Christian man burned alive, wife raped
Photo from AsiaNewsA Pakistani Christian man passed away on March 22 after he was set on fire by Muslims in Rawalpindi three days earlier. Arshed Masih (38) and his wife, Martha (33), had been threatened with "dire consequences" by their employer, Sheikh Mohammad Sultan, unless they agreed to convert to Islam. The couple steadfastly refused.
In the days before the attack, Sultan reported a theft of 500,000 rupees and, although Arshed and Martha were not named as suspects, Sultan offered to drop the case if they renounced Christianity. When they were brought in for questioning, Arshed was assaulted and Martha was raped by police. Arshed was set on fire on March 19 in front of the police station by a group of Muslims, some of whom were reportedly officers and religious leaders. He sustained burns to 80% of his body. The couple's three children -- Mary (12), Nasir (10) and Neha (7) -- were forced to witness the horrific violence against their parents. (Sources: BosNewsLife, AsiaNews, International Christian Concern)
Ask God to comfort this family as only He can. Pray for God to heal Martha's physical and emotional wounds in the aftermath of these tragic events. Pray that Mary, Nasir and Neha will look to their heavenly Father for all they need at this time and continue to seek His face (Psalm 68:5). Pray that authorities will act swiftly and justly.
For more on suffering Pakistani believers, go to thePakistan Country Report.
Christians sentenced to prison for blasphemy
The Qur'an
Photo from AsiaNewsA Pakistani Christian man, Qamar David, was sentenced to life in prison for blasphemy on February 25. Qamar was arrested in 2006 for allegedly spreading blasphemous messages about the Qur'an and Mohammed on his cell phone. The court also ordered him to pay a fine of 101,000 rupees (approximately $1,200 CAD). Since his arrest, Qamar and his lawyer have been threatened with violence by mobs and have survived several assassination attempts.
In Punjab province's Kasur district, a Christian couple -- Munir Masih and Ruqqiya Bibi -- has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for blasphemy. The couple was accused of contaminating the Qur'an in December 2008 when they touched the book without washing their hands. They were released on bail in January 2009 but were subsequently re-arrested when the judge ruled against them. At last report, an appeal to have the sentence overturned was being planned. (Sources: Christian Solidarity Worldwide, International Christian Concern, AsiaNews)
Pray that the charges of blasphemy against these believers will be overturned. Pray that their faith in Christ will grow stronger during these difficult days. Pray that the country's blasphemy laws will be repealed and that the abuse of these laws will end.
You can learn more about the persecution of believers in Pakistan at thePakistan Country Report.
Christian beaten by Muslim brothers
Riaz Masih
Photo from Compass DirectRiaz Masih (26) was brutally beaten by his four Muslim brothers in Punjab province, Pakistan after he refused to give up his faith. Riaz, whose Christian parents died when he was a boy, said that his continual refusals to convert infuriated his brothers. The Muslim cleric who raised them after their parents died had reportedly lured Riaz's brothers into embracing Islam by offering them a large plot of residential land and 500,000 rupees (approximately $6,000 CAD). In a similar manner, Riaz's brothers tried to entice him to convert by offering him 1 million rupees (approximately $12,000 CAD), a large residence and a woman of his choice to marry. However, Riaz stood firm and declined. On February 8, Riaz's brothers ransacked his house and told him that they would kill him if he did not convert to Islam, saying, "Killing an infidel is not a sin, instead it's righteousness in the sight of Allah almighty." Riaz begged them to give him a few minutes to consider their offer and then tried to escape, but they grabbed him, beat him with bamboo clubs and left him for dead. At last report, Riaz was hiding in fear for his life. (Source: Compass Direct)
Pray for God to continue to strengthen Riaz to remain strong amid opposition (Psalm 29:11). Pray that the Lord will speak to the hearts of his brothers so that they too will come to know Him as their Lord. Pray for the emergence of strong and mature Christian leaders in Pakistan to help equip those under pressure to remain steadfast and be effective witnesses for Christ.
To learn more about persecution in Pakistan, go to thePakistan Country Report.
