one week later. Before his conversion, he had been part of a militant group that was involved in attacks against the church. Now in hiding, he and his family are receiving discipleship lessons from a pastor to strengthen their faith in the midst of this persecution.
Praise God for His work of salvation in the lives of Hassan and his wife. Pray that they will be strengthened in their newfound faith. May God touch Hassan both physically and emotionally, healing him of his injuries and the abuse he endured at the hands of opposing family members. Pray that he will be protected from those seeking to further harm him or endanger his life.