Pastors Arrested for ''Hurting Religious Sentiments''

Some of those detained await release at the police station.
Morning Star News

Two pastors could potentially be facing two years in prison after more than 100 militant Islamists interrupted a meeting in which 41 people, including Muslims, were listening to the message of Christ being preached.

On November 9th, police invaded a rented house in Nabinagar village (northwest of Dhaka) after being informed of the meeting by Muslims who were outraged because the church leaders were presenting the Gospel. Most of those present at the meeting were detained and then released later that night. The two pastors, however, were not released until November 17th, and only on the condition of bail.

Both pastoral leaders have been charged with "hurting religious sentiments" and "luring" Muslims to convert on the promise of money. Pastor Arif Mondol denies the charges. "We did not tell anything to anyone that might hurt religious sensibility," he explains. "We did not offer any money for anyone to be converted to Christianity."

Bangladesh is an Islamic nation with a population consisting of approximately 90 percent who are Muslim. While there is officially freedom to practise other faiths, those who do so face tremendous opposition from authorities and the Muslim majority.

Secretary General of the Bangladesh Christian Association Nirmol Rozario says, "I demand that the case against the pastors be dismissed, since the grounds of the case are contradictory to our constitution."

Praise God that most of the meeting attendees who were initially detained have been released without charges. May the Holy Spirit work mightily in the hearts of those who were presented with the Gospel before the meeting was disrupted. Ask the Lord to continue using the Christian witness and testimony of the two pastors for the glory of His name, even as they patiently await the outcome of the legal case and pending charges. Considering that believers of a Muslim background can also face especially trying circumstances, often having to forsake all that they have and those whom they know for the sake of Christ, pray for the Lord's comforting presence and strength to uphold them. In fact, may His tangible presence and empowerment be experienced by all Christians in Bangladesh so they can be more effective witnesses for Him.

  • Current Ministry Projects

    The people of Bangladesh are hungry for the Word of God, and in response VOMC is helping to provide Bible training to a group of Christian men who have a strong desire to learn and grow.

    Project Fund: Equipping the Saints

  • Country Information

    167,184,465 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Bengali (99), other indigenous ethnic groups (1)

    Religions (%)
    Islam (91), Hinduism (8), other - includes Buddhism and Christianity (1) (2022 est)

    President Mohammad Shahabuddin Chuppi (2023)

    Government type
    Parliamentary republic

    Legal system
    Based on English common law and Islamic law.

    Source: CIA World Factboo

  • Pray for Bangladesh

    As the Word of God goes forth in Bangladesh through the Christian radio and television broadcasts, may the "Good News" of the Gospel accomplish mighty things in the lives of all who hear it! Pray that the seeds sown in hearts will take root and bear healthy and lasting fruit, and that the spiritual leaders of this country will be ready and equipped to disciple the resulting influx of new believers.

Bangladesh News

  • Church Faces Ongoing Oppression
    Church before and after destruction. - Photo: AsiaNews
    The church in Suandrapara before and after the attacks.
    Photo: AsiaNews

    For several weeks, a small church in Suandrapara, a village of southeastern Bangladesh, has been facing threats from militant Buddhists who were attempting to coerce the Christians to return to Buddhism, even though many of the churchgoers had converted several years before. As a result of the oppression, most of the 50 members of the Bangladesh Tribal Baptist Church have been forced to stay away from their homes for fear of attack.

  • Rohingya Christians Deal with Aftermath of Attack
    One of the victims of the attack recovering in the hospital. - Photo: VOMC source
    One of the victims of the attack recovering in the hospital.
    Photo: VOMC source

    In last week's "Persecution & Prayer Alert," an urgent prayer request was issued for Christians who were recently attacked in a Rohingya refugee camp and the imminent forced marriage of a pastor's daughter to a Muslim man (read more). Since the previous report, more details have continued to come to light.

    The attack occurred in Kutapalong, the world's largest refugee camp. More than 20 Christian families were attacked with at least 12 people injured. A similar attack happened in May 2019 by the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army who claim to be fighting for the liberation of the Rohingya. Local police insist that the ARSA is not involved and have downplayed the number of injured.

  • Urgent Prayer Needed!
    Person praying

    Please immediately stop and pray for this critical need right now as it's a very time-sensitive situation and in the process of happening as you read this.... The Voice of the Martyrs Canada has just received news that three Christian families were attacked in a Rohingya refugee camp this past week.


  • Christian Convert Released from Prison

    Sisir Islam - Photo: VOM US
    Photo: VOM USA

    A Christian convert from Islam, who had been imprisoned for more than two years, was released on bail recently. Sisir Islam became a believer in 2012 and immediately began sharing Jesus with others in his community, leading 17 friends to Christ.

    On September 23rd, 2014, after returning home from a VOM-supported training centre, Sisir was charged with the murder of a local business man. He later learned that Muslim leaders in his village had accused him of the murder as retribution for his conversion to Christianity.