Update: Pakistani Christian sentenced to life in prison
A 26-year-old Christian who was beaten by Muslims for allegedly burning verses from the Qur'an and another Arabic book in July 2009 (click here for more information) has been sentenced to life in prison. On January 11, the judge handed down the sentence to Imran Masih under Article 295-B, commonly known as the blasphemy law, claiming he burned the materials to deliberately "stir up religious hatred and offend the feelings of Muslims." Imran has also been sentenced to an additional 10 years in detention and fined 100,000 rupees (approximately $1,200 CAD) under section 295-A of the Penal Code. (Source: AsiaNews)
Pray that this ruling will be overturned. Pray that God will encourage Imran and his family during this time. Pray that the blasphemy law in Pakistan will be abolished.
To find out more about the persecution Christians face in Pakistan,click here.
Two Christians shot for refusing to convert
On December 26, two Pakistani Christians, Imran Masih (21) and Khushi Masih (24), were shot for refusing to convert to Islam while at a wedding in Chak 297-JB, Punjab province. Shortly after the believers arrived at the wedding, a group of armed Muslim youths surrounded them and began shooting into the air, as is a customary show of celebration at village weddings. However, one of the Muslims then threatened to shoot Imran and Khushi if they did not recite the Islamic profession of faith. The Christians refused and instead recited Psalm 91. The infuriated Muslims then shot the believers in the chest and left them for dead. At last report, the believers were receiving treatment at a hospital and doctors were hopeful that they would make a full recovery. Police have yet to arrest the suspects, who have claimed that the shootings were an accident. (Source: Compass Direct)
Thank the Lord for the bold stand Imran and Khushi made for their faith. Pray for their complete healing and recovery. Pray that they will find refuge under the cover of His wings (Psalm 91:4). Pray that the perpetrators will repent and come to know the Lord.
To learn more about persecution in Pakistan,click here.
Update: Christian released on bail
Naveed Masih
Photo from Compass DirectNaveed Masih, a believer who was arrested and tortured by officials following an Islamic attack on Christians in Gojra, Pakistan in August 2009 (click here for the story), has been granted bail. Although Naveed (32) and his brother, Nauman (25), were arrested in early September for "rioting with deadly weapons and spreading terror with firing," Naveed has since been accused of killing one of the Muslim assailants. This accusation arose after one of the Muslims accused of participating in the attack tried to make a deal with him. When Naveed refused to accept money in exchange for withdrawing his testimony as a key witness, the Muslim implicated him in counter-charges. The Lahore High Courted granted Naveed bail on December 23. The brothers earlier requested bail in October, but only Nauman was released. (Source: Compass Direct)
Thank the Lord that Naveed has been granted bail. Pray for his safety, as he is fearful for his life. Pray that the charges against Naveed and Nauman will be dropped.
To learn more about the suffering of Christians in Pakistan,click here.
Christian family attacked by Muslims
A Muslim mob brutally attacked a Christian man, who suffers from schizophrenia, and his family on December 28 in Islamabad, Pakistan. Shumail Aleem (32) was accused of blasphemy when he commented to another Christian at a nearby general store that movie channels weren't being shown on the shop's television because Muslims were observing Yom-e-Ashura. On Yom-e-Ashura, Shiite Muslims mourn the death of Muhammad's grandson while Sunni Muslims believe Moses fasted on that day to express gratitude to God for freeing the Israelites from Egypt. Even though Shumail's comment apparently supported the shopkeeper's reasoning to not show a film that day, the shopkeeper, Naveed, began to beat Shumail and demanded fto know why he had profaned Muhammad's grandson's name.
Later that day, when the family returned home, they found some of their possessions thrown around the house. They were told by a neighbour that approximately two dozen men and some police had come searching for Shumail because Naveed had accused him of blasphemy. When Shumail's father, Mansoor, later tried to bring his son to the police station to clear up the allegations, they were attacked by more than a dozen Muslims. More than a hundred enraged Muslims eventually gathered at the scene. Shumail's sister, Elishba (20), tried to defend them and was struck on the head with an iron rod. After she fell unconscious, the assailants continued to beat her and broke one of her legs. The Muslims also injured Mansoor's wife, sister-in-law, and another of his sons, Shazir. Shazir's wife was also beaten and her infant daughter was snatched out of her arms and thrown on the ground. The infant was not seriously injured. Elishba received medical treatment and eventually regained consciousness, but was struggling with intense pain at last report. Members of the mob reportedly paid off medical staff to withhold Elishba's medical information and bribed officers to pressure the family to drop the case in exchange for an out-of-court settlement. (Source: Compass Direct)
Pray for healing for those injured in this attack. Pray that authorities will act justly and with integrity in this case. Ask God to protect this family and other Christians in their community.
