Interview with Floyd Brobbel - "Trouble on the Way" (Part one)

Interview with Floyd Brobbel about his new book...
Trouble on the Way: Persecution in the Christian Life

While most Christians living in the West have heard about fellow believers around the world suffering for their faith in Jesus, the plight of the persecuted church can often be far removed from one’s daily life. Floyd Brobbel, CEO for The Voice of the Martyrs Canada, joins Greg Musselman to talk about his new book, Trouble on the Way, in which he examines the various stages of persecution --- information based on his decades of experience serving persecuted believers near and far. Floyd also shares his personal journey as the leader of a ministry he wanted little association with during his formative childhood years.

Date: April 12, 2021
Length: 39:00
Source: The Voice of the Martys Canada