To find out more about the persecution Christians face in Pakistan, please visit thePakistan Country Report.
Christian murdered by his Muslim friends
Patras Masih was gunned down by three of his Muslim friends on December 3 in Karol village, Punjab Province, Pakistan after he refused to recant his Christian faith. On December 1, four of Patras's childhood Muslim friends -- Sohail Muhammad, Imran Muhammad, Amir Muhammad, and Anees Mahammad -- asked Patras to buy them alcohol, which Muslims are prohibited from buying or consuming in Pakistan. Locally brewed liquor can be acquired in the country, but it is sometimes fatally toxic; 14 people in the province have reportedly died from drinking toxic liquor in December alone. Among the victims was one of Patras's four friends, Anees, who passed away on December 3. Following his death, Sohail, Imran, and Amir visited Patras at his home and accused him of killing Anees by offering him a toxic drink. The three told him that they would spare his life only if he converted to Islam. When Patras refused to do so, he was shot multiple times in the chest. According to Patras's father, Gulzar, his Muslim friends had tried to pressure him to convert several other times, but Patras always refused. Gulzar stated, "My son bravely refused to recant Christianity and clung to Christ. He bravely embraced martyrdom." The local police have registered a murder case against the three, but they remained at large at last report. (Source: Compass Direct)
Pray for the Masih family during this difficult time. Ask God to show Himself to the family of Anees Mahammad as they grieve. Pray that Patras's Muslim friends will come to know Christ through his example of steadfast faith.
To find out more about how Christians suffer in Pakistan, go to thePakistan Country Report.
Christian brothers poisoned
On December 15, three Christian brothers in Gujranwala, Pakistan were poisoned by their Muslim employers who were angered by their faith and their demands for pay. The brothers had left their jobs as sanitation workers at the Ferozewala Pul Banquet & Marriage Hall because they were not receiving their wages. However, they returned when their employers promised them their outstanding wages, a Christmas bonus and overtime pay. When they returned, the brothers were still denied their pay. They were also harassed by staff members who spoke offensively to them about their Christian faith and called them derogatory names. When the brothers finally demanded their due pay, they were threatened with dire consequences if they did not continue their work. The hall owner and hall manager then forced the three to drink poison. Their family was only contacted when two of the brothers, Imran Masih (29) and Irfan Masih (25), were already dead. At last report, the third brother, Aakash Masih (23), was in critical condition. The Peoples Colony police station has registered a murder and deception case against the hall owner and the hall manager. (Source: Compass Direct)
Pray that the Masih family will rest in the knowledge that the Good Shepherd walks with them through this difficult time (Psalm 23). Pray that Aakash will make a full recovery. Pray that the hall owner and hall manager will repent and come to faith in Christ.
Check out thePakistan Country Report to learn more about the suffering of Christians in Pakistan.
Update: Imprisoned believers tortured following Islamic attack
Two Christians who were arrested by officials following an Islamic attack on believers in Gojra, Pakistan (click here for more information), have faced brutal torture and abuse from authorities, according to an October 23 report from Compass Direct. Naveed Masih (32) and his brother, Nauman Masih (25), were arrested in early September for "rioting with deadly weapons and spreading terror with firing." Naveed has been accused of firing shots into the air and at the feet of Muslims in an attempt to disperse them during the August 1 violence. However, both brothers deny using weapons and believe they have been targeted because they provided shelter to over 300 women, children and seniors on the day of the attack.
Nauman Masih
Photo from Compass DirectThe brothers were kept in detention illegally for 18 days at the Police Training Centre in Choong. During that time, police officers attempted to coerce the brothers into saying they fired the shots and had ties to terrorist organizations by denying them food and drink, beating them, hanging them upside down and preventing them from sleeping. Nauman has since been released on bail.
Learn more about the persecution of Christians in Pakistan by visiting thePakistan Country Report.